
《风景园林》2024-07刊首语 | 郑曦:多维感知与风景园林空间体验

郑曦 风景园林杂志

全文刊登于《风景园林》2024年第7期 P8-9


Multidimensional Perception and Landscape Architecture Space Experience

无锡寄畅园八音涧是黄石垒砌的石涧,因引惠山泉水,水声淙淙,如金、石、丝、竹、匏、土、革、木八音悦耳,故而名之。约36 m长、1.9~2.6 m深、0.6~4.5 m宽的一段山涧,西高东低,涧中石路迂回,上有茂林,下流清泉。置身其中,有天然乐章合奏的感受。欧阳修游览“望之蔚然而深秀”的琅琊,“山行六七里,渐闻水声潺潺,而泻出于两峰之间者,酿泉也。峰回路转,有亭翼然临于泉上者,醉翁亭也”,体验“山水之乐,得之心而寓之酒”。苏州留园中部最高处置“闻木樨香轩”,山高气爽,登轩可俯瞰全园。轩外楹联:“奇石尽含千古秀,桂花香动万山秋。”其中一个“动”字,将花香写活了,弥漫的桂花香气增进了嗅觉体验。转而至山后有“舒啸亭”,取陶潜“登东皋以舒啸,临清流而赋诗”之意。从入涧听音,到寻泉声峰回路转、见亭醉心于山水,再到闻香而动,进而舒啸畅怀。可见,风景与园林空间中的多维感知是人们美好生活不可或缺的体验。




The Bayinjian Stream (Stream with Eight Sounds) in Jichangyuan Garden (Garden for the Ease of Mind), Wuxi City, is built with yellow stones. Water of the stream is from the springs of Huishan Mountain. The sound of the running water is gurgling, just like the sounds of eight musical instruments, hence its name. High in the west and low in the east, with lush forests above and clear springs running below, the mountain stream, about 36 meters long, 1.9 ~ 2.6 meters deep, and 0.6 ~ 4.5 meters wide, is formed on a winding stone road. While visiting the stream, one can have a taste of the musical ensemble of movements by the nature. Just like the Langya Mountain with densely woods and a rugged beauty described by Ouyang Xiu — When you penetrate a mile or two into this mountain you begin to hear the gurgling of a stream, and presently the stream — the Brewer’s Spring — comes into sight cascading between two peaks. Rounding a bend you see a hut with a spreading roof by the stream, and this is the Roadside Hut of the Old Drunkard. One can enjoy the fun of “taking pleasure in the hills and streams and expressing the feeling in his heart through drinking”. At the highest point in the central part of Liuyuan Garden, Suzhou City, locates the Wenmuxixiangxuan Attic (Attic for enjoying the osmanthus fragrance). The mountain is high and the air is refreshing, climbing to the attic, one can overlook the entire garden. Outside the attic, there is a pair of couplets reading: Strange stones carry eternal beauty, when the autumn wind blows, the fragrance of osmanthus flowers will floating over the mountain. The word “floating” makes the floral fragrance come to life. The diffuse fragrance of osmanthus enhances the olfactory experience of tourists. Turning to the back of the mountain, there is the Shuxiaoting Pavilion, which names after the verse “I would shout aloud on the top of the eastern hill, and compose poems by clear streams” written by Tao Yuanming. From the auditory experience when entering the stream, to the visual experience of the beautiful pavilions immersed in the hills and rivers when searching for the sound of springs, to the olfactory experience created by the floral fragrance, and finally, the tranquility, it is thus clear that the multidimensional perception in landscape architecture space is an indispensable experience for people to live a better life.

People’s perception towards environment is a comprehensive experience including not only visual one, but also auditory, tactile, and olfactory experiences. Creating the visual beauty of space, providing people the auditory experience achieved from the sound of water flowing, bird chirping, and the rustling of leaves in the wind when walking in the space, as well as enhancing tactile and olfactory experiences are all important means of creating spaces with multidimensional perception. These will not only enrich the perceptual level, but also promote the interaction between human and nature. Forming spaces based on the concept of multidimensional perception will not only shape our living environment, but also post profound impact on our culture and spiritual world.

Far more than an appreciation of beauty, people’s perception and experience in the environment also serves as a comprehensive feedback on the spatial function, atmosphere, and overall environmental quality. Such comprehensive and multidimensional perception relates to multiple aspects such as the layout, color, light and shadow, sound, as well as odor of the landscape architecture space. While meeting the functional needs, it can also make multidimensional impact on people’s spatial experience, creating a rich and diverse atmosphere. There are differences in the perception of environmental space among people of different ages, genders, psychological states, and behavioral characteristics, which will also dynamically vary according to factors such as seasons, time, climate, spatial environment, etc. These differences not only affects the way people appreciate the space, but also demonstrate the diversity of the interaction between human and natural environment. Such perceptual experience will help us to gain a deeper understanding of the interaction between human and environmental space, and also serve as an important basis for guiding the construction of landscape architecture space and evaluating the quality of landscape environment. By organizing the layout and sequence of environmental space, altering landscape elements based on seasonal changes, and applying dynamic landscape elements, we can enhance the interactivity of landscape architecture space, thus meeting the diverse demands of people while enriching their perceived experience.

Urban development stages such as “Beautiful Habitat”, “Inventory Land Regeneration” and “Fine Construction” have posted various demands. Thus, space carriers in the built environment such as informal green spaces, pocket parks, community parks, mountainous parks and riverside spaces are facing a series of requirements including updating and improving, aging-friendly, as well as child-friendly. The people-oriented and all-age friendly landscape architecture design that values people’s experience has become a focal point that we play close attention. It highlights the interaction between spaces and people’s perception and values the multidimensional perception for different people created through the diverse changes in space. The concept of multidimensional perception will inject new vitality and creativity into landscape design, making the space more vivid and infectious, and meeting the needs of beautiful habitat in the new era.


Editor-in-Chief: ZHENG Xi


July 4, 2024



微信编辑 刘芝若

微信校对 刘昱霏

审核 曹娟







