

计量经济圈 计量经济圈 2019-06-30



copyright@计量经济圈(ID: econometrics666),有需要do文件的进入计量经济圈社群直接提取,今后很有可能do文件只放在社群。多逛逛计量经济圈这个中国计量第一大社区,最好进入咱们的社群进一步学习和交流。

Heckman选择模型与内生转化模型的区别:Heckman模型关注的是那个可观察的方程,然后研究两变量之间的关系。比如,研究有没有小孩与工资之间的关系,那么对于那些没有工作的人,工资这个被解释变量为missing value,因此我们此时就存在样本选择偏差,那Heckman模型更多的通过从观察到的样本得到一个mills ratio比例,从而纠正这个样本的分布,从而估计出两者之间的关系。

但内生转化模型是同时关注两个状态下的情况,即那有工作的与没有工作的都关注,然后去推演两者之间的关系。之所以强调内生,是因为我们的选择方程比如是否加入工会,会同时受到比如公共部门的工资和私有部门的工资的影响。要晓得,还有外生转换模型,called exogenous switching model.



Ii* 是个潜变量,它来决定一个个体是选择公共部门还是私有部门上班。W1i和W2i分别表示一个个体在私有部门工作的工资和在公共部门工作的工资。Zi是那些会影响一个个体对部门选择的因素。Xi是那些影响一个个体工资的因素。β1和β2,γ是我们待估计的参数。这个工作部门选择方程Ii有如下的表达式,即潜变量Ii*大于0,这个个体就选择在私有部门工作,否则选择在公共部门工作。





ssc install movestay  //先安装这个程序

use "http://www.adeptanalytics.org/download/ado/movestay/movestay_example.dta", clear //使用数据

global str age age2 edu13 edu4 edu5 reg2 reg3 reg4 //定义全局变量

movestay (lmo_wage = $str), select(private= $str m_s1 job_hold) ///
 //lmo_wage:月收入, edu13,1du4,edu5:教育, reg2,reg3,reg4: 区域虚拟变量





The union-nonunion model of Lee (1978) investigates the joint determination of the extent of unionism and the effects of unions on wage rates. The propensity to join a union depends on the net wage gains that might result from trade union membership. The paper explicitly models the interdependence between the wage gain equation and the union membership equation. 


• Adamchik and Bedi (2000) use data from Poland to examine whether there are any wage differentials of workers in the public and private sectors. The paper interprets sectoral wage differentials in terms of expected benefits and the desirability of working in a particular sector.


• Thorst (1977) models the housing-demand problem by examining the expenditures on housing services in owner-occupied and rental housing. The study models the individual decision to own or rent a house and the amount spent on housing services. 


replace lmo_wage=. if private==1

heckman lmo_wage age age2 edu13 edu4 edu5 reg2 reg3 reg4, ///
select(age age2 edu13 edu4 edu5 reg2 reg3 reg4 m_s1 job_hold) nolog

heckman lmo_wage age age2 edu13 edu4 edu5 reg2 reg3 reg4, ///
select(age age2 edu13 edu4 edu5 reg2 reg3 reg4 m_s1 job_hold) twostep nolog

 use "http://www.adeptanalytics.org/download/ado/movestay/movestay_example.dta", clear //使用数据

gen wage1=lmo_wage

replace wage1=. if private==0

heckman wage1 age age2 edu13 edu4 edu5 reg2 reg3 reg4, ///
 select(age age2 edu13 edu4 edu5 reg2 reg3 reg4 m_s1 job_hold) nolog


“Selection bias due to observables” arises from sample differences that researchers can observe but fail to control. “Selection bias due to unobservables” arises from the unobservable and thus uncontrolled sample differences that affect managers’ decisions and their consequences. In this article I review two econometric tools developed to mitigate these biases—the propensity score matching (PSM) method to mitigate selection bias due to observables and the Heckman inverse-Mills-ratio (IMR) method to address selection bias due to unobservables—and discuss their applications in accounting and finance research. The article has four takeaways. First, researchers should select the correct method to alleviate potential selection bias: the PSM method mitigates selection bias due to observables, but does not alleviate selection bias due to unobservables.

Second, in applying PSM researchers are advised to restrict their inferences to firms whose characteristics can be found in both the sample and control groups. Third, the IMR method, though popular, is limited to situations in which the choices are binary, the outcomes of choices are modeled in a linear regression, and the unobservables in the choice and outcome models follow multivariate normal distribution. Researchers can overcome these constraints by using full information maximum likelihood estimation. Last, when the IMR method is used, special attention should be paid to the formulas in calculating IMRs.


链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/12hc3l-U9HaGYBYznU1ja2Q

密码: 4waj



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