
台州 中海云麓世家 首开区 | 纵横重塑 · 十字生境

派澜设计 景观设计小学徒 2023-09-06

Less is more(少即是多)



We changed the original vertical and vertical extension of the space, but let the landscape like a Chinese painting axis, using modern and simple design language, horizontal display will be natural elegant scale, like the gradually fading ink color on the ancient painting, slowly unfold from the environment/mood/situation/artistic conception.



Environment: Unique project conditions


Zhonghai • Yunlu family Located in Taizhou, known as the "land of water south of the Yangtze River", east Lake Park, which was built in the Northern Song Dynasty, is the most famous garden in Taizhou. We hope that the elegant traditional garden and exquisite modern space will grow together, and the "traditional" and "contemporary" will be in a parallel state of interweaving, conveying endless feelings of time and space. Starting from the five scenes of fog language court, forest water, sparse forest picking up light, secret forest quiet park, and Forest Living Aesthetics Museum, the dialogue with the Life of Taizhou Duhui Art Garden is made.





Green + light and shadow, from the outside to the inside, inside and outside penetration, trying to build a suddenly elegant spatial pattern, reshape everyone's life context.



Challenge: unique project conditions


As an area of less than 3000 m squared landscape first demonstration zone, face is limited by the limitations of space environment, the function indexes, and adapt to the need of the public space of the city garden, through the cross structure of classical gardens, from multidimensional suture Chambers and outside garden, the internal space and the boundary of urban green space, to create elegant and delicate sequence of scroll way city interface.


If the front scene is a clean canvas, a bit of expressionism should be combined with the minimalist and blank space to convey the urban and harmony culture and show the natural metropolitan art expression.



In these natural scenes, we not only hope that only people participate, but also like to have different animals stay here. The whole space gives more relaxation, simplicity and empathy



Artistic conception: aesthetic convergence of life



With the use of modern materials of light, transparency, ambiguity and luster, the expression of light and shadow changes back and forth to the intersection of the city "T-shaped", in order to create a hierarchical spatial order, as well as the context of learning from nature, but also connect the past and the present, creating a dialogue with memory.






Metope is complete and intense, longitudinal artistic conception and horizontal sequence interweave, quiet and peaceful inside hide far-reaching meaning.







In the face of the challenge of site limitations, we respond to the humanistic core of traditional garden building with the reconstruction of "tradition" and modernity, and think more about the rebirth of modern life poetry.



项目名称 |  中海云麓世家

项目地址 |  浙江 台州

项目规模(首开区) |  2425m²

景观设计面积 | 40620m²

竣工时间 |  2022年

业主单位 |  中海地产宁波公司

管理团队 |  王志高 殷丛丛  夏瑜晗

技术指导:汪洋  赵锦华

景观设计 | 深圳市派澜景观规划设计有限公司

建筑设计 | 上海天华建筑设计有限公司

室内设计 |  深圳壹方空间设计有限公司  

摄影单位 | 三棱镜摄影

- 感谢 派澜设计 -

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