

美国经济学会 计量经济圈 2022-09-02



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“Top Ten Questions to Think about before Your Tenure Review,” CSWEP Newsletter, Fall 2010.

"Navigating the Tenure Process," CSWEP Newsletter Symposium, Winter 2013.

"Top 10 Questions to Think about before your Tenure Review," CSWEP Newsletter.

"An Old Male Economist's Advice to Young Female Economists," Dan Hamermesh, CSWEP Newsletter, Winter 2005.

"The Young Economist's Guide to Professional Etiquette," Daniel S. Hamermesh, Journal of Economic Perspectives, Vol. 6, No 1, Winter 1992, Pages 169-179.

"Top 10 Tips for Jump-Starting Your Career," CSWEP Newsletter.

"An Overview of Networking Strategies," Joyce Jacobson, CSWEP Newsletter Summer 2004.

"Top 10 List Developing and Maintaining Networks," CSWEP Newsletter.

“The Mechanics of Getting Tenure,” Apryll M. Stalcup, Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 2006, 385(1), 1-5.


"What's Your Research Agenda?" CSWEP Newsletter 2011, Articles by Ester Duflo, Raquel Fernandez and Muriel Niederle.

"The Rhetoric of Economics," Donald N. McCloskey, Journal of Economic Literature, Vol. XXI (June 1983), pp. 481-517.

"Other Things Equal: How To Be Equal in Economics," Deirdre N. McCloskey, Eastern Economic Journal, Vol. 26, No. 2, Spring 2000.

"How To Build An Economic Model in Your Spare Time," Hal. R. Varian. Essay appears in Passion and Craft: Economists at Work, University of Michigan Press, 1998.


"How to Get Published in an Economics Journal," CSWEP Newsletter Symposium, Spring 2011.

"Top 10 Ways to Deal with Editors and Referees," CSWEP Newsletter Reprint.

"Publishing in Economics Journals: Trends Young Economists (and Everyone Else) Should be Aware Of," Glenn Ellison, CSWEP Newsletter Spring 2003.

"How are the Mighty Fallen: Rejected Classic Articles by Leading Economists," Joshua Gans and George Shepard, Journal of Economic Perspectives, 8(1), Winter 1994, Pages 165-79.

"Facts and Myths about Refereeing," Daniel S. Hamermesh, Journal of Economic Perspectives, Vol. 8, No. 1, Winter 1994, Pages 153-163.

“The Importance of Stupidity in Scientific Research,” Martin A. Schwartz, Journal of Cell Science, 121(11), June 2008, Pages 1771-1771.

“The Art and Science of Scholarly Publishing," Maureen Pirog, Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, 33(3), June 2014, Pages 843-853.

"Writing the Empirical Journal," Daryl J. Bem, The Complete Academic: A Practical Guide for the Beginning Social Scientist, 1987, 185-219.

“The Ten Most Important Rules of Writing Your Job Market Paper,” Claudia Goldin and Lawrence Katz.

“Writing Tips for Ph.D Students,” John H. Cochran, 2005.

“How to Publish in a Top Journal,” Daniel S. Hamermesh, University of Texas at Austin, Presentation.

“The Other Pipeline,” Cecilia Elena Rouse, The Minority Report, Winter 2008, 6-9, 18.

“How to Give an Academic Talk, v5.2,” Paul N. Edwards, October 2014.

“How to Get an Article Published in an Economics Journal: Tips from the Experts,” CSWEP Newsletter, Spring 2011.

“The Research Productivity of New PhDs in Economics: The Surprisingly High Non-Success of the Successful,” John P. Conley and Ali Sina Önder. The Journal of Economic Perspectives 28, no. 3 2014: 205-215.

“The Scholarly Output of Economists: A Description of Publishing Patterns,” Joe C. Davis, John H. Huston, and Debra Moore Patterson. Atlantic Economic Journal 29, 2001, no. 3 341-349.

“Incentives and the Effects of Publication Lags on Life Cycle Research Productivity in Economics,” John Conley, Mario J. Crucini, Robert A. Driskill, and Ali Sina Önder. Economic Inquiry, 2013, 51, no. 2 1251-1276.

“Statistics 101 for (Wannabe) Economists,” Tom Coupé, Université Libre de Bruxelles,“The Publishing Patterns of Recent Economics Ph.D. Recipients,” Jeffery Collins, Richard Guy Cox, and Victor Stango. Economic Inquiry, 2000, 38, no. 2 358-367.

“Edifying Editing,” Preston McAfee, The American Economist, 2016 61, no. 1, 110-118.

“How to Review Manuscripts,” Elsevier, 2015

“Preparing a Referee Report: Guidelines and Perspectives” Jonathan Berk, Campbell R. Harvey, and David A. Hirshleifer. 2015. Available at SSRN 2547191

“Top Ten Ways to Deal with Editors and Referees,” American Economic Association


"Teaching Economics in Different Environments," CSWEP Newsletter Symposium, Winter 2006.

"Starting Point: Economics," a new NSF project that makes innovative pedagogical resources and effective teaching practices easily accessible to economists via a web-based pedagogic portal."An Online Handbook for the Use of Contemporary Econometrics in Economic Education Research," AEA Committee on Economic Education.


"Top 10 Tips on How to Get Funding," CSWEP Newsletter Reprint."How to Get National Science Foundation Funding (NSF) Funding in Economics," Laura Razzolini, CSWEP Newsletter Winter 2003.

"Applying for Research Grants from Liberal Arts Colleges," Lara Shore-Shepard, CSWEP Newsletter Summer 2004.

“The NIH Grant Review Process: What You Need To Know,” Marie Davidian, 2006 ENAR Workshop for Junior Researchers, ENAR.


“Newsletter of the American Society of Health Economists,” Volume 4, Spring 2010

“Newsletter of the American Society of Health Economists,” Volume 4, Fall 2010

“The International Job Market for Economists,” CSWEP 2012, Articles by Denise Doiron and William Schworm, Lin Zhou, Maia Güell and José V. Rodríguez Mora, Yukiko Abe, Shulamit Kahn and Megan MacGarvie.

“Navigating the Job Market 2.0” CSWEP, Fall 2014.

“A Guide and Advice for Economists on the U.S. Junior Academic Job Market 2014-2015,” John Cawley, Job Openings for Economists, October 2006.


Keynote Address for 2015 CSWEP Peer Mentoring Breakfast for Mid-Career Economists by Adriana D. Kugler, Vice-Provost and Professor, McCourt School of Public Policy, Georgetown University, NBER, CEPR, CReAM, and IZA.

"Finding Your Mid-Career Mojo: Post-Tenure Pathways," Inside Higher Ed.

"Managing Demands on Associate Professors in Transition to Full Professor," The Chronicle of Higher Education, June 2012.

"Associate Professors Perceptions of Pathways to Full Professorship," UNCC ADVANCE Initiative on Mid-Career Mentoring from Associate to Full Professor.

Career Development Plan Template, UNCC ADVANCE Initiative on Mid-Career Mentoring from Associate to Full Professor.

"On Post-tenure Inspirational Challenges," The Chronicle of Higher Education, January 2012.

"Faculty at Mid-Career: A Program to Enhance Teaching and Learning," Innovative Higher Education.

"Mid-Career Faculty Support: The Middle Years of the Academic Professor," (report on available resources), Rochester Institute of Technology, Faculty Career Development Services.

"Mentoring Mid-Career Faculty," (ways for chairs and program directors to mentor associate professors), American Speech Language Hearing Association.

"The Decision to Leave Academia: A Dialogue with Chris Humphrey of Jobs on Toast," TheProfessorIsIn.com."Non-Academic Career Options for PhDs in the Humanities and Social Sciences," Columbia University Center for Career Education.

"Mid-Career Reflections on Non-Academic Work for Social Scientists," DartThrowingChimp.wordpress.com.

"Using Research Skills Outside Academia," Jobs.ac.uk.

"Mentoring for Mid-Career Women: Tips for Securing--and Maximizing--Mentors for Life," American Psychological Association.

To recommend to your students: “Being a Graduate Student in Economics,” William Thompson. University of Rochester-Center for Economic Research (RCER), 2009, No. 553.


"Top 10 Tips for Writing Research, Teaching, and Service Statements," CSWEP Newsletter, Winter 2013.

"Negotiating Senior Job Offers," Susan Athey, CSWEP Newsletter, Winter 2007.

"Professional Etiquette for the Mature Economist," Daniel S. Hamermesh, AEA Papers and Proceedings, May 1993, Pages 34-38.

"Preparing for Ethical Challenge," Joshua Margolis, CSWEP Newsletter Winter 2003.

"Top 10 Things to do to Mentor Junior Faculty," CSWEP Newsletter.

“Managing Your Career as an Economist after Tenure,” CSWEP Newletter“Maximizing Mentoring,” Colleen Ammerman and Vivian Tseng, William T. Grant Foundation

“Pay It Forward: Guidance for Mentoring Junior Scholars,” Alicia Wilson-Ahlstrom, Nalini Ravindranath, Nicole Yohalem, and Vivian Tseng, The Forum for Youth Investment and William T. Grant Foundation, June 2010

“Mentoring 101: Establishing a Solid Foundation,” Susanna Rivera-Mills, Oregon State University.

“Mentoring Junior Faculty,” American Economic Association

“Faculty Mentorship at Colleges Universities,”  Hallie Savage, Rashelle S. Karp, and Rose Logue. College Teaching, 2004, 52, no. 1 21-24.


"Tips on Dual, Not Dueling Careers," Deborah A. Freund, Thomas J. Kniesner, CSWEP Newsletter, Spring/Summer 2001.

"Work and Family in Academia: Striking the Balance," CSWEP Newsletter Symposium, Spring/Summer 2007.

"Discussing Parental Policies with your Dean or Department Chair," Fiona Scott Morton, CSWEP Newsletter Winter 2007.

"Extended Tenure Clock Policies: Theory... and Practice," CSWEP Newsletter Winter 2005.

"Where–Not When–Should You Have A Baby?" Saranna Thornton, The Chronicle of Higher Education: The Chronicle Review. October 8, 2004.


Annual Reports on the Status of Women in the Economics Profession"Women in Economics: Moving Up or Falling Off the Academic Career Ladder?" Donna K. Ginther and Shulamit Kahn, Journal of Economic Perspectives – Volume 18, Number 3 – Summer 2004- Pages 193-214.


“Maximizing the Substance in the Soundbite: A Media Guide for Economics,” Daniel Hamermesh, The Journal of Economic Education, 35(4), 370-382.

“You: A Valuable Media Source,” Media Guide for Health and Science Experts, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, January 2009.

“A Bakers’ Dozen Tips for Aspiring Media Gurus,” Len Burman, Winter 2010 CSWEP Newsletter.

“An Economist’s Guide to Visualizing Data,” J.A. Schwabish, The Journal of Economic Perspectives, 2014, 28(1), 209-233.

“Are Pictures Worth a Thousand Words?” Angshuman Gooptu, May 1st, 2015, Presentation.


"Top 10 List Giving an Effective Presentation," CSWEP Newsletter.

“Tips on How to Avoid Disaster in Presentations,” Monika Piazzesi

“How to Give an Applied Micro Talk,” Jesse M. Shapiro, Presentation.


“Tips on Being a Good Discussant,” University of Texas Economics Advising

“How to Survive a Seminar Presentation,” Lisa M. Lynch, Special Reprint Issue No 2, pg 17-19.

Source: https://www.aeaweb.org/about-aea/committees/cswep/mentoring/reading




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