
[E502]美国参议院高票推翻奥巴马对9/11法案否决 | 金融时报

2016-09-30 LearnAndRecord

Senate’s 9/11 vote raises heat on Saudis


2016年9月29日 06:15


The US Senate voted overwhelmingly[压倒性地] yesterday to override a presidential veto[推翻总统的否决] on a bill that would allow the families of 9/11 victims to sue Saudi Arabia[沙特阿拉伯].


The legislation is part of a potential sea change[1] in the kingdom’s relationships with the west over its alleged connection to religious extremism and its conduct of the war in Yemen.


Despite fierce last-minute lobbying[2] by the Obama administration and the Saudi embassy in Washington, the Senate voted 97-1 to support the bill, which Barack Obama vetoed[否决;禁止] last week.


If the House of Representatives[众议院] also passes the bill again this week by more than two-thirds, as it is expected to do, it will represent both the first override of a veto in this administration and a striking rebuke[惊人/异乎寻常的斥责] of the Saudis who once demanded strong loyalty in Washington.


While Riyadh[利雅得(沙特阿拉伯首都)] is still considered by the US and British governments as a critical partner in counter-terrorism operations and in the fight against Isis, the Saudis are having to adjust to a more openly critical political mood in many capitals.


We have begged them to be better about targeting [in air strikes in Yemen]. We have told them the targets not to hit and they have not listened,” said Senator Chris Murphy, a Democrat. “I would absolutely argue that we should be sending messages to the Saudis that our support for them is conditional.”

“我方曾经恳求他们在空袭也门时把目标搞搞清楚。我方告诉他们哪些目标不该轰炸,他们却什么都不听,”民主党参议员克里斯•墨菲(Chris Murphy)表示。“我绝对认为,我们应该向沙特方面发出一个信息,我方对他们的支持是有条件的。”

US analysts say rising Sunni militancy in Yemen, fuelled by Saudi Arabia’s involvement in the war, is feeding anti-Saudi sentiment[反沙特情绪] in Washington.


Some in the Senate are looking at ways of linking problematic elements of the Saudi campaign in Yemen with 9/11 to create a larger narrative[3] that Saudi is an ally that we need to look into,” said Andrew Bowen, a fellow at the Wilson Center’s Middle East programme.

“一些参议员正在设法把沙特在也门发起的战役中一些有问题的地方与9/11挂钩,以制造一个更大的口实,说明沙特是我们需要反思的一个盟友,”华盛顿智库威尔逊中心(Wilson Center)的中东项目研究员安德鲁•鲍恩(Andrew Bowen)表示。

Yesterday’s vote was an important test of the political climate facing the Saudis, with the Senate deciding to override a veto by President Barack Obama of the 9/11 bill that had passed both houses of Congress unanimously[全体一致地;无异议地].

昨天的投票是对沙特面临的政治气候的重要考验,结果是参议院决定推翻巴拉克•奥巴马(Barack Obama)总统对国会两院此前一致通过的9/11法案的否决。

The bill allows the courts to waive[4] claims to foreign sovereign immunity[外国主权豁免原则] in cases involving terrorist acts on US soil. It is rooted in the suspicion that Saudi government officials gave assistance to the 9/11 hijackers while they were in the US, a sentiment that remains strong in the US Congress.


There is a directly proportional relationship between the amount of Saudi and Wahhabi money that goes into parts of the globe and the success of terrorist recruiters,” said Mr Murphy.




[1]sea change:a complete change 彻底变化

There will have to be a sea change in people's attitudes if public transport is ever to replace the private car.


[2]lobby:to try to persuade a politician, the government, or an official group that a particular thing should or should not happen, or that a law should be changed 游说,试图说服(政客、政府或官方团体)

Small businesses have lobbied hard for/against changes in the tax laws.


Local residents lobbied to have the factory shut down.


They have been lobbying Congress to change the legislation concerning guns.


[3]narrative:a story or a description of a series of events 故事;叙述

It's a moving narrative of wartime adventure.


a first-person/third-person narrative

a gripping/compelling narrative

[4]waive:to not demand something you have a right to, or not cause a rule to be obeyed 放弃(权利);不遵守(规则)

The bank manager waived the charge (= said we didn't have to pay), as we were old and valued customers.


If they waive (= remove) the time limit, many more applications will come in.


He persuaded the delegates to waive (= give up) their objections.









