
[E417]Sport of Kims

2016-05-14 LearnAndRecord

本文音频及原文摘自杂志The Economist 2016年第20期,Asia版块。

Kim Jong Un thrills North Koreans with hours of brilliance

A rare congress of the Workers’ Party produces almost nothing of note

May 14th 2016 | SEOUL

THE seventh congress of the Workers’ Party[1] was meant to be North Korea’s most notable political shindig[2] in nearly four decades. The sixth, in 1980, was a coming-out party[3] for its then dictator-in-waiting[4], Kim Jong Il[金正日]. At this one the late Kim’s son, Kim Jong Un (pictured), spoke for interminable[5] hours to more than 3,000 clapping delegates, lauding[6] a recent nuclear test[核试验] and missile launch[导弹发射] (subjects know nothing of the three that flopped[7] last month) and announcing an empty five-year economic plan. None of the 120-odd foreign journalists invited to cover the show saw any of this gripping[8] stuff, being sent off to a model electric-cable[电缆] plant, a pristine[9] hospital and a silk mill[丝绸织造厂] instead. Things briefly went off-script[10] when North Korea expelled[驱逐] a BBC journalist and his team for “disrespectful” reporting—furnishing visiting media with[11] some news after all.



[1]THE seventh congress of the Workers’ Party 朝鲜劳动党第七次全国代表大会

[2]shindig ['ʃɪndɪg]

a noisy event or situation, especially a large, energetic party, celebration, etc. 喧闹的事件(或情形);(尤指)狂欢会,盛大庆祝会

Are you going to that shindig at the Town Hall tonight? 


[3]coming-out party:A celebratory social gathering, with music, dancing, and refreshments, at which a young debutante is formally introduced to society.少女初入社交界的交谊会;介绍性舞会;走出去的聚会

[4]dictator:a leader who has complete power in a country and has not been elected by the people 独裁者,暴君

[5]interminable:continuing for too long and therefore boring or annoying 无休止的,冗长不堪的

[6]laud:to praise 赞美,赞扬,赞颂 The German leadership lauded the Russian initiative. 德国领导人赞扬了俄罗斯的倡议。

[7]flop:to fall or drop heavily 重重地落下(或掉下) Hugh's hair keeps flopping over/into his eyes. 休的头发老是垂下来遮住眼睛/垂进眼睛里。

[8]gripping:describes something that is so interesting or exciting that it holds your attention completely 引人入胜的;扣人心弦的;激动人心的 I found the book so gripping that I couldn't put it down. 我觉得这本书太吸引人了,一看就难以释手。

[9]pristine ['prɪstiːn; -staɪn]

new or almost new, and in very good condition 崭新的;状态良好的

pristine new offices


[10]go off-script:used to describe the occasion when one "goes rogue"and acts in a manner not contemplated or planned

[11]furnish sb with sth:to provide someone with something 向(某人)提供 Furnished with a compass and sandwiches, they set off for a day's hiking. 他们带着罗盘和三明治开始了一天的徒步旅行。



原文摘自The economist,仅外语学习之用。

其中生词解释来源于Cambridge Dictionaries







