

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26

近日,位于英国斯蒂夫尼奇(Stevenage)的一位名为尼古拉斯·默里(Nicholas Murray)的朋友拍到了邻居的迷惑行为,为了出门乔装打扮成一灌木(dressed as a bush),甚至还出门去买了点啥东西回来......


Bizarre moment couple spot their neighbour's ingenious attempt to head outside unnoticed during coronavirus lockdown - while dressed as a BUSH

Daily Mail

· Nicholas Murray and Madeline Mai-Davies saw a neighbour dressed as a bush

· The pair filmed the hilarious incident near to their home in Stevenage, Herts

· They posted the video on social media and it has been viewed 16.5million times 

Bored Britons are doing just about anything to keep themselves occupied during the coronavirus lockdown.

But one person has really branched out - literally.

A couple were left shocked when their neighbour came up with an ingenious method to break-away from quarantine, by dressing up as a bush. 

Nicholas Murray and Madeline Mai-Davies, from Stevenage, Hertfordshire, watched on in amazement and disbelief as their neighbour scuttled down the driveway, dressed from head-to-toe in the leaf-laden disguise.

So as to not draw attention, the neighbour crouches, scurries and even stops, drops and rolls in order to pull off their cunning disguise.

The pair filmed the incident, which shows their neighbour's ingenious plan working while they stand against a backdrop of bushes.

But as the neighbour makes a break for it across the grey road, the bright green disguise quickly unravels.

Though the neighbour tries desperately to blend into the grass on the other side of the road, it is too late - they've already been 'bush-ted'. 

The video, posted on social media site TikTok, has since gone viral and has been viewed more than 16.5million times.

Nick said: “Looking back, I didn’t expect the video to go that viral and get that many views. 

"Whilst in this difficult time we want to bring smiles, laughs and hope."

Maddie said: “I was overwhelmed with the support and following that came from it.”

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Bizarre moment couple spot their neighbour's ingenious attempt to head outside unnoticed during coronavirus lockdown - while dressed as a BUSH

Daily Mail

· Nicholas Murray and Madeline Mai-Davies saw a neighbour dressed as a bush

· The pair filmed the hilarious incident near to their home in Stevenage, Herts

· They posted the video on social media and it has been viewed 16.5million times 


表示“怪异的”,英文解释为“Something that is bizarre is very odd and strange.”举个🌰:

The game was also notable for the bizarre behaviour of the team's manager.



1)表示“精巧的;新颖独特的;巧妙的”,英文解释为“very suitable for a particular purpose and resulting from clever new ideas”,如:an ingenious device 精巧的装置。

2)表示“心灵手巧的;机敏的;善于创造发明的”,英文解释为“having a lot of clever new ideas and good at inventing things”,如:an ingenious cook 心灵手巧的厨师。


表示“令人捧腹大笑的”,英文解释为“If something is hilarious, it is extremely funny and makes you laugh a lot.”举个🌰:

We thought it was hilarious when we first heard about it.


Bored Britons are doing just about anything to keep themselves occupied during the coronavirus lockdown.


表示“(建筑或地区)因紧急情况而被封锁了”,英文解释为“a situation in which people are not allowed to enter or leave a building or area freely because of an emergency”举个🌰:

The Secret Service is imposing a virtual lockdown on the city.


But one person has really branched out - literally.

branch out

表示“朝新的方向拓展;涉足(尤指新工作);扩展(业务)”,英文解释为“If a person or an organization branches out, they do something that is different from their normal activities or work.”举个🌰:

I continued studying moths, and branched out to other insects.


A couple were left shocked when their neighbour came up with an ingenious method to break away from quarantine, by dressing up as a bush. 

break away from

1)表示“突然挣脱;逃脱”,英文解释为“to escape suddenly from sb who is holding you or keeping you prisoner”举个🌰:

The prisoner broke away from his guards.


2)表示“脱离,背叛”,英文解释为“to leave a political party, state, etc., especially to form a new one”;

3)表示“(尤指速度竞赛中)甩掉”,英文解释为“to move away from a crowd or group, especially in a race”举个🌰:

She broke away from the pack and opened up a two-second lead.


Nicholas Murray and Madeline Mai-Davies, from Stevenage, Hertfordshire, watched on in amazement and disbelief as their neighbour scuttled down the driveway, dressed from head-to-toe in the leaf-laden disguise.

scuttle /ˈskʌtəl/

1)不及物动词,表示“碎步疾跑”,英文解释为“When people or small animals scuttle somewhere, they run there with short quick steps. ”举个🌰:

Two very small children scuttled away in front of them. 


2)及物动词,表示“破坏(计划、提议)”,英文解释为“To scuttle a plan or a proposal means to make it fail or cause it to stop.”举个🌰:

Such threats could scuttle the peace conference


laden /ˈleɪdən/

1)表示“载满的;装满的”,英文解释为“heavily loaded with sth”举个🌰:

The trees were laden with apples.


2)表示“充满的(尤指充满令人不快的东西)”,英文解释为“( literary ) full of sth, especially sth unpleasant”举个🌰:

His voice was soft, yet laden with threat.


3)表示“(用于构成形容词)充满…的,装载…的”,英文解释为“( -laden ) used to form adjectives showing that sth is full of, or loaded with, the thing mentioned”,如:calorie-laden cream cakes 高热量的奶油蛋糕。


表示“伪装”,英文解释为“If you are in disguise, you are not wearing your usual clothes or you have altered your appearance in other ways, so that people will not recognize you.”举个🌰:

You'll have to travel in disguise.


So as to not draw attention, the neighbour crouches, scurries and even stops, drops and rolls in order to pull off their cunning disguise.

crouch /kraʊtʃ/

表示“蹲伏”,英文解释为“If you are crouching, your legs are bent under you so that you are close to the ground and leaning forward slightly.”举个🌰:

We were crouching in the bushes.



表示“(尤指因受惊而)急促跑”,英文解释为“When people or small animals scurry somewhere, they move there quickly and hurriedly, especially because they are frightened.”举个🌰:

The attack began, sending residents scurrying for cover.



表示“(人)瘫下;(身体部位无力地)垂下”,英文解释为“If a person or a part of their body drops to a lower position, or if they drop a part of their body to a lower position, they move to that position, often in a tired and lifeless way.”举个🌰:

He dropped into a nearby chair.



表示“打滚”,英文解释为“If you roll somewhere, you move on a surface while lying down, turning your body over and over, so that you are sometimes on your back, sometimes on your side, and sometimes on your front.”举个🌰:

When I was a little kid I rolled down a hill and broke my leg.


cunning /ˈkʌnɪŋ/

1)表示“狡猾的;奸诈的”,英文解释为“Someone who is cunning has the ability to achieve things in a clever way, often by deceiving other people.”举个🌰:

These disturbed kids can be cunning.


2)表示“灵巧的;精巧的;巧妙的”,英文解释为“clever and skilful”举个🌰:

It was a cunning piece of detective work.


The pair filmed the incident, which shows their neighbour's ingenious plan working while they stand against a backdrop of bushes.


1)表示“(舞台的)背景幕布”,英文解释为“a painted piece of cloth that is hung behind the stage in a theatre as part of the scenery.”

2)表示“(事件发生时)周围陪衬景物”,英文解释为“everything that can be seen around an event that is taking place, but which is not part of that event”举个🌰:

The mountains provided a dramatic backdrop for our picnic.


3)表示“(事态或活动的)背景”,英文解释为“the general conditions in which an event takes place, which sometimes help to explain that event”举个🌰:

It was  against this backdrop of racial tension that the war began.


But as the neighbour makes a break for it across the grey road, the bright green disguise quickly unravels.

unravel /ʌnˈrævəl/

1)表示“(把缠或织在一起的线)解开,拆散,松开”,英文解释为“if you unravel threads that are twisted, woven or knitted, or if they unravel , they become separated”举个🌰:

I unravelled the string and wound it into a ball.


2)表示“阐释;说明;澄清;变得清楚易懂”,英文解释为“to explain sth that is difficult to understand or is mysterious; to become clearer or easier to understand”举个🌰:

The discovery will help scientists unravel the mystery of the Ice Age.


Though the neighbour tries desperately to blend into the grass on the other side of the road, it is too late - they've already been 'bush-ted'. 

blend into

表示“融合到(背景)中”,英文解释为“to look so similar to the background that it is difficult for you to see it separately”举个🌰:

He blended into the crowd.


The video, posted on social media site TikTok, has since gone viral and has been viewed more than 16.5million times. Nick said: “Looking back, I didn’t expect the video to go that viral and get that many views. 

"Whilst [=while] in this difficult time we want to bring smiles, laughs and hope." Maddie said: “I was overwhelmed with the support and following that came from it.”

overwhelm /ˌəʊvəˈwɛlm/

1)表示“(感情或感觉)充溢,难以禁受”,英文解释为“to have such a strong emotional effect on sb that it is difficult for them to resist or know how to react”举个🌰:

She was overwhelmed by feelings of guilt.


2)表示“压倒;击败;征服”,英文解释为“to defeat sb completely”举个🌰:

They were overwhelmed.


3)表示“压垮;使应接不暇”,英文解释为“to be so bad or so great that a person cannot deal with it; to give too much of a thing to a person”举个🌰:

We were overwhelmed by requests for information.


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