

LR君 LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26



China prison break: Public appeal after rare inmate escape

rare inmate escape

inmate表示“囚犯”,还可以表示“精神病病患”,英文解释为“The inmates of a prison or mental hospital are the prisoners or patients who are living there. 


...education for prison inmates. 


颇为有趣的是,inmate escape前面加了个形容词rare(罕见的),证明在国外,囚犯越狱的事件可能也不常见,总之还是希望警方早日抓捕归案吧。

In China, prison escapes are few and far between. So the case of two men escaping from a Liaoning prison has turned into a nationwide hunt.

few and far between

很接地气的一个短语,根据few和far我们也应该猜出它的意思:“稀少的,罕见的”,英文解释为“not happening or existing very often”,举个🌰:

Apartments that are both comfortable and reasonably priced are few and far between.



hunt在此处作名词表示“搜索,搜寻”,英文解释为“a search for someone or something that is difficult to find ”,举个🌰:

the hunt for the missing child


In an unusual step, Chinese media are appealing for the public's help in tracking down the escapees and have even publicised a reward for information leading to their capture of 100,000 yuan (£11,185, $14,558).


publicise大家应该并不陌生,简单回顾一下,表示“公布;宣传,宣扬”,英文解释为“to give information about something to the public, so that they know about it”,举个🌰:

television’s failure to publicize the unemployment issue


我们在写作中还可以用到其被动形式,如well/widely/highly publicized (= receiving a lot of attention) 被广泛报道,举个🌰:

His visit was highly publicized.


The pair, who are still believed to be in the province, were serving life sentences in northeastern Liaoning province.

life sentences


It is very unusual for an inmate to escape from detention in China, and just as unusual for media to report it. Chinese media usually refrain from publicising incidents that might cause public alarm and usually only carry reports once an incident has been resolved or brought under control. 

refrain from

表示“忍住;克制”,英文解释为”if you refrain from doing something, you deliberately do not do it. “,举个🌰:

Mrs. Hardie refrained from making any comment. 



carry一词我们再熟悉不过了,但这里明显不是表示”携带“,此处它与report搭配,表示”登载;广播;报道“,英文解释为”if a newspaper, a television or radio broadcast, or a website carries a piece of news, an advertisement etc, it prints it or broadcasts it“,举个🌰:

The morning paper carried a story about demonstrations in New York and Washington D.C.


The national TV network carries religious programmes.



Who escaped?

The two prisoners are 33-year-old Wang Lei and 30-year-old Zhang Guilin. They were being held at the Lingyuan Third Prison in northeastern Liaoning province when they escaped.

were being held at    关在(**监狱)

Little has been reported about Wang Lei, who was sentenced to death for kidnapping in 2017. Reports say his execution was suspended for two years, and that at the end of 2017, it was commuted to a life sentence for good behaviour.


be commuted to

commute可以表示”上下班,通勤“,此处明显不取此意,而是表示”减刑(到…)”,英文解释为:“to change the punishment given to a criminal to one that is less severe technical”,举个🌰:

Baldry’s 20-year prison sentence was commuted to three years.


Much more is made of 39-year-old Zhang Guilin, who was serving a life sentence for robbery. He was initially sentenced to seven years imprisonment in 2001, but reoffended in 2008, a year after he was released from prison.



表示“囚禁;服刑;刑期”,英文解释为“the state of being in prison, or the time someone spends there”,举个🌰:

They were sentenced to 6 years’ imprisonment.


无期徒刑”可以用life imprisonment表示,上文还有类似表达life sentences。

He was sentenced to life in 2009, but The Paper says that he made escape attempts twice during his sentencing. He has been known to be violent, and had intentionally injured another inmate by causing minor facial injuries during a fracas in 2014, The Paper says.


表示“打群架”,书面点的表达就是“〔多人参与的〕喧闹的打架,殴斗骚乱”,英文解释为:“a short noisy fight involving several people",举个🌰:

Eight people were injured in the fracas.


How did they manage to escape?

There are conflicting reports of how exactly the men might have managed to escape.

News site the Beijing Youth Daily earlier reported that the prisoners escaped by wearing uniforms they stole from guards and using their access cards.



acess cards表示“门禁卡”,access以表示”进入权;进入手段“access cards这一表达着实到位。

However, state broadcaster China National Radio later clarified that the exact details of the men's escape has not yet been confirmed, adding that the men could have escaped through a window.

The incident has stoked strong criticism of the prison authorities on Chinese social media. 


stoke基本的意思为“给...添柴火/添煤”,此处表示“激起(某种感觉)”,英文解释为”If you stoke something such as a feeling, you cause it to be felt more strongly. “举个🌰:

These demands are helping to stoke fears of civil war. 


Many voice surprise that the suspects haven't been caught yet, given China's extensive surveillance and police presence

此处的主语应是many,用作代词,相当于many people。举个🌰:

Iris Murdoch was regarded by many as a supremely good and serious writer. 



This may be a consequence of it being Golden Week - a week-long national holiday in China. 


文中采取“加注释”的方式来表达“黄金周”类似概念性名词:Golden Week - a week-long national holiday in China.


What are media saying?

State media often only report on incidents after they have been brought under control. In cases of "lone ranger attacks", such as stabbings, the media will only publish a report only after someone has been arrested, or is no longer deemed a threat. 

China National Radio stresses that they are not likely to have left the province. Beijing Youth Daily similarly plays down the suggestion that either man might be a threat, saying that both men are poorly educated

play down

表示“使…看起来不那么重要,贬低,对…轻描淡写”,英文解释为“to try to make something seem less important or less likely than it really is”,举个🌰:

Management has been playing down the possibility of job losses.


The paper says that Mr Wang is only educated to high school level, and that Mr Zhang is illiterate. 


此处用的是is only educated to high school level来表示逃犯王磊的受教育程度只有初中。







