

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26

The studio is placing the blame on Disney for cutting short the inter-studio co-operation.

The Hollywood Reporter

Sony Pictures is vowing to carry on the Spider-Man franchise without Marvel Studios' involvement, placing the blame on Disney for cutting the successful inter-studio co-operation short.

carry on

1) 表示“开展;参与”,英文解释为“If you carry on an activity, you do it or take part in it for a period of time.”举个🌰:

The consulate will carry on a dialogue with Indonesia. 


2) 表示“继续”,英文解释为“If you carry on doing something, you continue to do it.”举个🌰:

The assistant carried on talking



这个词最常见的意思与“特许经营权”有关,既可以作可数名词,又可以做及物动词。作可数名词时具体表示“(公司授予某人的)特许经营权”,英文解释为“A franchise is an authority that is given by an organization to someone, allowing them to sell its goods or services or to take part in an activity which the organization controls.”比如“建造、运营隧道的特许权”就可以用“the franchise to build and operate the tunnel.”表示。

作及物动词时具体表示“出售…的特许经营权”,英文解释为“If a company franchises its business, it sells franchises to other companies, allowing them to sell its goods or services.”举个🌰:
She has recently franchised her business.

它还有另外一个意思,表示“选举权”,用作不可数名词,英文解释为“Franchise is the right to vote in an election.”


熟词僻义,表示“(电影院正片前放映的)短片”,英文解释为“A short is a short film, especially one that is shown before the main film at the cinema.”

In a statement obtained exclusively by The Hollywood Reporter, the studio says it is “disappointed” that Marvel president Kevin Feige will no longer act as lead producer on the film franchise, squarely laying the decision at Disney’s feet.


表示“明确地”,英文解释为“If something such as blame or responsibility lies squarely with someone, they are definitely the person responsible.”举个🌰:

The president put the blame squarely on his opponent. 


Much of today's news about Spider-Man has mischaracterized recent discussions about Kevin Feige's involvement in the franchise,” says a Sony spokesperson. “We are disappointed, but respect Disney's decision not to have him continue as a lead producer of our next live action Spider-Man film.”

The studio then says Feige, who shepherds the robust Marvel Cinematic Universe for Disney-owned Marvel, may just have too much on his plate, given that Disney recently acquired additional Marvel characters via its acquisition of 21st Century Fox.


表示“带领(一群人),引导(人群)”,英文解释为“to lead or guide a group of people somewhere, making sure that they go where you want them to go”,用法:shepherd sb into/out/towards sth,举个🌰:

The tour guides shepherded the rest of the group onto the bus.


have too much on one's plate

表示“太忙了;有许多事等着做”,英文解释为“to be too busy.”还有一种表达方式是“have a lot/enough on one's plate”举个🌰:

We have enough on our plate. There is plenty of work to be done on what we have.


“We hope this might change in the future, but understand that the many new responsibilities that Disney has given him – including all their newly added Marvel properties – do not allow time for him to work on IP they do not own,” says the statement. “Kevin is terrific and we are grateful for his help and guidance and appreciate the path he has helped put us on, which we will continue.”

IP 电影

IP就是Intellectual property,即知识财产,是一个指称“心智创造”(creations of the mind)的法律术语,包括音乐、文学和其他艺术作品,发现与发明,以及一切倾注了作者心智的语词、短语、符号和设计等被法律赋予独享权利的“知识财产”。

知识产权(intellectual property rights)包括专利权、商标、著作权、版权,对于版权来讲,可以是一首歌,一部网络小说、话剧,或是某个人物形象,甚至只是一个名字、短语,把它们改编成电影的影视版权,就可以称作IP电影了。


The statement comes as THR and others reported Tuesday that Sony and Disney have parted ways as co-producers on the revived Spider-Man movie franchise. Reports suggest that studio chiefs Tom Rothman at Sony and Alan Horn at Disney could not agree on a financial arrangement to continue to collaborate. 


The Hollywood Reporter《好莱坞报道》是一份美国娱乐界的行业日报,是娱乐界行内两大报刊之一。

The Hollywood Reporter is an American digital and print magazine, and website, which focuses on the Hollywood film, television, and entertainment industries. It was founded in 1930 as a daily trade paper, and in 2010 switched to a weekly large-format print magazine with a revamped website.(Wikipedia)

Disney and Sony entered into a unique partnership for Marvel to produce the Spider-Man movies that starred Tom Holland. The deal saw Feige as lead producer on Spider-Man: Homecoming and Spider-Man: Far From Home in a complex arrangement that allowed the hero, whose movie rights are controlled by Sony, to appear in Marvel’s Captain America: Civil War and two Avengers movies.


表示“由…主演”,英文解释为“If a play or movie stars a famous actor or actress, he or she has one of the most important parts in it.”举个🌰:

It is a Hollywood movie, "The Secret of Santa Vittoria," directed by Stanley Kramer and starring Anthony Quinn


The two sides had been talking about ways to extend the deal for future Spider-Man movies to star Holland but talks collapsed recently.

Sony announced Monday that Far From Home had surpassed Skyfall to become the studio’s most successful release, with a worldwide hauof $1.109 billion and counting. The film will be re-released over the Labor Day weekend with 4 minutes of additional footage.


表示“发行物”,英文解释为“A new release is a new CD, DVD, or movie that has just become available for people to buy or see.”举个🌰:

Of the new releases that are out there now, which do you think are really good? 


a haul of

1) 这个短语在词典里是表示“(一大批)非法物品,赃物”,英文解释为“a large amount of illegal or stolen goods举个🌰:

A haul of stolen cars has been seized by police officers.



短语“a long haul”,表示“耗时费力的事”,英文解释为“something that takes a lot of time and effort,举个🌰:

Revitalizing the Romanian economy will be a long haul.


and counting

表示“(数量)继续增长”,英文解释为“If you say and counting after a number or an amount of something, you mean that the number or amount is continuing to increase.”举个🌰:

There is a 1,700-year-old tea tree still living in southern China which is more than 100 feet tall and counting.


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