
16岁女孩隔2小时就失忆 记忆定格在受伤那天

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26
近日,据报道,美国一位名为莱利·霍纳(Riley Horner)的16岁女孩,每隔2小时就会失忆一次。据介绍,她的记忆似乎定格在今年6月份的某一天,因为那天她被人踢头部导致意外发生。然而,医生目前仍然未查出病因。

'I try to think back, and I can't': Illinois teen loses memory every 2 hours after traumatic head injury


· Riley Horner, from Kirkland, Illinois, suffered a traumatic head injury that doctors originally deemed a concussion. After dozens of seizures and numerous visits to the hospital, Riley continues to suffer from short-term memory loss.


表示“创伤的;外伤的;损伤的”,英文解释为“connected with or caused by trauma”,如:traumatic amnesia 创伤性遗忘。


表示“脑震荡”,英文解释为“a small amount of damage to the brain that makes you lose consciousness or feel sick for a short time, usually caused by something hitting your head”。


seizure /ˈsiːʒə/ 表示“(疾病的)突然发作”,英文解释为“a sudden condition in which someone cannot control the movements of their body, which continues for a short time”。

· Riley said that she keeps detailed notes of events happening throughout the day, and sets an alarm on her phone every two hours to remind her to review them.

· Her mother told WGN9 that she researched that short term memory can indicate irreversible brain damage if it lasts more than six months, and the Horners hope to find an answer before it is too late.

On June 11, an Illinois teen was accidentally kicked in the head, inducing memory loss and dozens of seizures. Months later, she believes that it is still June 11.

"I'm very confused, and I try to think back, but I can't," Riley told WGN9. "... I'm not making memories, and I'm just, like, really scared."

Riley said that she keeps detailed notes of events happening throughout the day, and sets an alarm on her phone every two hours to remind her to review them. She also keeps a calendar in her room to remind her what day it is, as she wakes up every morning confused, thinking that it is still the day that changed everything for her.

Sarah Horner, her mother, told WGN9 that Sarah's brother had recently passed away, and she has to break the news to Riley every day.

break it/the news to

表示“把不好的消息告诉…”,英文解释为“to tell someone about something unpleasant that will affect or upset them”举个🌰:

Come on, what happened? Break it to me gently (= in a kind way).


"We tell her every day but she doesn't have an idea, no idea about it," Sarah told the news outlet.

Even though Riley's memory "resets," she said she does recognize the hardship that it places upon her family and others who support her.

"I know it's hard for them as much as it's hard for me," Riley told WGN9.

However, her condition remains a medical mystery as doctors can't pinpoint what exactly is wrong, according to her mother, Sarah Horner.


表示“查明,准确地说出,描述(事实真相)”,英文解释为“to discover or explain exactly the real facts about something or the cause of a problem”举个🌰:

It’s difficult to pinpoint the cause of the accident.


"They tell us there's nothing medically wrong. They can't see anything," Sarah told WGN9. "You can't see a concussion on an MRI or a CT scan. There's no brain bleed; there's no tumor."

莱利·霍纳(Riley Horner)的母亲表示,核磁共振和CT扫描显示,没有脑震荡,没有脑出血,也没有肿瘤。

Her mother told WGN9 that she researched that short term memory can indicate irreversible brain damage if it lasts more than six months. Both Sarah and Riley hope to find an answer before it becomes too late.

"We need help; we need somebody that knows a little bit more because she deserves better," Sarah told WGN9. "I mean, [Riley] wanted to be in the medical field, and now she can't even hold a job if she wanted to."

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