

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26

近日,7名韩国小姐(Miss Korea)集体拒绝赴日参加“国际小姐”(Miss International)比赛。主办方称,韩方本应派出一名佳丽在10月前往日本,参加第59届“国际小姐”比赛,但本次大赛的7名获奖者全部拒绝。


Korea to boycott Miss International 2019


It all started last month when Japan began placing restrictions on exports to South Korea on three chemicals commonly used to manufacture computer chips. Then, all hell broke loose between the two countries. It was all basically trade and political issues but it unfortunately spilled over to, well, beauty pageants.


boycott /'bɔɪkɑt/在类似新闻报道中多次出现,可作动词也可作名词,意思是“抵制,排斥,拒绝参加”,台湾及港澳地区常用提到的“杯葛”一词即为boycott的音译,英文解释为“to refuse to buy, use or take part in sth as a way of protesting”举个🌰:

We boycott all products tested on animals.


all hell broke loose

这个表达在优衣库联名款遭哄抢一文中就出现过,All hell breaks loose,表示“顿时乱作一团(尤指人们突然争吵、打斗起来)”,英文解释为“If all hell breaks loose, a situation suddenly becomes violent and noisy, especially with people arguing or fighting.”举个🌰:

One policeman drew his gun and then suddenly all hell broke loose.


或者也可以说 All hell is let loose. 含义与all hell breaks loose一样(Said of a chaotic or disruptive situation, especially one that begins suddenly or unexpectedly.)

spill over

表示“(尤指令人不快地)波及,扩散,影响”,英文解释为“If an activity or situation spills over, it begins to affect another situation or group of people, especially in an unpleasant or unwanted way.”举个🌰:

I try not to let my work spill over into my life outside the office.


beauty pageant

表示“选美比赛”,英文解释为“a competition in which women are judged on how physically attractive they are”,也可以直接说beauty contest.

pageant表示“选美(竞赛)”,英文解释为“a public competition for young women in which their appearance, and sometimes other qualities, are compared and judged”;

也可以指“盛大的(露天)演出”,英文解释为“an organized public show, often performed outdoors, where people dress in decorated or unusual clothes”,如:a historical pageant of kings and queens 一场历史上的国王和王后们的盛大庆典。

Recently, the Miss Korea organization has announced that for the first time since 1960, Korea will not be participating at Miss International. This year's pageant will be held in Tokyo, on November 12th. Insiders have told Missosology that the Miss Korea organization is under pressure from the current political climate as well as from sponsors to boycott the Japanese-owned Miss International.

Among the Big5 pageants, Korea is relatively successful at Miss International although it hasn't won the crown yet. It has two first runners-up – Seo Eun-mi in 2009 and Son Tae-young in 2000. From 1991 to 1998 Korea has consistently made it to the semis which is a clear evidence that Miss International places a high regard to Korean beauty.


此处指“冠军称号,冠军宝座,桂冠”,英文解释为“the position you have if you have won an important sports competition”举个🌰:

Can she retain her crown?



表示“(竞赛中的)第二名,亚军”,英文解释为“the person or team that comes second in a race or competition.”注意,复数形式为runners-up,举个🌰:

The two runners-up will receive a case of wine.


The recent trade and political schism between Japan and South Korea has already awakened the nationalistic fervor. Korea's colonial past under the Japanese Empire remains a touchy issue. The Japanese meanwhile looks warily as Korean companies are getting more innovative and popular.


schism /ˈskɪzəm, ˈsɪz-/ 表示“(组织内由于目标、信仰上的分歧引起的)分裂”,英文解释为“the separation of a group into two groups, caused by a disagreement about its aims and beliefs, especially in the Christian church”。

nationalistic fervor

nationalistic表示“国家主义的;民族主义的”,英文解释为“having very strong feelings of love for and pride in your country, so that you think that it is better than any other”;

fervor/fervour 表示“热情,热诚”,英文解释为“very strong belief or feeling”,如:patriotic fervor 爱国热情。


表示“需要小心对待的;棘手的;敏感的”,英文解释为“needing to be dealt with carefully”举个🌰:

This is a touchy subject/issue/point, so we'd better avoid it.



warily副词,wary形容词,表示“(对待人或事物时)小心的,谨慎的,留神的,小心翼翼的”,英文解释为“careful when dealing with sb/sth because you think that there may be a danger or problem”举个🌰:

Be wary of strangers who offer you a ride.


Korea boycotting Miss International is just a part of a very long list of political dramas within the world of pageantry. Think about the anti-apartheid boycotts, the Amina Lawal issue, Turkey skipping Miss Universe 2000 and the usual commotion when a Miss Israel is photographed next to a Miss Lebanon. Beauty pageants are supposed to be a haven for all the political noise but sadly, the reality says otherwise.


anti-apartheid 反种族隔离的(opposed to apartheid)

apartheid 表示“种族隔离制”,英文解释为“Apartheid was a political system in South Africa in which people were divided into racial groups and kept apart by law.”


Amina Lawal (born 1972) is a Nigerian woman. On March 22, 2002, an Islamic Sharia court sentenced her to death by stoning for adultery and for conceiving a child out of wedlock.

Several contestants of the Miss World beauty contest, to be held in Nigeria in 2002, pulled out of the contest to protest against Amina Lawal's treatment.

2002年8月19日,尼日利亚北部卡齐纳州一家法院裁定,与人通奸并生下一女的阿米娜·拉瓦尔(Amina Lawal)必须接受石刑处死。而当年的世界小姐选美盛会定在尼日利亚首都阿布贾举行。随后,多个国家佳丽因此事而选择杯葛(boycott)世界小姐选美盛会。

Nigeria 尼日利亚(非洲国家)

Israel 以色列(亚洲国家)

Lebanon 黎巴嫩(西南亚国家,位于地中海东岸)


表示“通奸(行为)”,英文解释为“sex between a married man or woman and someone he or she is not married to”举个🌰:

Many people in public life have committed adultery.



表示“婚姻;已婚状态”,英文解释为“the state of being married”,如:children born in/out of wedlock (= whose parents are/are not married) 婚生/非婚生子女。


1)表示“怀孕;怀(胎)”,英文解释为“when a woman conceives or conceives a child , she becomes pregnant”举个🌰:

She is unable to conceive.



2)表示“想出(主意、计划等);想象;构想;设想”,英文解释为“to form an idea, a plan, etc. in your mind; to imagine sth”举个🌰:

He conceived the idea of transforming the old power station into an arts centre.


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