
线下学术 | 金融学系讲座(2021-10-22)

北大光华行政中心 北大光华各系学术资讯 2021-10-19




Topic:  Markets Price Politicians: Evidence from China’s Municipal Bond Markets

Speaker:  Yang Yao, Peking University

Time:  Friday, October 22, 12:00–1:30 p.m. Beijing Time

Location:   Room 110, Guanghua Building 2


We study China’s municipal bond markets to find whether mayors’ political human capital —measured by their abilities to grow their cities’ economy—is recognized and priced by market investors. We find that an increase of one standard deviation in a mayor’s ability reduces investors’ bidding prices by 11.4 base points, equivalent to saving 38 million yuan during an average mayor’s tenure. Ability has stronger impacts for younger mayors, in the first year of a mayor’s tenure, and on bonds issued by issuers with lower ratings, and by economically or financially less developed cities.

(Coauthors: He Wang, Yue Zhou)




主要研究领域包括中国制度转型、开放条件下的中国经济增长以及农村发展。在国内外发表学术论文百余篇,著有《制度与效率-和诺斯对话》、《作为制度创新的经济改革》(中英文版)、《发展经济学》,并与他人合著《制度经济学三人谈》、《我们的时代》、《儒家政治》以及Ownership Transformation in China等著作,出版文集《自由、公正和制度变迁》、《土地、制度和农业发展》、《中国道路的世界意义》和《穿行于书斋和现实之间》,主编《转轨中国-转型时期的社会公正和平等》和《中国经济学四十年》,与他人合编《中国2049》、Globalization and Economic Growth in ChinaChinas Economic Reform and Growth以及《中国新叙事》等;在《读书》、《南方周末》、《人民日报》等杂志和报纸发表上百篇通俗性文章和评论,并在Foreign AffairsFinancial TimesChina Daily 等英文杂志和报纸上发表文章,是 Project Syndicate专栏作家。

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