

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26



Coronavirus: Chinese kindergarten survives Covid-19 by selling barbecue


As the saying goes, when life gives you lemons, make lemonade. Or in the case of a Chinese kindergarten forced to close because of the coronavirus pandemic, make barbecue.

Hei Xiaojuan, owner of the Angel Baby Kindergarten in the northern city of Baoding, said her business was on the verge of bankruptcy when her young charges were told to stay home because of the Covid-19 outbreak.

After paying 200,000 yuan (US$28,000) in advance rent – with a further 400,000 yuan due in September – and refunding tuition fees, the business was close to going bust, she was quoted as saying in a report by local newspaper Orient Today.

“If I couldn’t find a way to make money, I would’ve had to close my kindergarten, like the seven others nearby that have shut recently,” Hei said.

So when the lockdown measures were eased several weeks ago – meaning people could go out to eat again, but parents were reluctant to let their children go back to school – Hei decided to shift her business from baby care to barbecue.

“We have outdoor space, we have a catering service licence, our staff have health certificates, and we have abundant tables and chairs, so I thought that turning the kindergarten into a barbecue place was a fine way to make some money,” she said.

Hei told her staff they would be paid 1,500 yuan as basic salary, with everyone sharing the profits – if there were any.

Despite not advertising the new venture to the parents of her pupils – Hei said she did not want them to feel under undue pressure to visit – the business rapidly took off.

On the first day of opening, seven of the 10 tables were booked, and the customers just kept on coming.

“The prices at our kindergarten barbecue are relatively cheap, and a lot of friends and pupils’ parents come here,” said headmaster Guo Chun, adding that they were now able to pay the teachers their full salaries.

One satisfied diner was a local man, who said he and his son found it a great place to eat.

“It’s so creative,” he said. “We adults can eat while the children play. It’s so good that dining out can be combined with entertainment.”

Angel Baby is not the only kindergarten in China that overcame the effects of the pandemic by moving into catering.

A school in Lijiang, Yunnan province that has more than 70 staff and monthly expenses of 300,000 yuan, took to selling children’s meals and Chinese buns in March to make ends meet.

Headmaster Gao Zhiying said she was embarrassed about the switch at first but the support she received from friends and family prompted her to carry on.

“Now, more and more customers come to buy our products,” she said. “And with the money we earn from it, we’ve not only been able to pay salaries and have also increased their incomes a bit.”

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Coronavirus: Chinese kindergarten survives Covid-19 by selling barbecue


As the saying goes, when life gives you lemons, make lemonade. Or in the case of a Chinese kindergarten forced to close because of the coronavirus pandemic, make barbecue.



上个月在“这是COVID-19,不是COVID-1啊,朋友们!”文中就出现类似说法,take lemons and turn them into v,把柠檬变成柠檬水。

It's the secret to how she has lasted so long as senior counselor to President Donald Trump, someone who puts a premium on his advisers' ability to take lemons and turn them into lemonade.

🍋柠檬是酸的(Lemons are sour),🥤柠檬饮料是甜的(Lemonade is sweet)把酸的变成甜的,就是把不好的东西变成好的/说成好的(Tt means to turn a bad situation into a good one.)

To make lemonade out of lemons is to take something that is not so great and turn it into something good. 而这里的谚语,When life gives you lemons, make lemonade. 可以解释为:如果生活给了你柠檬,那就把它做成柠檬汁。

🎬电影《女间谍》(Spy)中就提到:Lemonade  out of lemons. Stay focused. We can do this. 有字幕组就翻译成,见机行事,集中精神,我们能做到的。


barbecue /ˈbɑːbɪˌkjuː/ 可以作动词,也可以作名词,表示“烧烤”,英文解释为“If someone has a barbecue, they cook food on a barbecue in the open air.”通常也会简写为BBQ.

Hei Xiaojuan, owner of the Angel Baby Kindergarten in the northern city of Baoding, said her business was on the verge of bankruptcy when her young charges were told to stay home because of the Covid-19 outbreak.


on the verge of

表示“濒临于;接近于”,英文解释为“If you are on the verge of something or come to the verge of something, you are very close to experiencing it.”如:on the verge of collapse/success/tears/death/disaster/war 濒于崩溃/接近成功/差点流泪/濒临死亡/濒临灾难/处于战争的边缘。

After paying 200,000 yuan (US$28,000) in advance rent – with a further 400,000 yuan due in September – and refunding tuition fees, the business was close to going bust, she was quoted as saying in a report by local newspaper Orient Today.

当地报纸《东方今日》(Orient Today)援引她的话说,在支付了20万元人民币(2.8万美元)的预付租金(9月份还需再付40万元人民币)并退还学费之后,生意几乎破产了。

go bust

表示“破产,完蛋,失败”,英文解释为“If a company goes bust, it is forced to close because it is financially unsuccessful.”举个🌰:

More than 15 companies in the district went bust.


🎬电影《消失的爱人》(Gone girl)中就提到:Ever since that mall went bust, half the town is out of work. 购物中心倒闭后半个镇的人都失业了。

If I couldn’t find a way to make money, I would’ve had to close my kindergarten, like the seven others nearby that have shut recently,” Hei said.


So when the lockdown measures were eased several weeks ago – meaning people could go out to eat again, but parents were reluctant to let their children go back to school – Hei decided to shift her business from baby care to barbecue*.


* from baby care to barbecue 有点「押韵」的感觉,很妙。

“We have outdoor space, we have a catering service licence, our staff have health certificates, and we have abundant tables and chairs, so I thought that turning the kindergarten into a barbecue place was a fine way to make some money,” she said.




Hei told her staff they would be paid 1,500 yuan as basic salary, with everyone sharing the profits – if there were any.


Despite not advertising the new venture to the parents of her pupils – Hei said she did not want them to feel under undue pressure to visit – the business rapidly took off.



表示“(尤指有风险的)企业,商业,投机活动,经营项目”,英文解释为“a business project or activity, especially one that involves taking risks”举个🌰:

A disastrous business venture lost him thousands of dollars.



undertaking表示“(重大或艰巨的)任务,项目,事业;企业”,英文解释为“a task or project, especially one that is important and/or difficult”举个🌰:

He is interested in buying the club as a commercial undertaking.


take off

表示“突然开始成功;开始走红,流行起来”,英文解释为“to suddenly start to be successful or popular”举个🌰:

Her singing career had just begun to take off.


On the first day of opening, seven of the 10 tables were booked, and the customers just kept on coming.



应该是初高中很爱考的一个词,book作动词,表示“(向旅馆、饭店、戏院等)预约,预订”,英文解释为“to arrange with a hotel, restaurant, theatre, etc. to have a room, table, seat, etc. on a particular date”举个🌰:

I'd like to book a table for two for 8 o'clock tonight.


“The prices at our kindergarten barbecue are relatively cheap, and a lot of friends and pupils’ parents come here,” said headmaster Guo Chun, adding that they were now able to pay the teachers their full salaries.


One satisfied diner was a local man, who said he and his son found it a great place to eat.


“It’s so creative,” he said. “We adults can eat while the children play. It’s so good that dining out can be combined with entertainment.”


Angel Baby is not the only kindergarten in China that overcame the effects of the pandemic by moving into catering.


A school in Lijiang, Yunnan province that has more than 70 staff and monthly expenses of 300,000 yuan, took to selling children’s meals and Chinese buns in March to make ends meet.



表示“小圆甜蛋糕;小圆甜饼;圆面包”,英文解释为“a small round sweet cake;a small round flat bread roll”如:a hamburger bun 一个用来夹汉堡饼的面包。所以你可以猜猜看,Chinese buns会是什么东西?

make ends meet

表示“使收支相抵;勉强维持生计;收支相抵;量入为出”,英文解释为“to have just enough money to pay for the things that you need”。

🎬电影《怦然心动》(Flipped)中有句台词:I’m tired of having to take temp jobs just to make ends meet. 我受够了为补贴家用找那么多临时工。


Headmaster Gao Zhiying said she was embarrassed about the switch at first but the support she received from friends and family prompted her to carry on.


“Now, more and more customers come to buy our products,” she said. “And with the money we earn from it, we’ve not only been able to pay salaries and have also increased their incomes a bit.”



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