

张海露Eric 英语学习笔记 2020-01-25

1. 石黑一雄

今年诺贝尓文学奖的得主是Kazuo Ishiguro(念成“卡zu哦ishigu柔”就可以),国内新闻标题一般是“日裔英国作家是石黑一雄”,外媒的报道一般写成“The British author Kazuo Ishiguro”。他出生在日本长崎,不过5岁的时候就去了英国。

获得诺贝尔奖之后就可以被称为Nobel laureate了。laureate是“桂冠”的意思,在英语中指的是获的某项学会认可的文学成就或是军事上的胜利,同时它也是给于诺贝尔奖优胜者的头衔。

瑞典皇家学院的一句话颁奖词是"who, in novels of great emotional force, has uncovered the abyss beneath our illusory sense of connection with the world”, 中文网页上的报道有这样几个译文:

  • 他的小说具有强大的情感力量,揭开了存在于幻想中的地狱面与现实世界的联系。

  • 他的小说充满情感力量,发现了我们与世界微弱联系间的无底洞。

  • 他的小说富有激情的力量,在我们与世界连为一体的幻觉下,他展现了一道深渊。


The Economist上有一篇文章可以帮助我们解读这段话,推荐大家阅读:


Above all, Mr Ishiguro is a writer of deceptive simplicity. The language he uses seems clear as water, and yet what marks out his work is his ability to evoke the disturbing depths of human experience, our fallibility and willingness to deceive ourselves with stories. In a world where “fake news” and “alternative facts” have dangerous currency, Mr Ishiguro’s ability to see beneath the surface makes him a Nobel winner perfectly suited to these shifting and treacherous times.

石黑一雄得知自己获奖的时候,他以为是别人在逗他玩("I thought it was a hoax"),因为评委会一直没有联系过他。


在获奖之后,他接受了诺贝尔官方的电话采访,他提到去年获奖的Bob Dylan是他13岁就开始崇拜的偶像,能紧随着他获奖是件非常荣幸的事

And then the other reason it's a terrific honour for me is because ... you know I come in a line of lots of my greatest heroes, absolutely great authors. The greatest authors in history have received this Prize, and I have to say, you know, it's great to come one year after Bob Dylan who was my hero since the age of 13. He's probably my biggest hero.

2. 村上春树

Google搜索Nobel Prize,弹出来的头条新闻是这样的:


中间图片中的人大家应该很熟悉,Haruki Murakami,村上春树。BBC报道说200多位村上春树的粉丝(Harukists)聚在一起等着自己心爱的作家获奖,书店老板也早早地就把他的书摆在醒目的位置,结果获奖的不是他 -- Always a bridesmaid, never a bride.  文章安慰他说:But cheer up Murakami fans, hope springs eternal - after all, Leonardo DiCaprio won an Oscar last year after a 23-year wait


2016年读书会读过亚马逊老大Jeff Bezos的传记The Everything Store, 作者提到Jeff Bezos特别喜欢读书,最喜欢的一本书就是石黑一雄的《长日将尽》(The Remains of the Day),并且在亚马逊内部积极安利给员工看,他说:

“If you read The Remains of the Day, which is one of my favorite books, you can't help but come away and think, I just spent 10 hours living an alternate life and I learned something about life and about regret” ...

随后我就买了这本书,一年过去了,我只读了两页 在这里立个flag,这个月把它读完,有兴趣的朋友可以一起读啊。例如时不时地在微博上@英语学习笔记_Eric,和我分享你的阅读心得。我们一起读好书,好好读书。




