
China-US relations | CGTN

2017-09-30 中国与全球化智库

Chinese Vice Premier Liu Yandong traveled to the United States for the inaugural China-US Social and Cultural Dialogue this week. CCG President Wang Huiyao was invited to attend the U.S.- China University Presidents Forum at the Columbia University where Vice Premier Liu made keynote address. CGTN The Link Studio interviewed Mr. Wang live from New York City on issues regarding China-US relations, people-to-people exchanges, and Korea Nuclear Crisis.  


Mr. Wang believes that Vice Premier Liu’s visit will certainly enhance understanding between US and China. AS China and US are the two largest economies in the world, its really important to have this type of dialogue on social, educational and people-to-people exchanges. By reaching out to people, especially young people along with exchanges between top leaders, elites, educators, people in the talent field etc are essential for future China-US relations.

From CGTN, Sep,  2017

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