
援助和荷兰病, 汶川大地震的发现, 因果推断文献



编辑: @计量经济圈(ID: econometrics666)



介绍一篇文章:作者利用四川汶川大地震受灾这个自然实验来验证一个假设“援助和荷兰病问题”。文章里面用到了现在比较流行的因果推断方法:DID, Synthetic control。

由于中国2008年5.12汶川大地震后中国中央政府要求沿海省一对一地对地震灾区县实施“对口援建”政策,作者据此将四川省138个县(或者县级市)划分为四种类型实验组包括对口援建县、灾后自建县和与援建相邻的非灾区,控制组为其它非灾区。作者采用多种方法(双重差分法, 地理距离加权的援建资金溢出效应,合成控制法)对援助和荷兰病之间的关系进行了检验,实证结果一致表明接受(更多)援助的县——即使是“相邻的”未受到地震直接破坏的县——往往出现制造业萎缩的现象。

数据搜集:We use several data sets to test our main hypotheses. We construct a GDP panel data set covering the period 2002–2014 based on the Sichuan Statistical Yearbook published in 2003−2015 and take estimates of economic losses due to the earthquake from the 2009 Sichuan Statistical Yearbook. We calculate pairwise aid panel data in 2008, 2009, and 2010 based on government fiscal expenditures at the provincial level from the China Statistical Yearbooks. Total civil aid data come from Sichuan Civil Affairs Statistical Yearbook (2009 and 2010), and we compute wages of skilled and unskilled workers in the construction sector as well as the price of construction materials (bricks, cement, and steel) based on Research Center of Rural Economy (RCRE) survey data in 2011. Finally, we use hotel price data from Ctrip, the largest online travel service company in China.


这篇论文“Post-disaster aid and development of the manufacturing sector: Lessons from a natural experiment in China”利用2008年汶川大地震后实施的“对口援建”政策这一自然实验,解决了上述两类偏误。通过多个数据来源,构建中国四川省县级层面面板数据(2002-2013)。根据政策,将四川省138个县划分为4组——对口援建县、灾后自建县与援建相邻的非灾区 (实验组)与其它非灾区 (控制组)来检验灾后援助对经济,尤其是当地工业部门的发展的影响。

论文首先采用双重差分法(DID)分析法,发现灾后援助抑制了当地(以及邻县)工业部门的发展。其次,论文通过地理距离加权分析发现,距离援建地(援建资金越多)越近,非灾区的工业萎缩的比较严重。最后,论文通过合成控制法(Synthetic Control)重点考察了邛崃,发现未受到地震直接影响的邛崃如果没有灾后援助其工业经济增长将会更快。然而,该影响是短期的,长期而言,这一影响会逐渐消退。

为什么灾后援建会抑制工业部门的发展呢? 论文通过检验发现,与荷兰病原理相同,大量外生援建资金短期内流入刺激了当地不可贸易部门的迅速发展,不可贸易品价格极速上升。例如:利用携程网数据检验发现,援助地宾馆价格显著提升。根据农村固定观测点以及作者的调查数据显示,援建灾区的建筑材料如红砖价格也显著高于非灾区。此外,不可贸易部门工人工资也随之上涨,如建筑业小工工资,援建前平均32-34元每天,援建后为57-62元。与此同时,因为可贸易部门的产品价格是由国际市场决定的,工人平均工资提高,成本上升会导致贸易失去竞争力。如果不提高工资,将会出现用工短缺的现象,导致产量下降。最后,无论是价格路径还是产量路径,灾后援建县(或相邻非灾区)的可贸易部门的短期内发展都受到了抑制。

摘要:We adopt a disaggregate approach to study the link between aid and Dutch Disease dynamics, using a natural experiment in China. Specifically, we examine whether post-disaster aid provided to a subsample of Chinese counties, devastated by an earthquake in 2008, affects the sectoral composition of local economies. Using different methods we consistently find that counties receiving (more) aid — even “nearby counties” not directly damaged by the earthquake — tend to suffer from a contraction of the manufacturing sector. Innovative features of the paper include its regional perspective; its identification strategy (resting on a special provision in Chinese policy—pairwise aid); and its focus on Dutch disease effects in the context of post-disaster aid.

这个是18年4月、5月Journal of Applied Econometrics目录和内容:




