
Some Chinese People Pretend to Be Rich, but They’re Bluffing

Crystal Huang GuideinChina 2018-09-29

People often wonder what the lives of rich Chinese people look like. 

They’re probably thinking:

They earn more than RMB 50,000 a month and eat out all the time.

They pay for things without looking at the price. 

and have this one regular activity they spend a lot of money on, like golf maybe.

They go traveling whenever and wherever they want without needing to planning anything. They have all the money they need to be spontaneous.


In reality, they might be hiding their true nature. Remember to never “judge a book by its cover”. We tend to call those people:


They can eat, drink, and shop outside every day, but they may very well be either in the red in their bank account, or using a lot of credit that they know they can’t afford to pay back. 

But that doesn’t stop them from spending more and more money, because they’re addicted to this lifestyle.

They give you the illusion that they have too much money, which makes it hard for anyone to believe them when they’re actually, truly broke and cry out for help.

Does this sound familiar to you?

Is this something you can relate to? 

Do you personally know anyone who fits this personality?

Let’s have a look at some of the most common traits identified with these people.

8 features

1. They never keep track of their expenses

Eating out, going to the movies, shopping, buying groceries, snack etc… All of them cost money, but do you know how much you spent?

I guess it doesn’t matter if they’re small expenses, but when you add them up… your money suddenly seems to have dropped massively. And just like that, you’re broke.

2. They spend their salary quickly

It doesn’t matter whether you’re an intern making RMB 2,000 a month or a more experienced professional making over RMB 6,000 a month - somehow, you think your balance never changes.

3. They use Ant credit pay or credit card 

They can't live without credit cards or their Ant credit card. 

The first thing they do as soon as their salary kicks in is to pay for their credit cards, and then they can use them again the following month to keep on spending more money!

4. Their hobbies cost a lot of money

Games, chasing their favorite stars around, buying sneakers and shoes, earphones, watches, cosmetics, plane tickets… Lots of hobbies.

Celebrity-chasing girls are always busy voting and giving gifts to their idols, not just to follow their itinerary but also to fly first class on the same plane. But actually, they probably haven't had a decent meal in a long time.

There are also RMB players.

The best equipment, the coolest special effects are all available.

The newest skin for games is one after another.

5. They work really hard

Boss, you can scold me, but you can't deduct my salary!

6. They always fantasize about getting rich overnight

I'd rather be rich than single.

7. Their quality of life can’t be switched back to their old ways

Although big-name brands are expensive, they come with a prestigious status and are beautiful to wear and show!

Life has been so hard.

How can you treat yourself without rewarding yourself?

8.  They look rich in other people’ eyes

I don't know why friends and relatives always think I'm rich. They often ask me to lend money to them. For those who think that highly of me, I just want to say two words “Keep dreaming!”

I’m not pretending to be broke - I actually AM broke!

 隐形贫困人口 (yǐn xíng pín kùn rén kǒu)

Literally means: invisible impoverished population.

And while there are a lot of “fake” people out there, there’s also an opposite type of person - they’re usually under-the-radar wealthy people who just don’t like to show it.

There is another kind of people which is  


Some Chinese people look like they live a simple life.

But they’re actually landlords.

They own many buildings that they rent out in big cities.

They dress just like anybody else - they’re ordinary citizens.

But really, they’re filthy rich.

Don't underestimate the middle-aged men who live in remote areas of the city, or the women who like to cool down under a tree.

Or the old men with the sandals eating street noodles and snacks in the middle of the night.

Even in an office building, the lady who cleans your desk may very well be rolling in cash as a multimillionaire!

Recently, a small restaurant owner in a village called Shipai near Guangzhou saw his popularity rise online.

He’s a do-it-all-yourself kind of man. He wakes up early and goes to bed late.

And yet, a dish of authentic duck rice only costs RMB 12!

When he was asked why his duck dish is so cheap, and honestly: “Because I already live a happy life. I may not make too much money, but I’m okay with that."

But after talking for a while, he finally told us the truth:

“Well, also because I own ten apartment buildings."

Everyone was shocked.

The owner (right)

This restaurant is located in Guangzhou, where housing prices average RMB 100,000 per square meter. Each of his buildings has 7 floors, with 4 large apartments on each floor… 

So that’s about…

Okay. Wow. That’s a lot of money.

 After seeing the description above, 

 I’m definitely still poor lol 

Do you know any kind of people like the above?

Comment below!!

Source: 深圳优生活,广州妈妈网

Editor: Crystal Huang

Co-editor: Ed Bellin

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