
Feng Shui: Achieving Harmony in Your Home

Study Mandarin 2023-05-09

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Let’s find out all you need to know about Feng Shui philosophy and how to implement it in your house.

The entrance

The entrance of our homes is where the vital force (气 qì) enters as a guest. It is crucial to have a clear entrance, without unnecessary objects, and well-lit to facilitate the flow of Qi.

The door should be able to open fully, at least 90°, otherwise it implies that we are missing out on life’s opportunities. Therefore, accumulating clutter that hinders the door’s opening should be avoided at all costs.

The bedroom

The position of the bedroom in the house is crucial to apply Feng Shui effectively. It should be away from the main entrance and street, preferably near a green space and a small stream.

The bed should be placed diagonally opposite the entrance door, with the headboard facing east.

Mirrors in the bedroom should be avoided, as they interfere with the energy field and disturb sleep.

The bathroom

The bathroom should be located in the water area, northwards, away from the kitchen, which is in the fire area. Two opposing elements cannot be close together, as it would cause energy dispersion.

During the design phase, it is good practice to separate the bathroom from the toilet.

The preferred furniture is rounded and with elements that recall nature.

In this case, it’s allowed to have a mirror, but be careful not to place two mirrors facing each other! This would cancel out the positive energies.

The kitchen

According to Feng Shui, the kitchen should be positioned far away from the other rooms to prevent odors from contaminating them.

The cooking hob should be positioned in a way that the person cooking doesn’t have their back to the door, ensuring a greater sense of security and not dispersing their positive energies.

For the same principle that the kitchen and bathroom should be far apart, the stove and oven should also be distant from the sink and refrigerator.

Wood is a preferred material for this room.

The living room

The living room is where food should be consumed, and the preferred shape for the table is round, as it encourages communication.

It’s better to avoid a table for four people because the number 4, whose Chinese pronunciation (四 sì) sounds like “death” (死 sǐ), is considered bad luck in China.

The sofa should be placed against the wall to provide a sense of security to those who sit on it.

Soft furnishings, plants, and candles can be used to decorate the living room, and it should be well-lit with natural light.


According to Feng Shui, windows are considered the eyes of the house. It is crucial to clean them well to allow sunlight, the source of vitality and energy for humans, to enter the house.

The cleaner the windows are, the more positive energy will be transmitted to those who live there.

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