

2017-01-22 LearnAndRecord


然后新上任的白宫发言人Sean Spicer,召开简短的记者会狠狠地怼了回去:“这是有史以来观众最多的总统就职典礼!”


5分多钟新闻发布会上,发言人Sean Spicer他花了4分多钟的时间痛批了故意制造虚假新闻抹黑的媒体和记者。



SEAN SPICER: Good evening. Thank you guys for coming. I know our first official press briefing is going to be on Monday, but I wanted to give you a few updates on the President's activities. But before I get to the news of the day, I think I'd like to discuss a little bit of the coverage of the last 24 hours.


Yesterday, at a time when our nation and the world was watching the peaceful transition of power and, as the President said, the transition and the balance of power from Washington to the citizens of the United States, some members of the media were engaged in deliberately false reporting[故意虚假报道/歪曲报道]. For all the talk about the proper use of Twitter, two instances yesterday stand out.

One was a particular egregious[1] example in which a reporter falsely tweeted out that the bust[半身像] of Martin Luther King, Jr. had been removed from the Oval Office[(美国白宫的)椭圆形办公室,总统办公室]. After it was pointed out that this was just plain wrong, the reporter casually reported and tweeted out and tried to claim that a Secret Service agent must have just been standing in front of it. This was irresponsible and reckless[鲁莽的;轻率的;不顾后果的].

[1]egregious [ɪ'ɡriːdʒəs]

extremely bad in a way that is very noticeable (错误等)极其严重的,极坏的,令人震惊的

It was an egregious error for a statesman to show such ignorance.


Sean Spicer首先对发布“马丁路德金的头像被移出白宫椭圆办公室”这一虚假消息表示这种做法非常鲁莽、不负责。



Secondly, photographs of the inaugural[就职的;就职演说] proceedings were intentionally framed in a way, in one particular tweet, to minimize the enormous support that had gathered on the National Mall.


This was the first time in our nation's history that floor coverings have been used to protect the grass on the Mall. That had the effect of highlighting any areas where people were not standing, while in years past the grass eliminated this visual.



This was also the first time that fencing and magnetometers went as far back on the Mall, preventing hundreds of thousands of people from being able to access the Mall as quickly as they had in inaugurations past.



Inaccurate numbers involving crowd size were also tweeted. No one had numbers, because the National Park Service, which controls the National Mall, does not put any out. By the way, this applies to any attempts to try to count the number of protestors today in the same fashion.

We do know a few things, so let's go through the facts. We know that from the platform where the President was sworn in[宣誓就职], to 4th Street, it holds about 250,000 people. From 4th Street to the media tent is about another 220,000. And from the media tent to the Washington Monument, another 250,000 people.


All of this space was full when the President took the Oath of Office. We know that 420,000 people used the D.C. Metro public transit yesterday, which actually compares to 317,000 that used it for President Obama's last inaugural.

This was the largest audience to ever witness an inauguration -- period -- both in person and around the globe.


Even the New York Times printed a photograph showing a misrepresentation of the crowd in the original Tweet in their paper, which showed the full extent of the support, depth in crowd, and intensity that existed.

These attempts to lessen the enthusiasm of the inauguration are shameful and wrong. The President was also at the -- as you know, the President was also at the Central Intelligence Agency and greeted by a raucous[2] overflow crowd of some 400-plus CIA employees. There were over 1,000 requests to attend, prompting the President to note that he'll have to come back to greet the rest.

[2]raucous ['rɔːkəs]

loud and unpleasant (声音)刺耳的,尖厉的

I heard the raucous call of the crows.


The employees were ecstatic[3] that he's the new Commander-in-Chief, and he delivered them a powerful and important message. He told them he has their back, and they were grateful for that. They gave him a five-minute standing ovation[起立欢呼/鼓掌] at the end in a display of their patriotism and their enthusiasm for his presidency.

[3]ecstatic [ɪk'stætɪk]

extremely happy 狂喜的,欣喜若狂的

The new president was greeted by an ecstatic crowd.


I'd also note that it's a shame that the CIA didn't have a CIA Director to be with him today when he visited, because the Democrats have chosen -- Senate Democrats are stalling[拖延;停顿] the nomination of Mike Pompeo and playing politics with national security. That's what you guys should be writing and covering, instead of sowing division about tweets and false narratives.


The President is committed to unifying our country, and that was the focus of his inaugural address. This kind of dishonesty in the media, the challenging -- that bringing about our nation together is making it more difficult.

There's been a lot of talk in the media about the responsibility to hold Donald Trump accountable[负责任]. And I'm here to tell you that it goes two ways. We're going to hold the press accountable, as well. The American people deserve better. And as long as he serves as the messenger for this incredible movement, he will take his message directly to the American people where his focus will always be.



And with that, a few other updates from the day. The President had a constructive conversation with Prime Minister Trudeau of Canada about strengthening the relationship between our two nations. They also discussed setting up additional meetings in the days to come, which we will follow up on. He also spoke to Prime Minister Peña Nieto of Mexico, and talked about a visit on trade, immigration and security that will occur on the 31st. The President will welcome his first foreign leader this Thursday when the United Kingdom's Theresa May will come to Washington -- on Friday.

Tomorrow, the President will oversee his Assistants to the President being sworn in. The staff will then have an ethics briefing, a briefing on the proper use and handling of classified information. Further updates as far as what he will do -- oh, and then in the evening, he will have a reception for law enforcement and first responders that helped support the inauguration.

Thank you guys for being here tonight. I will see you on Monday.









