
开票 | 10/12 The fin. 2023年秋季巡演深圳站

NewNoise 深圳B10现场 B10 Live 2024-04-08

- The fin. China Tour Trailer -

New Noise非常荣幸为日本最出色的乐队之一 The fin.举办2023年中国巡演第二轮!今年的六月首轮中国巡演每站秒罄!在巡演的路上乐队主唱 Yuto 对国内乐迷的热情感觉到特别欣慰并表示想去更多6月份没有去过的城市,携新专辑《Outer Ego》再度归来,开展新的6城巡演!

The fin. 2023秋季巡演场次

10月02日 合肥 梵木艺术中心

10月07日 沈阳 原料库LiveHouse(红梅店)

10月08日 大连 赫兹空间 (佳兆业店)

10月10日 福州 MAAQUU x CH8 冇独空间 

10月11日 厦门 WOKESHOW 星巢沃克秀

10月12日 深圳 B10现场




The fin. 的音乐听起来就像是M83和Phoenix的混合体,又兼具Toro y Moi或Washed Out等chill wave影响,这支乐队从组建初期就以特立独行的风格让人眼前一亮,在近几年用多张大受欢迎的专辑,收获越来越多的忠实粉丝,他们的演出在亚洲各国都受到热情追捧,并且登台Fuji Rock, Summer Sonic, Rising Sun等各大音乐节。


The fin.现任正式成员为日本制作人/词曲作者Yuto Uchino,以及贝斯手Kaoru Nakazawa,Yuto担当创作、录制、混音和制作,Nakazawa曾是该乐队最早的鼓手,后来在巡演中转变为贝斯手。

他们来自日本的港口城市神户,但他们的音乐却洋溢着西方音乐丰厚的影响,Indie Rock、Shoegaze、Chill Wave、Brit-Pop等等,富有幻想感的抽象歌词,加上主唱的英式英语腔调,和他们与生俱来的日本清新气质,将内省式的情感主题转为令人上瘾的美妙旋律,轻易就能虏获人的耳朵,听过the fin.就能体会其中的奥妙灵气。

在演出停摆的这三年里,The fin.也并没有离开国内乐迷的视线——New Noise分别发行了他们多张经典专辑的实体彩胶,从摇滚气息浓厚的首张EP《Glowing Red On The Shore》,而后因“Night Time”而火遍亚洲的首专《Days With Uncertainty》,最成熟的展现《There》,再到最新的沉淀之作《Outer Ego》,多于当日或者次日全部售罄,可见他们在中国乐迷心中炙手可热的程度。

2023年下半年,the fin. 再次华丽归来,用精心制作的新专辑《Outer Ego》为中国乐迷呈现他们梦幻一般的美妙演出,现场依然保持乐队编制,且增加到三位客座乐手共同呈现!这一次可不能再错过!

In June this year New Noise sold out 12 shows in a handful of minutes. The fin. were extremely touched by all the love they got from their Chinese fans and decided to add another run with 6 new cities the band didn't play in June. This autumn will mark the first appearance in Shenyang, Dalian, Fuzhou and Xiamen. Tickets will go on sale tomorrow! Make sure to be quick!

The fin. sounds like a cross between M83 and Phoenix, citing chill wave acts Toro y Moi and Washed Out as influences. These youngsters have been creating a growing fanbase, selling out their shows all over Asia and playing massive festivals all over the world such as Fuji Rock, Summer Sonic, Rising Sun….

The band’s growing renown on western shores has led to a surge of media interest making big waves in their homeland due to their stylish Europhile blend of synth-pop, chill wave and dream pop.

The fin. will be kicking off this tour China in support of their deliciously refined album new album to demonstrate the depth, versatility and scope of this terrific band. Don’t sleep on your ticket, because these shows will sell out more quickly than you think!

The fin. is the brainchild of Japanese producer/songwriter Yuto Uchino who single-handedly writes, records, mixes and produces. Bassist Kaoru Nakazawa--formerly a drummer in the project's early works--joins Uchino in the touring incarnation. The duo hail from the port city of Kobe, though their sound has reverberated across the world, particularly in the west, where it has drawn praise for its Europhilic blend of chillwave, dream pop, shoegaze, and kaleidoscopic psych grooves. Uchino's lyrics affirm the uncertainty of growth and change, often channeling deeply introspective themes into addictive melodies.

The fin. - Outer Ego - China Tour 2023 

10.02 Hefei Fanmu Art Center

10.07 Shenyang Yuanliaoku Livehouse

10.08 Dalian Hertz Livehouse

10.10 Fuzhou MAAQUU x CH8 

10.11 Xiamen WOKESHOW 

10.12 Shenzhen B10 Live

Info: www.newnoise.cn

Presale: www.showstart.com

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