
来自以色列的好消息!Good News from Israel #898

Zionist 以色列计划 2020-02-18


"Israel is a rising power in the world"


Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro; "Israel is a technology superpower, we are forming an alliance and we will be brothers in economy, technology, all that can bring benefit to our two countries,”. RIO DE JANIERO (AFP) — PM Benjamin Netanyahu and Brazil’s president Jair Bolsonaro on Friday announced a nascent “brotherhood” between their countries that will boost economic, military, and technological cooperation. Bolsonaro presented Netanyahu with the highest national decoration granted in the past to former US President Eisenhower and Queen Elizabeth.

巴西总统博索纳罗称: “以色列是一个科技超级大国,我们正在在经济、技术领域形成一个联盟兄弟,这一切都可以为两国带来利益。”,内塔尼亚胡总理和巴西总统博索纳罗上周五宣布两国之间新建立的“兄弟情谊”,这将促进两国经济,军事和技术合作。博索纳罗向内塔尼亚胡授予了奖章,该奖章此前曾授予美国前总统艾森豪威尔和英国女王伊丽莎白。 

New pathway may alleviate anxiety


Anxiety disorders can affect billions of people. Prof. Mike Fainzilber and team at Weiizmann Institute discovered a new neural mechanism underlying anxiety. It involves protein importin alpha-5, gene MeCP2 and signal molecule S1P. Targeting this biochemical pathway may lead to new therapies.

焦虑症影响着数十亿人。 Mike Fainzilber教授和魏兹曼研究所的研究小组发现了一种新的焦虑神经机制。importin alpha-5对于使MeCP2进入神经元细胞核至关重要。反过来,细胞核中MeCP2水平的变化影响参与产生称为S1P的信号分子的酶的水平。在缺乏输入蛋白α-5的情况下,MeCP2未能进入焦虑控制神经元的细胞核,减少S1P信号传导并降低焦虑。

New treatment for loss of hearing


A team led by Prof. Karen B. Avraham have produced the world’s first map of “methylation”(natural gene manipulation) that impacts development and ultimately loss of function of the entire inner ear.  They have revealed new genes that may help restore hearing to deaf children and adults.

由Karen B. Avraham教授领导的团队制作了世界上第一张影响发育并最终丧失整个内耳功能的“甲基化”(自然基因操纵)图谱。他们揭示了可能有助于恢复聋儿和成人听力的新基因。

We will ship the gifts to prize-winning readers next week






New migraine relief device


There is no cure for migraines, and pain relief medicines do not always work. Shmuel Shany and Amit Dar established Neurolief a noninvasive neuro-modulation device that stimulates 6 nerve branches in the brain that regulate pain and mood and relieve migraine headaches. 

偏头痛无法治愈,缓解疼痛的药物并不总是有效。 Shmuel Shany和Amit Dar开发了Neurolief,一种非侵入性神经调节装置,它可刺激大脑中的6个神经分支,调节疼痛和情绪,缓解偏头痛。

Israeli exports mark record performance in 2018


Israeli exports hit a record high of $110 billion in ‎‎2018, up 8% from 2017; Export of ‎high tech up 14% with a record ‎‎$51 billion, Electronic & ‎chemicals $60 billion. ‎ Exports to Asia grew by 20%, reaching $10 ‎billion, to the Europe - $16 billion and exports to the U.S. amounted to ‎‎$11 billion.‎ Israel's population grew by 2% in 2018, GDP (tops OECD countries) - rose 3.2%,  Central Bureau of Statistics: Israel's population stands at 9 million- 74.3% Jewish, 20.9% Arab and 4.5% other.


Tel Aviv largest plaza


Kikar HaMedina, Tel Aviv’s largest public plaza, Surrounded by posh fashion boutiques and other high-end stores, is set to be replaced by four new towers; The approved construction plan includes three 40-story towers with 450 residential units and a 10-story building for public uses.


New Embassy District in Jerusalem


As more countries express willingness to move their embassies from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, the Israeli Government is constructing an embassy hub in East Jerusalem. The new embassy quarter is expected to be built across 25 acres and will include embassy facilities as well as housing for embassy staff.


5% rise in Aliya


“Aliya” (Jewish immigration to Israel); over 29,600 people immigrated to Israel this year, compared to 28,220 olim (immigrants) who came to the country in 2017; Isaac Herzog; "Every Jew who comes and establishes a home here - completes another piece of the wonderful mosaic of the Jewish people in their historic homeland".


Maritime innovation port of call


Two former Israel Navy commanders Hanan Carmeli and Nir Gartzman founded theDOCK, a first of its kind innovation hub in Israel focusing on maritime technologies, aiming to leverage Israel's technology innovation excellence to benefit the Port, Maritime and Logistics sectors.  "to transform the Jewish state into the port of call for global maritime technology by Combining decades of maritime passion and hi-tech experience".  

两名前以色列海军指挥官Hanan Carmeli和Nir Gartzman创立了theDOCK,这是以色列第一个专注于海事技术的创新中心,旨在利用以色列的技术创新优势,使港口,海事和物流部门受益。 “通过结合数十年的海洋激情和高科技经验,将犹太国家变为全球海事技术的口岸”。

U.S commitment to Israel’s safety


US secretary of state Mike Pompeo meets PM in Brazil, vows efforts to counter Iranian aggression Will continue regardless of Trump’s announced troop withdrawal from Syria. Pompeo agreed to '7 out of 8' requests from PM in Brasilia meeting (except sale of Israeli f16 to Croatia). The US and Israel are now working on plans to make the American troop pull-out as non-disruptive for Israeli security as possible.



Shabbat Shalom from Israel

Yosi Behar


关于编者Yosi Behar





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