

2017-08-12 LearnAndRecord

Britain Turns to Chinese Textbooks to Improve Its Math Scores


BEIJING — Educators around the world were stunned[1] when students in Shanghai came first in their international standardized testing debut, in 2010, besting[2] their counterparts in dozens of countries in what some called a Sputnik-like moment[3].

北京——上海学生首次参加国际标准化考试,便力压来自其他数十个国家的学生,拔得头筹,创造了一些人口中类似于“斯普特尼克時刻”的一刻。该消息在2010年公之于众时, 全世界的教育者都为之震惊。

[1]stunned:very shocked or surprised 目瞪口呆

They stood in stunned silence beside the bodies.


[2]best (v.)

to defeat someone in a fight or competition 击败,战胜

He bested his opponent in just two rounds.


[3]Sputnik moment

The moment when a country or a society realizes that it needs to catch up with apparent technological and scientific developments made by some other country or countries by increasing its investment into education, innovative research and development, etc.


Now, some British schools will try to replicate that success by using translated textbooks that are otherwise all but identical to those in public elementary schools around Shanghai.


Starting in January, teachers in England will have the option of using “Real Shanghai Mathematics,” a series of 36 textbooks translated directly from Chinese into English. The only difference? The renminbi symbols will be replaced by British pound signs.

从2018年1月起,英国的老师将可以选择使用一套共36本直接从中文译成英文的教科书——《真实上海数学》(Real Shanghai Mathematics)。唯一的区别?人民币的符号将被英镑的符号取而代之。

“All this time, Asians have been learning from the Western education system,” said Yong Zhao, a professor of education at University of Kansas. “Suddenly, it's the reverse.”

“很长时间以来,亚洲人一直从西方教育系统中汲取经验,”堪萨斯大学(University of Kansas)教育学教授赵勇说。“突然间,事情发生了逆转。”

Western classrooms have adopted mathematics teaching techniques from Asia before. In the past, a small number of schools in the West experimented with a Singapore-style approach. It is similar to the method used in Shanghai, which is seen as having the best math teachers in China.


But experts say England is the first country to forge ahead with a bold government-backed plan to remake some classrooms in the image of the East. Under a $54 million initiative funded by the government, more than half the primary schools in England will adopt a teaching approach to math that is used in top-performing places like Shanghai and Singapore.


“I am confident that the steps we are taking now will ensure young people are properly prepared for further study and the 21st-century workplace, and that the too often heard phrase ‘can't do mathsis consigned[4] to the past,” said Nick Gibb, the British schools minister who oversees primary education, when he announced the initiative last year.

“我相信,我们现在采取的措施将确保年轻人为未来的学业和21世纪的职场做好准备,人们耳熟能详的‘学不来数学’将成为过时的说法,”负责初等教育的英国学校事务大臣尼克·吉布(Nick Gibb)去年宣布推出该计划时表示。

[4]consign sb/sth to sthto get rid of someone or something or to put him, her, or it in an unpleasant place or situation 把…打发掉;把…置于,使…处于(不利境地)

to be consigned to prison


The country's K-12 education system[7], by contrast, is something of a natural cultural resource, having been built around the all-important gaokao, or national college examination, a single competitive test that determines where most Chinese go to university.



Besides Britain, a number of other countries, including the United Arab Emirates, Kenya, and Malaysia, have expressed interest in learning from the so-called Chinese mastery model. Mr. Ni, the Chinese publisher, said that the company was in talks with education representatives in several other countries, like the United States, about adapting its workbooks.


The movement to learn from China comes even as parents and educators in the country increase calls to overhaul the education system to ease the intense pressure on students and encourage individuality.


“Just because England is importing our teaching materials doesn't mean there aren't any problems with our education system and that it doesn't need reform,” Xiong Bingqi, vice president of the 21st Century Education Research Institute in Beijing, wrote recently in the Guangming Newspaper.


In some parts of China, officials have already begun experimenting with gaokao reforms and with teaching techniques that reward critical thinking. Dissatisfied with the education system at home, huge numbers of parents continue to send their children to study in countries like England and the United States.


“Right now, the national buzzword is creativity,” said Jiang Xueqin, a researcher at Harvard who advises Chinese schools on how to incorporate more creativity into their curriculum. “China sees it as a source of economic power, a hurdle to be jumped over to challenge American hegemony[8].”


[8]hegemony:(especially of countries) the position of being the strongest and most powerful and therefore able to control others (尤指国家的)霸权,支配权

The three nations competed for regional hegemony.


Some experts question whether merely adopting Chinese textbooks will have a real impact on math standards. Textbooks, Mr. Hughes acknowledged, are not a silver bullet[9] for education problems in Britain.


[9]silver bullet:a simple solution to a complicated problem

But even if the effort is well intentioned, some critics say the mastery system is too rooted in the cultural context of Asia to be applicable in the West.


Mr. Ni said that some of those differences became evident in translating Chinese workbooks into English. One exercise asks first graders to pair objects, like a shirt and shorts, for example, or a flower and a vase.


But at least one pair had to be changed, he said. The bird and cage in the original became a bird and a tree in the English edition — a not-so-subtle metaphor[10], perhaps, for the different approaches to teaching.


[10]metaphor ['metəfɔː(r)]

an expression, often found in literature, that describes a person or object by referring to something that is considered to have similar characteristics to that person or object 隐喻;暗喻

“To Chinese, the bird is just a toy,” Mr. Ni said. “But in England, the bird has to be free in the tree.”










