

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26

纽约州州长安德鲁·科莫(Andrew Cuomo):







Cuomo says New York is 'on the cusp' of figuring out which businesses will reopen first as hospitalizations continue to slow - but that crucial testing is being held up because labs need the chemicals from China

Daily Mail

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo said on Friday that he was 'on the cusp' of ruling which businesses could reopen first after the May 15 lockdown ends but that the crucial antibody testing that is needed is being held up because American labs are relying on China for chemicals. 

As hospitalizations in New York continue to slow and the death rate flattens, Cuomo said the state is starting to 'transition' into the next phase of the pandemic which is reopening. 

He gave the announcement at a 90 minute press conference on Friday where he eviscerated President Trump - who tweeted earlier in the day that he should stop 'complaining' about the lack of federal help - and reminded the president that he based all of his early decisions on information that came from the White House. 

Trump had accused Cuomo of overestimating the level of crisis response that was needed.  

On Thursday, Cuomo extended the state's lockdown until May 15, explaining that the infection rate needs to decrease more until he is satisfied that it is safe for people to get back to work. 

'We're starting to transition to the other place - the second half of the situation which is unpausing. The situation we're in now is unsustainable.  

'People can't stay in their homes, out of work, you can't keep the economy closed forever. Society can't handle it personally or economically,' he said.

New York currently has an infection rate of .9 percent which means every person who gets the virus gives it to one person or less. 

On Friday, deaths across the state had risen by 630 to 12,822. Cuomo did not announce the number of new cases but they stand at more than 200,000. 

An infection rate of 1.2 is considered outbreak territory. Cuomo wants to move as far enough away from that number as possible before he allows people back to work. 

'You only have a very slim margin to operate on. You open too fast, you'll get to 1.2 in three days and we'll be right back to where we started,' he said. 

'We were over the line, in outbreak territory. Now, we're right on the line,' he said.  

He has not yet nailed down which businesses will get to reopen first and how to avoid them becoming swamped with people once they do. 

'That has to be thought through and coordinated. We are on the cusp but we're still in the midst of a public health crisis,' he said.

The largest problem the state is facing now is a lack of funding from the federal government which will allow the state to ramp up testing, he said, and the fact that labs are relying on China for the chemicals they need to actually do the tests. 

Cuomo fumed over the scenario and said it was similar to the global rush to buy ventilators and PPE equipment when the entire world was flocking to the Chinese market because it was the only place that produced what was needed. 

'Everything goes back to China and China is in a position where they're being asked globally. That's a piece of the equation that I can't figure out. We need masks? Made in China. We need gowns? Made in China. We need ventilators? Made in China. We need testing agents? China. These are all national security issues when you are in this situation,' he said. 

Cuomo also pontificated about using the crisis as an opportunity to implement change in society. He compared it to 9/11 and Hurricane Sandy and said in both instances, the country had come back stronger. 

'We talk about the new normal. This also has to be an opportunity where after this horrendous period that we've gone through on every level, after the exorbitant cost, the personal pain, the death of this, this has to be one of those moments in time when we look back and say society transformed.

'We have to say: Yes society took a terrible blow. But it became a moment of reflection where all sorts of new reforms and innovations happened,' he said. 

He gave the example of airport security post 9/11 and the infrastructure that was built after Hurricane Sandy to better protect the city. 

On a personal level, he said, he'd had the opportunity to spend time with his daughters when otherwise he was 'too busy'. 

Cuomo said on Thursday that even when businesses are allowed to resume, they will still have to implement social distancing. 

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Cuomo says New York is 'on the cusp' of figuring out which businesses will reopen first as hospitalizations continue to slow - but that crucial testing is being held up because labs need the chemicals from China

Daily Mail

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo said on Friday that he was 'on the cusp' of ruling which businesses could reopen first after the May 15 lockdown ends but that the crucial antibody testing that is needed is being held up because American labs are relying on China for chemicals. 

on the cusp

表示“介于两个状态之间;将要进入特定状态”,英文解释为“If you say that someone or something is on the cusp, you mean they are between two states, or are about to be in a particular state.”举个🌰:

I am sitting on the cusp of middle age.


antibody testing 抗体检测

As hospitalizations in New York continue to slow and the death rate flattens, Cuomo said the state is starting to 'transition' into the next phase of the pandemic which is reopening. 

He gave the announcement at a 90 minute press conference on Friday where he eviscerated President Trump - who tweeted earlier in the day that he should stop 'complaining' about the lack of federal help - and reminded the president that he based all of his early decisions on information that came from the White House. 

eviscerate /ɪˈvɪsəˌreɪt/

1)表示“切除…的内脏;移去…的内部器官”,英文解释为“to remove one or all of the organs from the inside of a body”;

2)表示“重创(组织或体系)的元气”,英文解释为“If you say that something will eviscerate an organization or system, you are emphasizing that it will make the organization or system much weaker or much less powerful.”;

Trump had accused Cuomo of overestimating the level of crisis response that was needed.  

On Thursday, Cuomo extended the state's lockdown until May 15, explaining that the infection rate needs to decrease more until he is satisfied that it is safe for people to get back to work. 

'We're starting to transition to the other place - the second half of the situation which is unpausing. The situation we're in now is unsustainable. People can't stay in their homes, out of work, you can't keep the economy closed forever. Society can‘t handle it personally or economically,' he said.

New York currently has an infection rate of .9 percent which means every person who gets the virus gives it to one person or less. 

On Friday, deaths across the state had risen by 630 to 12,822. Cuomo did not announce the number of new cases but they stand at more than 200,000. 

stand at

表示“达特定水平(或数量、高度等)”,英文解释为“to be at a particular level, amount, height, etc”举个🌰:

Interest rates stand at 3%.


An infection rate of 1.2 is considered outbreak territory. Cuomo wants to move as far enough away from that number as possible before he allows people back to work. 

'You only have a very slim margin to operate on. You open too fast, you'll get to 1.2 in three days and we'll be right back to where we started,' he said. 

'We were over the line, in outbreak territory. Now, we're right on the line,' he said.  

He has not yet nailed down which businesses will get to reopen first and how to avoid them becoming swamped with people once they do. 

nail down

表示“弄清”,英文解释为“If you nail down something unknown or uncertain, you find out exactly what it is.”举个🌰:

It would be useful if you could nail down the source of this tension.


表示“确定(协议)”,英文解释为“If you nail down an agreement, you manage to reach a firm agreement with a definite result.”举个🌰:

The Secretary of State and his Russian counterpart met to try to nail down the elusive accord.



accord作名词,表示“协议;条约”(a formal agreement between two organizations, countries, etc.)

'That has to be thought through and coordinated. We are on the cusp but we're still in the midst of a public health crisis,' he said.

The largest problem the state is facing now is a lack of funding from the federal government which will allow the state to ramp up testing, he said, and the fact that labs are relying on China for the chemicals they need to actually do the tests.

ramp up

1)表示“(公司)扩大,增加,增多(业务等)”,英文解释为“If a business ramps up its activity, it increases it.”举个🌰:

The company announced plans to ramp up production to 10,000 units per month.


2)表示“加快(速度);增加(威力);提高(费用)”,英文解释为“to increase the speed, power, or cost of something”举个🌰:

Announcement of the merger is expected to ramp up share prices over the next few days.


Cuomo fumed over the scenario and said it was similar to the global rush to buy ventilators and PPE equipment when the entire world was flocking to the Chinese market because it was the only place that produced what was needed. 


表示“(对…)大为生气,十分恼火”,英文解释为“to be very angry about sth”举个🌰:

She sat in the car, silently fuming at the traffic jam.


'Everything goes back to China and China is in a position where they're being asked globally. That's a piece of the equation that I can't figure out. We need masks? Made in China. We need gowns? Made in China. We need ventilators? Made in China. We need testing agents? China. These are all national security issues when you are in this situation,' he said. 

Cuomo also pontificated about using the crisis as an opportunity to implement change in society. He compared it to 9/11 and Hurricane Sandy and said in both instances, the country had come back stronger. 


pontificate /pɒnˈtɪfɪkeɪt/ 表示“自以为是地谈论;目空一切地议论”,英文解释为“to give your opinions about sth in a way that shows that you think you are right”举个🌰:

Politicians like to pontificate about falling standards.


'We talk about the new normal. This also has to be an opportunity where after this horrendous period that we've gone through on every level, after the exorbitant cost, the personal pain, the death of this, this has to be one of those moments in time when we look back and say society transformed.


horrendous /hɒˈrɛndəs, hə-/ 表示“令人震惊的;骇人的;讨厌得难以容忍的”,英文解释为“extremely shocking;extremely unpleasant and unacceptable”,如:horrendous injuries 可怕的伤势,horrendous traffic 糟透了的交通。


exorbitant /ɪɡˈzɔːbɪtənt/ 表示“(价格、费用)过高的”,英文解释为“If you describe something such as a price or fee as exorbitant, you are emphasizing that it is much higher than it should be.”举个🌰:

Exorbitant housing prices have created an acute shortage of affordable housing for the poor.


'We have to say: Yes society took a terrible blow. But it became a moment of reflection where all sorts of new reforms and innovations happened,' he said. 


作名词,表示“打击;挫折”,英文解释为“a sudden event which has damaging effects on sb/sth, causing sadness or disappointment”举个🌰:

Losing his job came as a terrible blow to him.


He gave the example of airport security post 9/11 and the infrastructure that was built after Hurricane Sandy to better protect the city. 

On a personal level, he said, he'd had the opportunity to spend time with his daughters when otherwise he was 'too busy'. 

Cuomo said on Thursday that even when businesses are allowed to resume, they will still have to implement social distancing.

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