
翻译论坛| 刘禹锡《陋室铭》及7个译本

2017-02-10 刘禹锡 林苑







(英文朗诵:李强  中文朗诵:王益豪、红叶  音频编辑:张晖)



[唐] 刘禹锡












Ode to the Humble Hut

By Liu Yuxi

许景城 译(Tr. Peter Jingcheng Xu)


Renowned will be a hill if angles live,

Regardless of its being high or low.

Ensouled will be a lake if dragons live,

In spite of its being deep or shallow.

Humble is the hut where I dwell,

Yet all shames my virtues dispel.

Green are the stone steps with lichens creeping,

Blue is my room through screens from grass shining.

Conversing to me are the erudite,

Never dropped in by the illiterate.

Reading the sutra and playing the lyre,

Never are we troubled by noisy string and flute sound;

Nor are we fatigued by heavy official files around.

There in Nanyang sees Zhuge's thatched hut;

There in West Shu stands Yang Xiong's arbor,

Just as Confucius said, “Humble’s the hut?”


1.Liu Yuxi (772-842) was a famous poet and philosopher in Tang Dynasty. He used to be an investigating censor and an active revolutionary. After the failure of Yong Zhen Innovation, he lost his official rank and degraded to serve as an unimportant official in Langzhou (now Changde in Hunan).

2.The Ode or Inscription was written to express the author’s attitude towards life and wealth and rank. He in pursuit of his high moral integrity would rather stay as a hermit in the humble hut than work with toadies in the imperial court.

3.Screens here refer to the screens made of bamboos and used to shut out the mosquitoes or other insects.

4.The sutra here means the Buddhist scriptures.

5.Zhuge Liang was a prestigious statesman and strategist of Shu Kingdom and before becoming the prime minister to Liu Bei, the duke of Shu Kingdom, he lived as a recluse in Wolonggang, Nanyang in Henan province.

6.Yang Ziyun, whose real name was Yang Xiong, was a famous litterateur in West Han Dynasty. He had a thatched pavilion in Shu Shire (now Sichuan).




An Inscription to the Humble Hut

By Liu Yuxi

许景城 译(Tr. Peter Jingcheng Xu)


Renowned is mountain not for its height but for the immortal who lives in it. Ensouled is sea not for its depth but for the dragon that inhabits it. It's true of my humble hut where see my morality, virtues, and happiness but shames. Lichens are creeping up to the stone steps blanketed in green while the shining grass echoes the bamboo portiere of my room in blue. Coming to my house and conversing to me are the intelligent not the illiterate. From time to time, we can play the lyre, or read Buddhist scriptures, never to be troubled by noisy string and flute sounds or heavy official documents. Thus, my humble hut is like the thatched shed where Zhuge Liang from Nanyang lived and the thatched pavilion where Yang Ziyun from West Shu Shire dwelled. Just as Confucius once uttered, "Is it humble?" 




An Epigraph in Praise of My Humble Home

By Liu Yuxi

罗经国 译

A mountain needn't be high; It is famous so long as there is a deity on it. A lake needn't be deep; It has supernatural power so long as there is a dragon in it. My home is humble, But it enjoys the fame of virtue so long as I am living in it. The moss creeping onto the doorsteps turns them green. The color of the grass reflected through the bamboo curtains turns the room blue. Erudite scholars come in good spirits to talk with me, And among my guests there is no unlearned common man. In this humble room, I can enjoy playing my plainly decorated qin, or read the Buddhist Scriptures quietly, Without the disturbance of the noisy that jar on the ears, or the solemn burden of reading official documents. My humble home is like the thatched hut of Zhuge Liang of Nanyang, or the Pavilion Ziyun of Xishu. Confucius once said: "How could we call a room humble as long as there is a virtuous man in it?"




An Epigraph for My Humble Room

By Liu Yuxi

颜林海 译

A mountain has a fame not for its height, but for a deity being in it. A lake has a spirit not for its depth, but for a dragon being in it. My room, although simple and humble, is famous for my virtues. Here, moss kisses the steps, and green grass catches the eyes. Confabbing here are all erudite men but shallow people. Here I can play my undecorated qin (a Chinese zither), and read diamond sutra, neither interrupted by such noises as from those silk-string and woodwind instruments, nor exhausted by official documents. My room, famous for my virtues, like Zhuge Liang's Thatched Cottage in Nanyang and Ziyun's Pavilion in western Shu, is just described as Confucius said:"How can such a room be simple and humble?"





Inscription For My Shabby Hut

孙大雨 译

Mountains need not always be high, They're famed if therein fairies abide. Waters need not always be deep, They're hallowed where dragons are spied. This is a simple, mean abode, Only my virtue lends it fragrance. Moss smears a fringe of green upon The stone steps forming the terrace; And peering through the screen, there throbs the emerald of the lush grass. Great scholars drop in casually, And talk and laugh in abandoned ways; While in this cordial company Nonentities have ne'er a place. The ancient zither we might play, Or golden-lettered scriptures peruse. No concert bands our ears confuse, And no official files await Our tackling—to excruciate. To Zhuge's cottage at Nanyang, Or Ziyun's pavilion in Sichuan, mine may well be compared. So, as Confucius once had said, "How could it be considered mean?"

选自:孙大雨. 《古诗文英译集》.上海外语教育出版社, 1997.




An Eulogium on a Humble Cell

Stephen 译

A mount needs not be high; it becomes noted when on it fairies dwell. A body of water needs not be deep; it would be ensouled, if a dragon makes it its resting whereabouts. This hut of mine is a humble one, but I make it virtuously fragrant in repute. The green moss creeping on the stepping stones and the verdure in the courtyard peeing through the screen do tell the presence of spring. Here could be heard the table-talks and laughters of renowned scholars, but the rough and gross come not hither their wares to sell. Here plain table-heptachord could be plucked and golden classics read the worldly cares to quell. But there are without riotous strings and pipes to confuse the ears, and tedious official documents to ring quietude's knell. Zhuge's recluse cottage at Nanyang and Yang Xiong's hermit arbour in West Shu, — according to Confucius, wherefore could either one of them be branded as a humble cell?


Eulogy on My Humble Abode

海外逸士(X.L.Woo) 译

Known will hills be if fairies dwell, no matter high or low; and charmed will waters be if dragons lurk, no matter deep or shallow. A humble abode though this is, my virtues make it smell sweet. Verdant are the stonesteps overgrown with moss, and green seems the screen as the grass seen through it.  I chat and laugh only with great scholars and have no intercourse with the ignorant.  I can play simple zither and read Buddhist sutras; no string and bamboo instruments to grate on my ears and no government documents to weary my mortal form.  That's what like Zhuge's cottage in Nanyang and Ziyun's pavilion in Xishu as Confucius quoth, "How canth it be humble?"



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