
QQ & SF 首度联名创作

ISUX设计部 腾讯ISUX 2021-07-16




01  概述  |  Overview

Superfiction是韩国一家著名的设计工作室,擅长用角色IP打造属于自己的品牌故事。所以这一次,我们计划用我们的 QQ、PUPU联合他们的角色来打造一个新的故事。通过将他们的角色特征应用到我们可爱的QQ企鹅身上,我们设计了一个新角色。其中,Jackson的服装应用到QQ身上,Scott的则应用到PUPU,通过让他们与Superfiction的代表人物Freddy进行互动,我们将这两个IP的世界很自然地融合到了一起。

Superfiction is well-known creative design studio in Korea who has a strength in using character IP to create their stories. So this time, we planned to make a new story by collaborating with our character IP, QQ and PUPU with their character IPs. By applying their character identity to our cute penguins, we created a new type of characters. The costume of Jackson was applied to QQ, and we cosplayed PUPU with Scott's costume. By placing them to interact with their representative character Freddy, we made these two world to blend in naturally.

02  联合表情包 | Collaboration Sticker

A. 设定和构思


Since this was the first collaboration project with SF, we organized short episodes and made them into online stickers. We wanted to make sure that those three IPs look harmonized. So rather than simply introducing the characters, we focused on delivering the messages through interactions between characters. Thus, we designed 16 emotions for the online sticker and tried to reveal the personality of each character through the expression that is often used in everyday life.

B. 草图构思 





There were many restrictions in that we had to express three characters in a small frame and that each character's height was different. To solve this problem, we divided the stickers into three expression types and selected the appropriate method for the each stickers.

Type A is a way to express the main emotions by using Freddie in the center which can expresses various emotions by using his long limbs. For this type, QQ and PUPU can also assist behind Freddie. For the scenes which big movements are needed, we used this type of structure. 

Type B is a way of showing emotions with the facial expression of one main character. In this way, since we need to focus on the face of the character, we usually use just one single character for this type and sometimes use closed-up scenes to maximize the emotions. 

Type C  is a way to express emotions through interaction between characters. In this way, rather than expressing emotions with the face or movement of the character, the characters can exchange movements to show the emotions which can not be expressed by only using a single character.


So this is how 16 online stickers were planned and draft animation was produced with a simple sketch to effectively determine whether the ideas and characters were appropriate for each expression.

C. 3D动画


We designed all possible movements, compositions and overall visuals when we were doing the sketch and made it in to 3D. Since all the details were already discussed in this step, 3D animation progress could be carried out more efficiently and fast.

D. 最终输出 


Using these online stickers, I hope that more people will be affectionate not only to QQ and PUPU but also to Superfiction's characters. And if this project was interesting to you, you can also look forward to our future collaboration projects which our penguins will meet with artists from all over the world.

03 壁纸  |  Wallpaper





关于 Super Fiction


Superfiction is creative design studio located in Korea. through the process of creative play, they add new value in the field of design, culture, and art while also providing direction. With the concept of happiness as our driving force, they are building and growing their business through joyful methods and practices as a lifestyle brand. they are currently collaborating with various company and at the same time working on their own contents with their own story.


当然表情联合设计仅是第一步,极致 QQ x SF 限量手办也即将到来,更多惊喜鹅粉们敬请期待!





PS:ISUX 开通粉丝QQ群啦!



福利赠送 | QQ春节鼓力全开活动设定
网络上的另一个我 | 00后人设剖析
设计匠人 | 一个人完成的3D动画片





 ( https://isux.tencent.com/articles/superfiction-sticker)

