

2017-06-16 LearnAndRecord


Chinese version of ‘Midnight Diner’ fails to win over audiences

People's Daily Online

The classic Japanese TV series “Shinya Shokudo,” or “Midnight Diner,” debuted[1] its Chinese version on June 12. Unfortunately, the series was roundly[2] mocked[3] by audiences, and ultimately received the lowest-ever rating for a television show.

[1]debut:the occasion when someone performs or presents something to the public for the first time 首演,首次公演

She made her professional stage debut in Swan Lake.


[2]roundly:severely 严厉地;尖刻地;狠狠地

The government is being roundly criticized for its education policy.



1)to laugh at someone, often by copying them in a funny but unkind way 嘲笑,嘲弄;(常指为取笑而)模仿

They were mocking him because he kept falling off his bike.


2)to make something appear stupid or not effective 愚弄;使徒劳

The wind mocked their attempts to reach the shore by pushing the boat further and further out to sea.


The original series debuted in 2009 and tells the story of a late-night diner that opens from midnight to dawn. In 2015, it was also adapted into a South Korean TV series.

On Chinese media review site Douban, the South Korean version scored 6.8 out of 10 points, while the Chinese version, four episodes in, only has a 2.3 out of 10. This is reportedly the lowest-ever rating for any Chinese television series. Some 90.5 percent of viewers only gave it a 1, and many noted that they would have scored it 0 if the rating system allowed it.

Meanwhile, the original Japanese series received a high score of 9.2 for its first season. The following four seasons were rated slightly lower score, but the latest season in 2016 was still rated 8.6 out of 10.

While the show was reportedly required to adhere to the original storyline, many audiences expressed discontent with the lack of Chinese elements. Some pointed out that a midnight diner in China would not be an izakaya with one solemn[4]-looking cook, as in Japan. Rather, Chinese people tend to eat late-night snacks at outdoor food stands, choosing noodles, kebabs[5] and grilled seafood. Usually those snacks are served alongside beer.

[4]solemn:serious and without any humour 庄严的,严肃的

a solemn face/voice


[5]kebab [kɪ'bæb]

a shish kebab 烤肉串

shish kebab:a dish consisting of small pieces of meat and vegetables that have been put on a long, thin stick or metal rod and cooked together 烤肉串

The TV series's rigid[6] adaptation triggered unease among some viewers. In one episode, the series tried to replace ochazuke[7], a Japanese dish, with something more Chinese. However, the show's creators chose instant noodles – a snack more commonly consumed at home. Many also complained about the cast's acting skills. Instead of striking a chord[8] with audiences, some of the actors and actresses performed for comedic effect in a TV series intended to be warm and comforting.

[6]rigid:stiff or fixed; not able to be bent or moved 僵硬的;固定的;不能弯曲的;顽固的;不易改变的

a rigid steel and concrete structure


[7]ochazuke 茶泡饭

[8]strike a chord

1)If something strikes a chord, it causes people to approve of it or agree with it. 引起共鸣,得到赞同

2)If something strikes a chord, it causes people to remember something else because it is similar to it. 拨动心弦;使触景生情

The Chinese version of “Midnight Dinerfeatures a number of famous actors and actresses from the Chinese mainland, Hong Kong and Taiwan. Its director, Tsai Yueh-hsun, is known for several TV series adapted from Japanese manga, such as "Meteor Garden[9]."


Even as the copyrights of more Japanese TV series are being purchased for production in China, a number of adaptions seem to be missing the mark, proving unsatisfying for Chinese audiences. The intention of boosting the domestic TV market has backfired[10] after a series of copycats failed to fully embrace the theme and spirit of their predecessors.

[10]backfire:(of a plan) to have the opposite result from the one you intended (计划)产生适得其反的结果

Her plans to make him jealous backfired on her when he started dating her best friend.










