
英语(苏教版)五年级下册:Unit 4





Story time

New words

Sound time & Culture time & Cartoon time



Unit 4 Story time①Su Hai is ill. She goes to see the doctor.苏海生病了。她去看医生。Doctor: What\\\\\'s wrong with you?医生:你怎么了?Su Hai: I have a headache. I feel cold.苏海:我头疼。我感觉冷。Doctor: Let me check. You have a fever.医生:让我检查一下。你发烧了。Su Hai: What should I do, Doctor?苏海:我应该做什么,医生?Doctor: You should have a rest at home. You should take some medicine and drink some warm water.医生:你应该在家休息。你应该吃一些药并且喝一些温水。Su Hai: Thank you, Doctor.苏海:谢谢你,医生。②Mike has a toothache. He goes to see the dentist.迈克牙疼。他去看牙医。Dentist: What\\\\\'s wrong with you?牙医:你怎么了?Mike: I have a toothache. I can\\\\\'t eat anything!迈克:我牙疼。我不能吃任何东西!Dentist: Do you eat a lot of sweets?牙医:你吃了许多糖果吗?Mike: Yes, I do.迈克:是的,我吃了。Dentist: You shouldn\\\\\'t eat too many sweets. You should brush your teeth in the morning and before bedtime.牙医:你不应该吃太多糖果。你应该在早晨和就寝之前刷牙。Mike: OK. Thanks.迈克:好的。谢谢。
Wordsbrush one\\\\\'s teeth 刷牙drink water  喝水eat sweets 吃糖have a rest 休息take medicine 吃药

Sound timeCh
chair 椅子chicken 鸡肉lunch 午餐much 许多teach 教
Charlie is sitting on a bench, 查理正坐在海滩上。Eating chicken for his lunch. 午餐吃着鸡肉。He likes Chinese food very much. 他非常喜欢中餐。He’s going to China in March!他三月将要去中国。
Culture timeYou have a fever. Your temperature is 102˚F.你发烧了,你的温度是102华氏度。102?102?It’s 39˚C.就是39摄氏度。
Cartoon time①Bobby helps in the hospital. Monkey, Rabbit and Elephant come to see him.博比在医院里帮忙。猴子、兔子和大象来看他。What\\\\\'s wrong with you?你们怎么了?My arm hurts.我手臂疼。My ear hurts.我耳朵疼。My nose hurts.我鼻子疼。②Bobby is very happy to help them.帮助他们博比很开心。OK.How do you feel now?好了。你们现在感觉怎么样?I can\\\\\'t write now!我现在不能写字!I can\\\\\'t hear well now!我现在不能听得很清楚!I can\\\\\'t eat or drink now!我现在不能吃和喝!You should have a rest today.你们今天应该休息。③Then, Giraffe comes to the hospital.然后,长颈鹿来到医院。Can you help me, Bobby?你能帮助我吗,博比?Sure. What\\\\\'s wrong with you?当然。你怎么了?④Giraffe points at his long neck.长颈鹿指着他的长脖子。My neck hurts.我脖子疼。Oh no!哦,不!


