
Items in Your School Bag

Study Mandarin 2023-11-23

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As you pack your schoolbag each day, have you ever wondered how to describe all the essential items that find their place inside it? From textbook to eraser, let’s expand your Chinese vocabulary that makes your student’s schoolbag complete!

In Chinese, a backpack is known as “背包” (bēibāo). This term is quite straightforward, as “背” (bēi) means “to carry on one’s back,” and “包” (bāo) means “bag” or “sack.”

The word 书包 (shūbāo) specifically refers to a bag for carrying books and studying materials.

What’s in a Schoolbag? Now let’s explore the contents of a 书包 (shūbāo) in Chinese:

Notebook - 笔记本 bǐjìběn

Book - 书 shū

Textbook - 课本 kèběn

The measure word for books is “本” (běn). For example, you can say “一本书” (yì běn shū) to mean “one book”, or “一本课本” (yì běn kèběn) for “one textbook”.

Cup - 杯子 bēizi

Term 杯子 (bēizi) is a general word used to describe any type of cup, whether it’s for water, tea, coffee, or other beverages.

Tumbler cup, or “保温杯” (bǎowēn bēi) is great for keeping your drinks hot or cold when you’re on the move. Whether you’re on a school trip or simply looking to keep your morning coffee hot during class, a tumbler is the perfect solution to meet your needs.

Highlighter Pen  - 荧光笔 yíngguāngbǐ

The term “荧光” (yíngguāng) refers to fluorescence, which is the property of these pens that makes the ink stand out with bright, vibrant colors when applied to paper.

Pencil - 铅笔 qiānbǐ

“铅” (qiān) means “lead” (referring to the pencil’s core), and “笔” (bǐ) means “pen”.

Pen - 笔 bǐ

There is a wide variety of different types of pens you can choose from:

钢笔 (gāngbǐ) - fountain pen

圆珠笔 (yuánzhūbǐ) - ballpoint pen

凝胶笔 (níngjībǐ) - gel pen

毛笔 (máobǐ) - traditional Chinese calligraphy brush

Eraser - 橡皮 xiàngpí

The measure word for eraser is “块” (kuài). So, you would say “一块橡皮” (yì kuài xiàngpí) to mean “one eraser.”

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