
苹果下半年或将推出iPhone X plus 网友:iPhone XXXL?

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26

本周一,据彭博社报道,苹果公司将在今年下半年发布三款新iPhone,其中一款的屏幕尺寸比过去所有型号iPhone都要大。另一款将是现有iPhone X的同尺寸升级版,还有一款是拥有一些旗舰机型特性的相对廉价型号。


Apple’s super-sized iPhone X may come in gold this fall

All three 2018 iPhones will reportedly have slim bezels[边框] and Face ID

It’s been rumored[1] that Apple will launch three new iPhones this year, and we may have just gotten our first look at the display for the so-called 6.5-inch “iPhone X Plus.” The photo was originally posted on the MacX forums, but it has since been deleted. (A copy saved by MacRumors can be seen below.)


1) information or a story that is passed from one person to another and which may or may not be true  谣言,传闻

[+ about/of ]

I’ve heard all sorts of rumours about him and his secretary.


2) the rumour mill: the people, considered as a group, who discuss something and pass rumours to each other  散布谣言的人群

His name has come up in the rumour mill as a possible director for the project.


3) [常用被动语态]谣传;传闻:

She is rumoured to have been married in England.


While it’s hard to tell if the part is, in fact, a genuine Apple component or not, it certainly is a larger display in the same style as Apple’s existing iPhone X screen — notch and all.[凹口全屏] MacRumors also points out that the cable for connecting to the logic board is labeled similarly to how Apple numbers its parts, which could add more credibility to the rumor.

On the other hand, there are already numerous phones out there that are borrowing Apple’s iPhone X notch design, and it’s entirely possible that this display part could just be for the latest clone.

Bloomberg’s Mark Gurman is adding to mounting[2] expectations that Apple will release three new iPhones this coming September: an upgraded iPhone X, a larger version of that upgraded iPhone X, and a cheaper iPhone that will pair the X’s slim-bezeled screen design with an LCD display. All three will use Face ID for authentication, marking an end to Touch ID in new iPhone products.

其中一款的屏幕尺寸比过去所有型号iPhone都要大。另一款将是现有iPhone X的同尺寸升级版,还有一款是拥有一些旗舰机型特性的相对廉价型号


1) to plan, organize, and begin an event or a course of action  准备;安排;组织;开展

The National Gallery mounted an exhibition of Danish painting.


mount a campaign/challenge/search etc

Friends of the Earth are mounting a campaign to monitor the illegal logging of trees.


mount an assault/attack

Guerrillas have mounted an attack on the capital.


2) to increase gradually in amount or degree  渐渐增加,逐渐增长

Tension here is mounting , as we await the final result.


Casualties on both sides of the battle have continued to mount.


Gurman reports that the Plus-sized version of the X will have a screen that measures “close to 6.5 inches.” (The current iPhone X is 5.8 inches.) Apple is testing prototypes of the larger model with a display resolution of 2688 x 1242. That larger canvas[3] will likely result in Apple bringing over some of the split-view software features from “Plus” iPhones, the report says.


1) a broader/wider/larger canvas

the whole of a situation, and not just a part of it  全局,总体形势

These questions must be considered on a broader canvas.


2) strong cloth used to make bags, tents, shoes etc  帆布

a canvas bag


The bigger iPhone X will feature the same core design elements as last year’s hardware, including an OLED screen and stainless steel sides. Apple is said to be working on a gold color for the new devices as an additional choice beyond the black and white/silver options of the X. (Bloomberg notes that Apple originally aimed to ship a gold iPhone X last year, but canceled those plans due to production issues.)

The LCD iPhone is expected to look very much like an iPhone X and will include Face ID and slimmer bezels. But it will feature an aluminum frame instead of stainless steel. KGI’s Ming-Chi Kuo has estimated that this device will be priced between $700 and $800. That’s far from cheap, but it’s a couple hundred less than the iPhone X’s starting price. Bloomberg doesn’t mention the display size, but Kuo has predicted it will be around 6.1 inches.


Apple is also exploring the idea of adding dual-SIM support to the largest upcoming iPhone, though Gurman cautions that this might not pan out[4] if the company chooses to continue working towards implementing eSIM technology in the iPhone. eSIM allows devices to connect to cellular data networks without inserting a traditional, carrier-provided SIM card. Google’s Pixel 2 phones utilize eSIM for Project Fi customers.

[4]pan out: to develop in a particular way or in a successful way(以某种方式)发展;进展顺利

Their attempt to start a new business didn't pan out.







