

2016-10-31 LearnAndRecord




今年7月,FBI 局长詹姆斯·科米宣布“邮件门”调查结果时表示,尽管希拉里及其同事虽然在处理非常敏感、高度机密的信息时“极度大意”,但并没有故意违反相关法律,FBI 不建议美国司法部对希拉里进行刑事起诉。今年9月,詹姆斯·科米在国会听证时也表示,针对希拉里在担任国务卿期间使用私人邮件服务器的调查已经结束。

为什么会重启?詹姆斯·科米递在交给国会的信中指出:在一宗无关的案件中,FBI 发现了一些与“邮件门”调查相关的邮件,因此将重启调查。这起“无关的案件”指的是 FBI 对前国会议员安东尼·韦纳所涉及的一起性侵案调查。韦纳的前妻修玛·阿贝丁曾是希拉里在国务院的副幕僚长,因此警方在韦纳的电脑中查到了一些与希拉里任国务卿期间的工作相关的邮件。


Clinton's FBI investigation: What you need to know

Hillary Clinton's campaign was jolted[1] when FBI Director James Comey delivered the ultimate October surprise.

Eleven days before the 2016 presidential election, Comey announced that the FBI had discovered additional emails and is reviewing them to see whether they are related to the bureau's investigation into Clinton's handling of classified information[机密情报/信息].

Here's what you need to know -- and how it might affect Clinton, Donald Trump and the presidential race:

Why is this happening now?

It started with the FBI's investigation into Anthony Weiner[(国会众议员)韦纳], the disgraced[不光彩的;耻辱的] former New York congressman[国会议员;众议员] who was caught over the summer exchanging lewd and sexually suggestive messages with a 15-year-old girl.

Weiner's estranged[(夫妻)分居的;久未联系的;隔绝的] wife is Clinton adviser Huma Abedin. And in their look into Weiner's sexting allegations[指控], which began on September 22, investigators from the FBI's New York field office[驻地办事处;分部] discovered Abedin's emails on Weiner's laptop -- with initial data showing those emails went through Clinton's server.

It was enough to lead FBI Director James Comey to conclude the emails would need to be reviewed to see if he'd need to reopen the investigation he'd closed in July on whether Clinton kept classified information on the private email server she used during her tenure[任期] as secretary of state.

Comey was made aware of the emails' existence by mid-October, law enforcement sources have said. He was given a full briefing on Thursday.

Comey decided Friday after a series of "long grueling[2] meetings" with top FBI executives that the FBI needed to review to see whether the emails were related to its investigation into Clinton's server, and a letter would be sent to Congress about the development, a law enforcement source told CNN.

And so, on Friday -- 11 days from the election -- Comey informed eight Senate and House chairmen[参议院和众议院主席], who are Republicans, and copied the ranking Democrats on their panels.

What do we know about the new emails?

Not much. In fact, it does not appear as if the FBI has yet examined them in depth. Comey, in his letter, said the new emails “appear to be pertinent[3]” to the earlier investigation. He also added the FBI “cannot yet assess whether the material may or may not be significant,” including whether the emails contained classified information.

Translation: Once the FBI examines the emails, it may discover these are emails that have already been reviewed in the earlier probe. Alternatively[或者;要不], these could be fresh emails that had been missed in the first investigation. Even then, they may or may not have classified information.

How many emails are there?

There is no precise number, but news reports have said there are more than 1,000. It is unclear whether that number means actual email chains or individual emails.

What does this have to do with Hillary Clinton?

It's too soon to know.

The FBI discovered emails sent to or from Abedin -- one of Clinton's longest-serving and most-trusted aides[任职最长、最信任的助手].

But it's not clear whether those are the same emails the FBI already reviewed in its investigation into Clinton's private email server that concluded in July with an admonition[4] from Comey -- but no recommendation of charges[不建议起诉].

There could be additional emails that Clinton didn't turn over to the State Department[国务院] and the FBI didn't discover during its investigation. Even if any such emails exist, it still might not mean much because they could be personal in nature.

Comey wrote to Congress that "the FBI cannot yet assess whether or not this material may be significant."

How will this impact the election?

It'll take a couple days before new polls will show the full impact of the latest revelation.

But for Clinton, what's troubling is that the development gives new life to a story that has fueled voters' sense that she's untrustworthy -- perhaps her biggest political liability -- at exactly the wrong time, as her campaign's early voting operation is at full stride[5] and with little time left before November 8.

It's clear Clinton's campaign senses the danger. Her top aides are hardly hiding their frustration -- and they're directing that frustration at Comey.

"He might have taken the first step of actually having looked at them (the emails) before he did this in the middle of a presidential campaign, so close to the voting," Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta told CNN's Jake Tapper on "State of the Union."

Clinton herself weighed[6] in Saturday, questioning Comey's decision to act so close to the election -- and without more information to explain just what the bombshell[(常指令人不快的)出人意料的消息,爆炸性新闻] he dropped actually is.

"It's pretty strange to put something like that out with such little information right before an election," Clinton told supporters in Daytona Beach, Florida, where the crowd booed[发嘘声;喝倒彩] at the mention of Comey's letter. "In fact, it's not just strange, it's unprecedented and it's deeply troubling because voters deserve to get full and complete facts."



Trump, meanwhile, is reveling[7] in Clinton's political trouble -- with his surrogates[8] tamping down[抑制;打压?] their charges of politicization[政治指控] within the Justice Department, and Trump even cracking a joke[开玩笑] on Sunday.

"We never thought we were going to say thank you to Anthony Weiner," Trump said at a rally in Las Vegas.


以及: http://t.cn/RV1zrkn



[1]jolt:to (cause something or someone to) move suddenly and violently (使)震动,(使)猛然摇动

The train stopped unexpectedly and we were jolted forwards.


to shock someone in order to change their behaviour or way of thinking 使震惊

The charity used photos of starving children in an attempt to jolt the public conscience (= make people feel guilty and take action).


[2]grueling:extremely tiring and difficult, and demanding great effort and determination 使人精疲力尽的;艰辛的;让人受不了的

Junior doctors often have to work a gruelling 100-hour week.


[3]pertinent:relating directly to the subject being considered 有关的,直接相关的

a pertinent question/remark


Chapter One is pertinent to the post-war period.


Note: The opposite is irrelevant.

Do not confuse with impertinent (= rude).

[4]admonition:a piece of advice that is also a warning to someone about their behaviour 劝诫;忠告;警告;责备

The most common parental admonition must surely be "Don't stay out late".


[5]stride:an important positive development 进展,进步

The West made impressive strides in improving energy efficiency after the huge rises in oil prices during the 70s.


a long step when walking or running 大步,阔步

She attributes her record-breaking speed to the length of her stride.


[6]weigh:to carefully consider, especially by comparing facts or possibilities, in order to make a decision 仔细考虑;权衡;掂量

Only when we have weighed all the factors involved can we decide when would be the best time to start.


of something such as a fact or an event) to have an influence or be important (事实或事件)有影响,很重要

Easy access to a skilled workforce weighed heavily with us when we chose a site for the new factory.


· weigh your words:to carefully think about everything you are going to say before you say it 推敲;斟酌字句

He gave evidence to the court, weighing each word as he spoke.


[7]revel:to dance, drink, sing, etc. at a party or in public, especially in a noisy way (尤指吵闹地)狂欢,纵酒,作乐

[8]surrogate:something that replaces or is used instead of something else 替代的;代理的







