

2017-07-24 52nlp NLPJob


不过,对于希望入门NLP的同学来说,推荐你们先看一下这本书: Speech and Language Processing,第一版中文名译为《自然语言处理综论》,作者都是NLP领域的大大牛:斯坦福大学 Dan Jurafsky 教授和科罗拉多大学的 James H. Martin 教授。这也是我当年的入门书,我读过这本书的中文版(翻译自第一版英文版)和英文版第二版,该书第三版正在撰写中,作者已经完成了不少章节的撰写,所完成的章节均可下载:Speech and Language Processing (3rd ed. draft)。从章节来看,第三版增加了不少和NLP相关的深度学习的章节,内容和篇幅相对于之前有了更多的更新:

ChapterSlidesRelation to 2nd ed.
[Ch. 1 in 2nd ed.]
2:Regular Expressions, Text Normalization, and Edit DistanceText [pptx] [pdf]
Edit Distance [pptx] [pdf]
[Ch. 2 and parts of Ch. 3 in 2nd ed.]
3:Finite State Transducers

4:Language Modeling with N-GramsLM [pptx] [pdf][Ch. 4 in 2nd ed.]
5:Spelling Correction and the Noisy ChannelSpelling [pptx] [pdf][expanded from pieces in Ch. 5 in 2nd ed.]
6:Naive Bayes Classification and SentimentNB [pptx] [pdf]
Sentiment [pptx] [pdf]
[new in this edition]
7:Logistic Regression

8:Neural Nets and Neural Language Models

9:Hidden Markov Models
[Ch. 6 in 2nd ed.]
10:Part-of-Speech Tagging
[Ch. 5 in 2nd ed.]

11:Formal Grammars of English
[Ch. 12 in 2nd ed.]
12:Syntactic Parsing
[Ch. 13 in 2nd ed.]
13:Statistical Parsing

14:Dependency Parsing
[new in this edition]

15:Vector SemanticsVector [pptx] [pdf][expanded from parts of Ch. 19 and 20 in 2nd ed.]
16:Semantics with Dense VectorsDense Vector [pptx] [pdf][new in this edition]
17:Computing with Word Senses: WSD and WordNetIntro, Sim [pptx] [pdf]
WSD [pptx] [pdf]
[expanded from parts of Ch. 19 and 20 in 2nd ed.]
18:Lexicons for Sentiment and Affect ExtractionSentLex [pptx] [pdf][new in this edition]

19:The Representation of Sentence Meaning

20:Computational Semantics

21:Information Extraction
[Ch. 22 in 2nd ed.]
22:Semantic Role Labeling and Argument StructureSRL [pptx] [pdf]
Select [pptx] [pdf]
[expanded from parts of Ch. 19 and 20 in 2nd ed.]
23:Neural Models of Sentence Meaning (RNN, LSTM, CNN, etc.)

24:Coreference Resolution and Entity Linking

25:Discourse Coherence

26:Seq2seq Models and Summarization

27:Machine Translation

28:Question Answering

29:Conversational Agents

30:Speech Recognition

31:Speech Synthesis

另外该书作者之一斯坦福大学 Dan Jurafsky 教授曾经在Coursera上开设过一门自然语言处理课程:Natural Language Processing,该课程目前貌似在Coursera新课程平台上已经查询不到,不过我们在百度网盘上做了一个备份,包括该课程视频和该书的第二版英文,两个一起看,效果更佳:

链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1kUCrV8r 密码: jghn 。



