

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26

These eye drops could mean you never have to wear glasses again


Getting glasses is something of a bittersweet life event. You can now see much better than you previously could, but keeping glasses clean and protecting them at all costs is definitely a bit of a pain. Contacts solved that problem to a degree, but not everyone can wear them and they can have some convenience issues of their own. Now, an innovative new alternative just took its first steps towards becoming reality, and it’s pretty wild.

Researchers from the Shaare Zedek Medical Center and Bar-Ilan University just released a report explaining how a new type of eye drop infused[1] with “nanoparticles” could replace the need for glasses or contacts. It’s a bit complicated and requires a brief doctor visit, but it apparently works like a charm[魔法].

[1]infuse: [T]to fill something or someone with a particular feeling or quality formal 使充满〔某种感觉〕;向…灌输〔某一品质〕

be infused with sth

Her books are infused with humour and wisdom.


infuse sth into sth

These new designers are infusing fresh interest into the New York fashion scene.


The three-step process starts with a measurement of the individual’s eye refraction[眼球屈光], which can be performed with a smartphone. Then, doctors create a very specific laser pattern which is applied to the eye for less than one second. The laser creates tiny grooves[凹槽] in the surface of the cornea[角膜]. Lastly, special eye drops are applied.

“These nanoparticles go into the shallow ablated[切除] patterns generated on the surface of the cornea,” Zeev Zalevsky explained to Digital Trends. “They change the refraction index[折射率] inside of those patterns. This corrects the visual problem[矫正视力] the user has. The process of correction can be done at home without the need of a medical doctor.”

The procedure is less invasive[2] than traditional laser eye surgery in that it only affects the exterior of the eye and does not require an extensive procedure. However, because the alterations to the eye are so minor, the tiny etchings[原意指“刻版画”,这里指凹槽] in the cornea eventually heal themselves and vision subsequently degrades. The researchers believe the positive effects of the treatment will last one to two months.


1) invasive medical treatment involves cutting into someone’s body 〔治疗〕有创(性) 的,需手术的

invasive surgery


2) an invasive disease spreads quickly and is difficult to stop 〔疾病〕扩散性的;侵入的

invasive bladder cancers


Heading to the eye doctor for a reapplication of the laser every two months sounds pretty inconvenient, but the technology is still in its infancy[3]. Going forward, the researchers are planning additional testing and hope to have something resembling a commercial product available within the next two years.

[3]in one's infancy: a beginning or early period of existence.表示某事物出于新生阶段,还未成熟。比如“慕课到目前还是一种新生事物“就可以说”MOOCs are still in their infancy // in their early days.”







