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罗素 新闻实验室 2019-08-29









I do not mean to say that there are no sacred causes, but I do say you want to be very careful before you claim that your particular nostrum is a sacred cause and the other man’s is something devilish and horrible. We have to have a kind of tolerance one towards another, and that kind of tolerance is much more easy to have if you think, "Well, I may after all be mistaken. This is how it seems to me, but people have been mistaken in the past. Human beings are fallible, and I am a human being. It is just conceivable that I may be wrong."


That attitude of mind is one which, of course, is not tolerated in dictatorships. Supposing you are a German, for instance, you are expected to agree that Hitler is not wrong, for that is impossible; and if you are quite certain that you are right, you will infer that you have a right to stick a bayonet into anybody who does not agree with you, and even to asphyxiate his children with poison gas. That sort of dogmatic certainty which you can get out of having a great man at the top, whom all worship, is extraordinarily dangerous. I do not think we ought to allow ourselves to have that sort of attitude; indeed it is an essential part of democracy that you should not have too much respect for anybody. I do not mean, of course, that you should despise him; but the kind of reverence that makes you think, "So-and-so says it, and therefore it must be true," is not an attitude to be commended. If we value democracy, we should wish to see a person thinking for himself, listening to the arguments, and coming to his own conclusion.


I should like to see people exposed in schools to the most vehement and terrific argumentation on all sides of every question. I should like to see this organization, the Department of Secondary-School Principals, get the most eloquent advocates of every imaginable point of view to broadcast to all the schools in the country, opposing each other, putting their rival points of view. I should like the teachers then afterward to say to the children, "Well, now, you have heard what so-and-so said. I think the time has come when you should analyze his arguments, put them down on paper and see what they come to. " The children would very soon find out that the orators who had the most effect at the moment were those who had the fewest arguments when you put them on paper. If you had opposite points of view put on every kind of thing, the opposite propagandists would neutralize each other, and in the end you would get people who might be capable of listening to eloquence without being carried away by it. That is one of the most important things-to learn to be immune to eloquence. You will not be that by never hearing eloquence: you have to hear a lot. I should have all the schools listening to all the sorts of eloquence, only I should take care that it was of opposite sorts.


The whole modern technique of government in all its worst elements is derived from advertising. Advertisers are the practical psychologists of our day. They were long before Freud and the rest of the psychologists of the unconscious. They discovered that what makes you believe a proposition is not the fact that there is some reason to think it true. Someone puts up a simple statement beside a railway line, mentioning somebody’s soap or pills, and the mere fact that that name is there in the long run causes you to think that it is a very good soap or that those are very good pills.


The same thing applies exactly in government. We have long known it in regard to presidents. You see a president’s head on the coins and stamps, and presidents have always realized that it was very desirable to make themselves known. The modern dictators do the same thing. You see their pictures everywhere, hear their names everywhere, and it has much the same effect on you as the advertisements of the pills and soap. You begin to think, "He is a very good dictator because I hear his name so often."


As I said, the advertisers led the way: they discovered the technique of producing irrational belief. What the person who cares about democracy has got to do, I think, is deliberately to construct an education designed to counteract the natural credulity and the natural incredulity of the uneducated man; because the uneducated man has these two opposite defects: he believes a statement when no reasons are given for it, and equally he disbelieves it when reasons are given. So that you have two opposite tasks: to cause people not to believe when there is no reason, and  also to cause them to believe when there is reason. The credulity and the incredulity are exactly wrong in the natural man. I think if there is any department for original sin, it is perhaps in this direction, in the ways in which we come to believe and to disbelieve things.


I should start very young. If I had to run an infant school, I should have two sorts of sweets, if I were the teacher-one very, very nice and the other very, very nasty. The very nasty ones should be advertised with all the skill of the most able advertisers in the world. On the other hand, the nice ones should have a coldly scientific statement, setting forth their ingredients and consequent excellence. I should let the children choose which they would have. I should, of course, vary the assortment from day to day, but after a week or two they would probably choose the ones with the coldly scientific statement. That would be one up. I should go on in the same way all through.


Suppose there was a question of an excursion to some place in the country. I should have on the one hand marvelous advertisements with colored posters about some place that was very unpleasant, and about another place I should have just maps and contour lines and statements as to the amount of timber in the neighborhood, but put in the driest language conceivable. Of course, the place advertised in dry language should be nice, and the other nasty.


I should do the same in teaching history. I should take them through great controversies of the past. I should let them read the most eloqucnt statements in favor of positions that nobody now holds. For example, before the American Civil War, the Southern orators-who were magnifi- cent orators-made the most moving speeches in defense of slavery. If you read those speeches now, you almost begin to think it must have been a good thing. I should read them all kinds of very, very eloquent defenses of views that nobody now holds at all, such as the importance of burning witches.


When they had grown a little impervious in that way, I should give them rhetoric in the present, similar speeches in favor of current controversial opinions. I should give it to them always on opposite sides. I should read to them every day, as a sort of bonne bouche to their history, what is said about a labor dispute first by The New York American and then by the Daily Worker so long as the labor dispute lasts, or whatever question is on. I should say, "What do you suppose has happened?" In time, perhaps, they would learn to infer the truth from these opposite statements.


The art of finding out from the newspapers what it was that happened is a very difficult one indeed, and one that every democrat should be taught. It is very instructive to read newspaper accounts when you have been an eye-witness of an occurrence. I should try as much as possible to get pupils to have the experience of seeing first of all what did happen, and then what was said to happen by the opposite sides, and so to learn that the truth is usually about in the middle.


There is a great deal to be done in this direction if people are to be capable of understanding how to judge a political question. I do not want to teach people one opinion or another opinion; it is not the business of education to do that. The business of education is to teach pupils to form opinions for themselves, and they need for that purpose to be rather impervious to eloquence and propaganda, to be on the lookout for the things that are intended to mislead, .and to be able to pick out what really is an argument and base themselves on that.


I should go through, for instance, the history of past wars and let them read the propaganda on both sides and see how extraordinary far from the mark it really was, how completely unreal. I should let them occasionally have a newspaper of some period during the Great War. I do not know whether any of you in recent years have had occasion to look up any newspaper of any day during the Great War. If you had, you would be astonished. You would think, those of you who are old enough to have lived through that time, “Dear me did I really read that at the time and think it quite sensible?” Because as you read it a sort of hot blast of insanity comes out of the page at you. You cannot believe that we were really all collectively in a state of excitement in which one cannot see things right. Part of the business of education for democracy is to try to prevent people from getting too much excited; but it is a difficult art, because you do not want, on the other hand, that people should be without emotion.


