

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26


近日,印度一牛奶商贩卖牛奶的视频在社交媒体上火了。为了保持社交距离(social distancing),实现无接触配送(no-touch delivery),这位牛奶商贩倒奶接起了一根长长的水管,从而和顾客保持约一米的距离。


Milkman's Desi Jugaad to Deliver Milk While Maintaining Social Distancing


Even as essential service providers have a tough time doing their job while maintaining social distancing norms, a milk delivery man has found a novel way to keep COVID-19 at bay.

In a little photograph that has been going viral on Twitter, the milkman can be seen delivering milk on a motorcycle while maintaining all precautions while delivering the milk including wearing gloves and covering his face. But he also added a special touch that compelled both him and his customers to maintain social distancing. Attached to the bike is a long pipe which he can be seen using to pour out milk to customers.

Customers can hold their bowls at the other end of the pipe while so that they can be receive the milk being poured by the milkman into it without any interaction between the two.

The photo was posted to Twitter by IAS officer Nitin Sangwan who took the opportunity to praise the milkman's ingenious 'jugaad'.

"Good to see that some people go extra mile to keep themselves and others safe,” the officer wrote on Twitter.

“Let’s do basic minimum things of staying at home, wearing mask and keeping social distance even if we cannot go an extra mile like this innovative milkman,” Sangwan added in praise of the milkman.

The video has been going viral on social media with many complimenting the essential worker's common sense.

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Milkman's Desi Jugaad to Deliver Milk While Maintaining Social Distancing


Even as essential service providers have a tough time doing their job while maintaining social distancing norms, a milk delivery man has found a novel way to keep COVID-19 at bay.


Jugaad是一个印度术语,形容利用有限的资源,“因地制宜”,开发出创新方案或者可替代的方案来解决问题,有“随机应变”的意味。Jugaad is a colloquial Hindi word, which has various meanings depending on the context it is used in.


类似于local; indigenous,表示“土生土长的;当地的”。


表示“规范;行为标准”,英文解释为“standards of behaviour that are typical of or accepted within a particular group or society”,如:social/cultural norms 社会/文化规范。

hold/keep sb/sth at bay

表示“不让(敌人)接近;防止(问题恶化);阻止,遏制(令人不快的事物)”,英文解释为“to prevent someone or something unpleasant from harming you”举个🌰:

Exercise can help keep fat at bay.


He is trying to keep his creditors at bay.


🎵 Seether乐队有一首歌就叫《Keep the dogs at bay》:

🎬 《蝙蝠侠:黑暗骑士崛起》(The Dark Knight Rises)中台词,说了为什么贝恩要戴“面具”口罩:The mask holds the pain at bay.

🎬 《霍比特人》(The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey)里的经典台词:I've found it is the small things, everyday deeds of ordinary folk that keeps the darkness at bay. Simple acts of kindness and love. 我觉得将黑暗拒之门外的,不是什么惊天之功,而是普通人每天的所作所为,他们平凡的善行义举。

In a little photograph that has been going viral on Twitter, the milkman can be seen delivering milk on a motorcycle while maintaining all precautions while delivering the milk including wearing gloves and covering his face. But he also added a special touch that compelled both him and his customers to maintain social distancing. Attached to the bike is a long pipe which he can be seen using to pour out milk to customers.


表示“预防措施;预防;防备”,英文解释为“something that is done in advance in order to prevent problems or to avoid danger”,如:safety precautions 安全防范措施。


熟词僻义,表示“特长;才能;作风;风格;手法”,英文解释为“a way or style of doing sth;an ability to do things in the stated, especially positive, way”举个🌰:

She gave the job her own special/magic/professional/personal touch.


He couldn't find his magic touch with the ball today (= he didn't play well).



表示“强迫;迫使;使必须”,英文解释为“to force sb to do sth; to make sth necessary”举个🌰:

The law can compel fathers to make regular payments for their children.


pour out

1)表示“倒出(一杯饮料)”,英文解释为“If you pour out a drink, you put some of it in a cup or glass.”举个🌰:

He was pouring out four glasses of champagne.


2)表示“倒出 (想法、情感、经历等)”,英文解释为“If you pour out your thoughts, feelings, or experiences, you tell someone all about them.”举个🌰:

I poured my thoughts out on paper in an attempt to rationalize my feelings.


Customers can hold their bowls at the other end of the pipe while so that they can be receive the milk being poured by the milkman into it without any interaction between the two.

The photo was posted to Twitter by IAS officer Nitin Sangwan who took the opportunity to praise the milkman's ingenious 'jugaad'.


1)表示“精巧的;新颖独特的;巧妙的”,英文解释为“very suitable for a particular purpose and resulting from clever new ideas”,如:an ingenious device 精巧的装置。

2)表示“心灵手巧的;机敏的;善于创造发明的”,英文解释为“having a lot of clever new ideas and good at inventing things”,如:an ingenious cook 心灵手巧的厨师。

"Good to see that some people go extra mile to keep themselves and others safe,” the officer wrote on Twitter.

go the extra mile

表示“付出比别人期望中还要大的努力;加倍努力;加把劲;孜孜以求”,英文解释为“To go beyond what is necessary or expected in order to please someone, achieve something, or get something done correctly.”举个🌰:

He's a nice guy, always ready to go the extra mile for his friends.


“Let's do basic minimum things of staying at home, wearing mask and keeping social distance even if we cannot go an extra mile like this innovative milkman,” Sangwan added in praise of the milkman.

The video has been going viral on social media with many complimenting the essential worker's common sense.

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