

2016-03-26 Eric Z 英语学习笔记


这两天继续更新How to Read a Book的笔记,这本书的最精华的部分在part 2, part 3讨论的是怎么读不同类别的书 -- 书的类别不同,“撩妹”的方法也要有所调整。我把它整理为两个笔记分享给大家,如果有兴趣的话建议你自己去读。


  • What is the book about as a whole?

  • What is being said in detail, and how?

  • Is the book true, in whole or part?

  • What of it?

无论读什么东西都有问一问这四个问题,它们之间是层层递进的,从整体到局部,又表面到内在,从纸上得来到“读它做甚?” 如果读完了一本书,却无法回答这四个问题,这本书你没有读懂,或者说读的不够主动。这四个问题也是从inspectional到analytical的连接,全书翻来覆去讲的各种“技巧”都是为了帮助我们更好的回答这四个问题。

我们今天具体来看如何读practical books和imaginitive literature。

Practical Books

Any book that contains rules—prescriptions, maxims, or any sort of general directions—you will readily recognize as a practical book. But a practical book may contain more than rules. It may try to state the principles that underlie the rules and make them intelligible. 

各种指南书籍都算是这一类 — 用于解决实际问题的书,例如这本How to Read a Book就是一本典型的Practical book。我们不仅要知道一个具体的解决方式,更要知道“为什么要这么解决”。例如我之前就提出过我们可以利用写公众号的方式来帮助我们记录和思考,这只是一个表面的解决问题的方法,你还需要了解的是为什么要这么做 — 也就是我们说的“理论指导实践”。 

The most important thing to remember about any practical book is that it can never solve the practical problems with which it is concerned.

This book cannot solve the problem for you. It can only help…nothing but action solves practical problems, and action occurs only in the world, not in books.

我们常说具体问题具体分析,很多的指南书籍都只是给我们一个general rule, 这是不够的,我们需要认清自己的particular situation是什么,然后利用我们educated judgement去选择性的听从。

The reader himself must add something to the book to make it applicable in practice. He must add his knowledge of the particular situation and his judgement of how the rule applies to the case.


The best protection against propaganda of any sort is the recognition of it for what it is. Only hidden and undetected oratory is really insidious. What reaches the heart without going through the mind is likely to bounce back and put the mind out of business.

 Imaginative Literature

“ Imaginative literature primarily pleases rather than teaches. It is much easier to be pleased than taught, but much harder to know why one is pleased. Beauty is harder to analyze than truth.”

我们称这些书籍为imaginative literature, 是因为我们除了要读懂字里行间的意思外,还需要我们的想象力。在读expository book的时候我们要时刻的警惕不要被忽悠;然而读imaginative literature的时候我们就可以放松警惕,只有我们进入了作者创造的那个世界,我们才能更好的读懂他的故事。如果把“虚构”和“现实”混在了一起,就少了很多趣味,例如《星球大战》中的force若是较真的用物理学解释起来只能是给自己添堵。

Don’t try to resist the effect that a work of imaginative literature has on you.

同样的道理,我们很难像评判科学一样判定一个故事讲的是对还是错,我们只能说我们喜欢或者不喜欢,这个故事是否在他虚构的情景下有逻辑听起来靠谱。例如《五十度灰》这本书,吐槽它的人的理由大多是认为它很“玛丽苏”,但是你不能说它是“错”的 -- 科学是可以被验证的,虚构出来的东西不可以。

Don’t criticize fiction by the standards of truth and consistency that properly apply to communication of knowledge.


the standard of correctness is not the same in poetry as in politics 


  • How to Read Stories

Read it quickly and with total immersion.

读小说最好的方式就是快速的全心全意地读一遍 — quickly and intensively。一个故事断断续续的读会让我们容易忘记之前讲了什么,我们能够尽量做到的就是读的快一点,这和我们之前提到的inspectional reading有一点相似,这样做的目的是要抓住情节。

Unless you read it quickly you will fail to see the unity of the story. 

Unless you read intensively you will fail to see the details.


You should not be anxious if all is not clear from the beginning. Actually, it should not be clear then. A story is like life itself; in life, we do not expect to understand events as they occur, at least with total clarity, but looking back on them, we do understand. So the reader of a story, looking back on it after he has finished it, understands the relation of events and the order of actions.

  • How to Read Lyric Poetry


1. Read it through without stopping, whether you think you understand it or not.

从头到尾读过一遍可以帮助我们掌握这首诗的unity — 就像故事书中的plot一样,我们找到了这个主题,理解起来就有了方向。

2. Read the poem through again — but read it out loud.



之前看复旦的金雯老师有一篇讲读诗的文章: 《学英文,最终难免要读诗》,她在文中说“语言不是思想的载体,很大程度上是思想的源泉。” 这一点让我有一些感触。

我开始对英文感兴趣是在大二下学期(可能记得不准确)的时候我们开设了“英国文学”这门课程,那时候我还在挣扎在第三次考大学四级,程度很差。我们的老师带着我们一起读了好多经典的诗,从ballad到sonnet, 到Auld Lang Syne, 我也听不太懂,隐隐约约觉得还挺有趣的。

那个时候恰巧看了Dead Poets Society,读了惠特曼,被深深的震撼。从那之后我开始努力的学习英文,不是为了考试,而是向往那份自由 — 要去看更远的风景,有更多的感动。也让我相信教育的力量,对我来支教有很大的影响。我也一直都很感激我的老师在我那个混蛋的年纪给我种下了一颗自由的种子。



