
WATCH: Trump's Granddaughter Speaks Amazing Chinese

2016-11-16 ThatsShanghai

By Tye Donaldson

A video of Donald Trump's 5-year old granddaughter speaking flawless Chinese is going viral online in China.

In the video, Arabella Kushner — the young daughter of Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner — is shown reciting a Tang Dynasty poem while dressed in traditional Chinese New Year garb.

Ivanka posted the video to her Instagram back in February, but following Donald Trump's surprising election victory, the video has resurfaced on Chinese social media.

“Arabella wanted to have a pre-bedtime #ChineseNewYear party this past Sunday evening, she got all dressed up and performed songs and poems for Jared, Joseph and me,” Ivanka wrote in the video's caption.

Mark Zuckerberg, take note:

Some of the Weibo users commenting on the post were pleasantly surprised to see Donald Trump's granddaughter celebrating Chinese culture and speaking Mandarin.

"At least the video shows that Trump places importance on education and did not shut the door on foreign culture," wrote one user.

“In order to figure out whether Chinese people are secretly insulting him, he actually urged his granddaughter to learn Chinese!” joked another user.

Arabella began studying Mandarin when she was just 18 months old. Back in 2014, Ivanka posted a video of then-2-year old Arabella showing off her tones.
She joins Zuck and John Cena in the growing list of famous Americans signing up for Chinese lessons.

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