

jiaohanyu.com 汉语国际教育 2020-01-18












1. 负责汉语课程的教学工作,课程主要包括:国际商务专业的汉语课程、留学生的学分及非学分汉语课程、汉语暑期班;

2. 组织或参与课外汉语教学活动;

3. 完成学校及部门分配的其他常规工作;

4. 参与学校及部门举办的培训活动,不断提高工作能力。


1.  相关专业(如:对外汉语教学、语言教学等)硕士及以上学历;

2.  在取得硕士学位后,有两年或以上的相关教学经验,有高校教学经验者优先;

3.  具有较好的英语口语及书面能力,能适应英文的工作语言环境;

4.  有海外工作经验者优先。


Applications are invited for Chinese language teaching positions in the Language Centre (LC) at Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University (XJTLU). Candidates are sought for a January 2018 start date. Interviews will be conducted on an ongoing basis.

Why work for the Language Centre at XJTLU?

We are a growing and dynamic, international centre, currently with over 180 full-time teaching staff from 12 different countries involved in the teaching of English, Chinese, and Spanish. At present, we employ 12 full-time Chinese language tutors, and we are looking to increase this number over the coming year. There are opportunities for Chinese language tutors to be involved in a range of different types of delivery, including:

1. Compulsory credit-bearing Chinese language modules on the university’s “BA International Business with a Language” degree programme, which allows students to study Chinese continuously through their degree up to CEFR B2 level 

2. Optional credit-bearing Chinese language modules available to all international students

3. Chinese language courses that are an optional component of postgraduate degrees

4. Out-of-class Chinese language support activities

5. Non-credit-bearing Chinese language semester long courses and Chinese 

6. language Summer School

7. Additionally, there are opportunities for staff to develop their careers by taking on managerial and administrative roles, as well as by contributing to both LC and university-level committees. All managerial, administrative and committee roles are appointed to on a fixed-term basis, thus providing all staff members with a range of options to take on responsibilities in areas that interest them.

Further to the above, both the centre and the wider university have a strong commitment to the professional development of LC teaching staff. At the university level, new staff are enrolled free-of-charge on a University of Liverpool certificate or postgraduate certificate programme, completion of which leads to fellowship of the UK Higher Education Academy (HEA). The LC also holds regular professional development events. While the LC is a teaching centre, with no specific research remit, funding is available for staff to present at conferences that are relevant to the work of the centre, provided that this does not interfere with teaching duties.


XJTLU is a unique collaborative institution, the first and currently the only university in China to offer both UK and Chinese accredited undergraduate degrees. Following its opening in 2006, the first cohort of undergraduate XJTLU students graduated in August 2010. The university now has over 13,000 registered undergraduate and postgraduate students, and this number is set to grow further in the coming years.

About Suzhou

XJTLU is located in the Higher Education Town of Suzhou Industrial Park (SIP), 80km from Shanghai and connected by high speed rail and road links. SIP is a major growth zone, including operations run by nearly one-fifth of the Fortune 500 top global companies. It has experienced economic growth rates of over 30% for more than a decade. The broader Suzhou area encompasses the spirit of both old and new in China, with the historic old town a major World Heritage Site. Greater Suzhou is now the fourth largest concentration of economic activity in China in terms of GDP, and SIP offers a high quality of life. 

Salary and conditions

Salary for these positions is dependent on qualifications and experience.

Position requirements

Successful applicants should be educated to Master’s degree level in a relevant area (e.g. Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language, Language Teaching), and should normally have at least two years of post-master’s relevant teaching experience, preferably at university level. Additionally, applicants should have a good standard of written and spoken English, as this is the working language of the university. We particularly welcome applicants with international work experience.

Applications and further enquiries

To apply, please visit our website at http://job.xjtlu.edu.cn to submit an online application. Informal enquiries may be addressed to the LC Manager responsible for Chinese language provision, Xuanying Shen (xuanying.shen@xjtlu.edu.cn), or to the LC Deputy Director for Language Teaching, Eoin Jordan (eoin.jordan@xjtlu.edu.cn).























