

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26


Samsung heiress ordered to pay ex-husband 14.1 bln won for divorce

Yonhap News Agency

An appellate court on Thursday upheld a lower court's ruling by granting a divorce to the eldest daughter of Samsung Electronics Chairman Lee Kun-hee and ordering her to pay her former husband 14.1 billion won (US$11.7 million) from asset division.


表示“上诉的;有权受理上诉的”,英文解释为“involving an attempt to get a legal decision changed”举个🌰:

The mistrial ruling was upheld in 1993 by a state appellate court.



熟词僻义,表示“圆,韩国和朝鲜的货币单位”,英文解释为“the standard monetary unit of South Korea”。

The asset split amount for the ex-husband was an increase from the payment of 8.6 billion won ordered by the Seoul Family Court.

"Judging from various aspects, (including the increase of Lee's asset value over the past two years), it's reasonable to raise the ratio of asset division from 15 percent to 20 percent," the court said.

The court also increased the number of her former husband Im Woo-jae's visits with their only child from once to twice a month, stating, "It's children's right to grow up emotionally healthy, feeling balanced love from their mother and father." 

Lee Boo-jin, Samsung heiress and Shilla hotel head, filed the suit against her estranged husband, a former consultant at Samsung Electro-Mechanics Co., in 2014 to end 15 years of marriage, citing irreconcilable differences.


1)表示“分居的”,英文解释为“An estranged wife or husband is no longer living with their husband or wife.”如:his estranged wife 与他分居的妻子。

2)表示“(与家人、朋友) 疏远的”,英文解释为“If you are estranged from your family or friends, you have quarrelled with them and are not communicating with them.”举个🌰:

She spent most of her twenties virtually estranged from her father.


3)表示“脱离的”,英文解释为“If you describe someone as estranged from something such as society or their profession, you mean that they no longer seem involved in it.”举个🌰:

He became increasingly estranged from the mainstream of Hollywood.



1)表示“无法消除的”,英文解释为“An irreconcilable disagreement or conflict is so serious that it cannot be settled.”如:an irreconcilable clash of personalities 一种无法消除的个性冲突。

2)表示“相对立的”,英文解释为“If two things such as opinions or proposals are irreconcilable, they are so different from each other that it is not possible to believe or have both of them.”举个🌰:

These old concepts are irreconcilable with modern life.


The suit was initially heard at the Suwon District Court in Suwon, south of Seoul, whose sentence in early 2016 granted the divorce. It was transferred to the Seoul court when Im successfully raised a question over the case's jurisdiction on the basis that their last residential area was Seoul.


表示“听审”,英文解释为“When a judge or a court of law hears a case, or evidence in a case, they listen to it officially in order to make a decision about it.”举个🌰:

The jury has heard evidence from defence witnesses.


In July 2017, the Seoul Family Court confirmed the divorce, giving Lee sole custody of her then-seven-year-old son and allowing Im to visit him once a month.


1)表示“监护权”,英文解释为“Custody is the legal right to keep and take care of a child, especially the right given to a child's mother or father when they get divorced.举个🌰:

I'm going to go to court to get custody of the children.


2)表示“拘留”,英文解释为“If someone is being held in a particular type of custody, they are being kept in a place that is similar to a prison.”举个🌰:

The youngster got nine months' youth custody.


The court also ordered her pay to her husband 8.6 billion won in the asset division. Earlier, Im had claimed 1.2 trillion won from her in the division by estimating her assets at 2.5 trillion won.


表示“索取”,英文解释为“If you claim something, you try to get it because you think you have a right to it. ”举个🌰:

Now they are returning to claim what was theirs.


Im appealed against the Seoul court's ruling, but the appellate trial ran idle for one and half years as he evaded the bench, which his lawyers claimed had something to do with the Samsung family.


表示“审判”,英文解释为“A trial is a formal meeting in a law court, at which a judge and jury listen to evidence and decide whether a person is guilty of a crime.”举个🌰:

I have the right to a trial with a jury of my peers.



1)表示“闲置的”,英文解释为“not working or being used”举个🌰:

Half these factories now stand idle.


2)表示“无所事事的”,英文解释为“An idle moment or period of time is one in which there is no work or activity.”举个🌰:

If you have an idle moment, call me.


the bench

熟词僻义,表示“法官”,英文解释为“In a court of law, the bench is the judge or magistrates.”举个🌰:

The chairman of the bench adjourned the case until October 27.


The Supreme Court accepted the claim, and a new bench was allotted to the trial.


表示“分配(常为被动)”,英文解释为“If something is allotted to someone, it is given to them as their share.”举个🌰:

The seats are allotted to the candidates who have won the most votes.


Im was called "Mr. Cinderella" as he was an employee of a Samsung affiliate before marrying Lee, a member of the family controlling the country's biggest business group, in 1999. But the marriage was against the wishes of their parents.


表示“分支机构; 成员组织”,英文解释为“An affiliate is an organization which is officially connected with another, larger organization or is a member of it.”举个🌰:
The World Chess Federation has affiliates in around 120 countries.

After the marriage, he was reportedly sent by Samsung head Lee Kun-hee to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in the United States, earning an MBA there. Returning home, he quickly became an executive of Samsung Electro-Mechanics.

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