
WKU毕业“声” | 奖学金拿到手软!来看看英语系学姐的北美申研路









 Master of arts in Instructional Technology and Design



Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languag (TESOL)  



Master of Science in Education


 Master of Arts in Educational Studies



Master's in Learning. 

Design, and Technology 




 Master of Arts in Learning Technology and Experience Design


 Master of Arts in Teaching $1.5w奖学金


Master's Degree in Learning Sciences & Human Development





作为一个J值94%的ENFJ型人格,我最擅长的事情就是列计划。因此在大一的第一个学期,我已经规划好了每年的安排:比如说假期做什么类型的实习,GPA需要如何维持在一个稳定的区间,大三去美国进行交换,以及在这个过程中探索自己的兴趣与发展规划。因为我对于自己不感兴趣的学科很难静下心去学习,所以确定自己想要什么是最重要的事情。本科最大的意义就是在通识教育的同时自我探索,然后确定自己想要研究的领域。我觉得我就是在很多课程和实习后发现自己对于教育和传媒这个交叉领域很感兴趣,在确定研究生选校的时候,我花了很多时间研究了许多美国大学的官网,确定了我研究生主要申请的是Learning Science and Technology。


在美肯交换期间,我跟着传播学的教授Prof. Yuan注册了一节independent study的课程,我向她表达了我对AI and Learning的兴趣,并且希望在她的指导下做研究。经过了好几次的meeting,她愉快地答应了我的请求,并且帮助我制定了计划和协助我确定了选题。这篇论文应该是我本科阶段最用心花时间最多的一篇了,我花了五个月的时间,采访了超过一百名在美国学习的非英语母语学习者对于AI的看法,在这个过程中我遇到了很多不同种族的同学,也学习到了很多。这对我以后的学习帮助很大,我在研究生申请的时候着重介绍了这个研究,并且表达了我对于教育科技这个领域的热情与努力。


因为教育科技是STEM(科学,科技,工程与数学)专业,这让我有更多的时间在美国找工作,现在的规划应该是留美找工,可以是教学设计师/用户体验设计师/学习工程师/课程设计师相关的,不限于去tech公司或者k12/higher ed的非营利性组织与学校。


我觉得应该是在Kean University上过的一节英语系选修课,ENG 4081 INTRO TO ELECTRONIC LIT 电子文学入门。这节课真的特别有意思,我们需要阅读各种各样的电子文学,这里的电子文学不像平时的reading那样都是pdf文件,而是有各种形式的。有的和游戏一样互动性很强,需要自己做出选择决定主人公的命运,不同的选择会导致不一样的结果,同时平时的作业不是通过CANVAS提交,而是发布到Twitter的个人账户上,趣味性和互动性更强。期末的project也是需要自己设计一个无论形式的作品,我是通过prezi制作了一款地图,点击我去过的城市就可以看到我拍过的照片和照片背后的故事。我朋友做了一个视频形式的story telling,都很有意思。这节课让我了解到学习是可以通过科技变得很有趣的,所以我也更想学习科技可以如何促进教育,让课堂变得更加interactive和interesting。


我所在的专业是英语(国际应用方向),我并不觉得英语专业和人工智能技术是相对立的。在WKU读英语专业,我们获得的不只是英语语法和写作,更多的是如何应用英语这门语言去促进和改变这个社会,从而促进人工智能技术的发展。这么说吧,我这个学期的毕业论文课选的是语言学相关,课堂上讨论的更多是英语如何作为一种媒介,帮助人们更好地认识社会的本质,我的研究方向是二语习得教育与数字游戏的融合(Augmented and Virtual Reality Integration in Digital Games for EFL Education),更加揭示了语言学习与科技发展共生、相互促进的关系。





 Please Scroll Down For The English Version

Q1:Why did you choose to study at Wenzhou-Kean? How do you feel about studying at College of Liberal Arts?

A:I chose WKU because I have always been interested in American education, and I had the idea of studying in the U.S. a long time ago. WKU not only allows me to go to the U.S. for exchange during my undergraduate years, but also serves as a steppingstone to apply for graduate school in the U.S. So I chose WKU. the biggest thing that I felt when I studied in the College of Humanities is that the professors are all exceptionally nice, and they have a deep humanistic concern for the students, so I could learn a lot in the classroom, and the second thing is that everyone in CLA works really hard, especially the English Department. 

Q2:How did you plan your academic studies during your four years in WKU, and how did you determine your future career direction?

A:As an ENFJ-type personality with a J-value of 94%, the thing I'm best at is making plans. So in the first semester of my freshman year, I had already planned out my yearly schedule: for example, what type of internship I would do during the holidays, how my GPA needed to be maintained in a stable range, going to the United States for an exchange in my junior year, as well as exploring my interests and development plans in the process. Because I have a hard time settling down to study subjects I'm not interested in, determining what I want is the most important thing. The biggest thing about undergrad is self-exploration along with general education, and then determining what you want to study. I think it was after many courses and internships that I realized I was interested in the intersection of education and media. When I was deciding on a graduate school, I spent a lot of time researching the official websites of many U.S. universities, and determined that I would apply to graduate school mainly in the field of learning science and technology.

Q3:Have you participated in any social practice activities or research projects? Do you think it is beneficial to your academic development and career planning?

A:During my exchange program at KU, I registered for an independent study course with Prof. Yuan, a professor of communication studies. I expressed my interest in AI and learning and my desire to do research under her guidance, and after several meetings, she happily agreed to my request. She helped me with the planning and selection of the topic. This thesis should be the one I spent the most time on during my undergraduate studies. I spent five months interviewing more than one hundred non-native English speakers studying in the U.S. about their views on AI, and I met a lot of students of different races in the process and learned a lot as well. This helped me a lot in my future studies, and I highlighted this research in my graduate school application and expressed my passion and efforts in the field of educational technology.

Q4:What’s your career plan after your graduate program?

A:Since EdTech is a STEM major, which gives me more time to find a job in the U.S. The plan now would be to stay in the U.S. and find a job, which could be institutional designer/user experience designer/learning engineer/ curriculum designer related. Not limited to going to tech companies or k12/higher ed non-profit organizations & schools.

Q5:Is there any professor or event that has a profound impact on your life in WKU and even your future life. Can you share the stories with us?

A:I think it should be one of the elective courses I took in Kean university, ENG 4081 INTRO TO ELECTRONIC LIT, this class is really interesting, we need to read a variety of electronic literature. Electronic literature here is not like the usual reading, which are pdf files, but there are a variety of forms, some are as interactive as games, you need to make your own choices to decide the fate of the main character, and different choices will lead to the result. At the same time, the usual assignments are not submitted through CANVAS, but also posted on Twitter's personal account, which is much more interesting and interactive. The final project also required me to design a work of my own in whatever form, I made a map through Prezi, clicking on the cities I've been to, to see the photos I've taken and the stories behind them, and my friend made a story telling in the form of a video. This class made me realize that learning can be made fun through technology, so I'm more interested in learning how technology can contribute to education and make the classroom more interactive and interesting.

Q6:With the popularity of translation tools and AI technology, some believe that English major is not necessary anymore. Others say that in Sino-foreign joint universities where English is the teaching language, there is no need to major in English. As an English major, what is your opinion on that?

A: My major is English (Global setting), and I don't feel that the English major and AI technology are opposed to each other. As English majors at WKU, we gain more than just English grammar and writing, but more about how to apply the language of English to promote and change this society, and thus, to promote the development of AI technology. Let's put it this way, my thesis class this semester is about linguistics, and the class discussion is more about the nature of English as a medium to help people better understand the society, and my research direction is Augmented and Virtual Reality Integration in Digital Games for EFL, which reveals the symbiotic and mutually reinforcing relationship between language learning and technological development.

Q7:As you’re graduating from WKU soon, what would you like to say to our college professors, or fellow students?

A:The most important thing for undergraduates is self-exploration, discovering yourself is the most important part of growth, try more, to explore, to know what is best for you. GPA is really not the most important, don't keep looking at your own grades, a B+ or A- really doesn't have any effect. I was really anxious during the application season, I couldn't sleep every night, and the first thing I did when I woke up was to check my email, but what's meant to be is always meant to be, and it's no use being anxious, so why don't you just do more of the things you love? Also take care of your body, physical and mental health is the most important thing!







