

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26




Beijing Shuts Biggest Vegetable Market After 45 Covid-19 Cases


Beijing shut down some food markets including the city’s largest fruits and vegetables supply center, amid fears of a resurgence months after the coronavirus was all but stamped out of the country.

The capital’s largest wholesale vegetable market – Xinfadi market – was shut down from 3 a.m. Saturday to curb the spread of Covid-19 after the virus was detected among a few business owners and their equipment. Swabs taken from the throats of 45 people at the market tested positive, and they had no clinical symptoms, the Beijing city government said in a statement Saturday.

The novel coronavirus was detected on a chopping board used by a seller of imported salmon at the Xinfadi market, Global Times reported. A seafood market in Jinshen was also closed, CGTN reported.

All were related to the Xinfadi market. Local authorities put 11 residential sub-districts near the market under lockdown, and quarantined 139 people who had close contact with the confirmed cases. A person from another market in the city also tested positive after coming in contact with a previously confirmed case.

The coronavirus has an incubation period of up to 14 days before people show outward signs of sickness, while some of those infected never get sick. While China doesn’t count those who are infected but without any symptoms of Covid-19 as confirmed cases, they are categorized as asymptomatic infections and quarantined.

The northern Chinese province of Liaoning also reported two new asymptomatic cases Saturday. The two people were found to have had close contact with confirmed cases in Beijing. The nation reported six new confirmed local cases for Friday, all from Beijing, and another five new imported cases, according to the National Health Commission statement on Saturday.

Beijing authorities said over 10,000 people in Xinfadi market will take a nucleic acid test, CGTN reported.

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Beijing Shuts Biggest Vegetable Market After 45 Covid-19 Cases


Beijing shut down some food markets including the city’s largest fruits and vegetables supply center, amid fears of a resurgence months after the coronavirus was all but stamped out of the country.


表示“复苏”,英文解释为“If there is a resurgence of an attitude or activity, it reappears and grows.”举个🌰:

Police say drugs traffickers are behind the resurgence of violence.


电影《天兆》(Signs)中的台词提到:This new resurgence is wholly different. 这次的出现与以前完全不同。

stamp out

表示“消除,消灭”,英文解释为“to get rid of something that is wrong or harmful”举个🌰:

The new legislation is intended to stamp out bullying in schools.


电影《上帝也疯狂》(The Gods Must Be Crazy)中的台词提到:You stamped out the fire. I saw you. 是你把火踏灭的,我看见了。

电影《1984》(Nineteen Eighty-Four)中的台词提到:We must stamp them out. 我们必须消灭他们。

all but


The game was all but over by the time we arrived.


电影《暮光之城:破晓(下)》(The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 2)中的台词提到:Carlisle is all but ensuring his own destruction. 卡莱尔不过是在自掘坟墓罢了。

电影《终极神鹰》(Hudson Hawk)中的台词提到:They're all but identical. 他们几乎是一样的。

The capital’s largest wholesale vegetable market – Xinfadi market – was shut down from 3 a.m. Saturday to curb the spread of Covid-19 after the virus was detected among a few business owners and their equipment. Swabs taken from the throats of 45 people at the market tested positive, and they had no clinical symptoms, the Beijing city government said in a statement Saturday.



1)表示“批发的;趸售的”,英文解释为“connected with goods that are bought and sold in large quantities, especially so they can be sold again to make a profit”如:wholesale prices 批发价格。

2)表示“大规模的(破坏/变动)”,英文解释为“happening or done to a very large number of people or things”举个🌰:

They are only doing what is necessary to prevent wholesale destruction of vegetation.



表示“控制,抑制,限定,约束(不好的事物)”,英文解释为“to control or limit sth, especially sth bad”举个🌰:

He needs to learn to curb his temper.


swab /swɒb/

表示“(医用的)拭子,药签”,英文解释为“a piece of soft material used by a doctor, nurse, etc. for cleaning wounds or taking a sample from sb's body for testing”。

swabs taken from the throats



1)表示“临床的”,英文解释为“Clinical means involving or relating to the direct medical treatment or testing of patients.”举个🌰:

The first clinical trials were expected to begin next year.


2)表示“无人情味的;冷淡的,冷漠的”,英文解释为“You use clinical to describe thought or behaviour that is very logical and does not involve any emotion.”举个🌰:

All this questioning is so clinical – it kills romance.


The novel coronavirus was detected on a chopping board used by a seller of imported salmon at the Xinfadi market, Global Times reported. A seafood market in Jinshen was also closed, CGTN reported.

a chopping board

表示“砧板;切菜板”,英文解释为“a board made of wood or plastic used for cutting meat or vegetables on”。


1)表示“三文鱼(鲑鱼);鲑鱼肉”,英文解释为“A salmon is a large silver-coloured fish. Salmon is the orangey-pink flesh of this fish which is eaten as food. It is often smoked and eaten raw.”举个🌰:

He gave them a splendid lunch of smoked salmon.


imported salmon


All were related to the Xinfadi market. Local authorities put 11 residential sub-districts near the market under lockdown, and quarantined 139 people who had close contact with the confirmed cases. A person from another market in the city also tested positive after coming in contact with a previously confirmed case.


quarantine /ˈkwɒrənˌtiːn/表示“对…进行隔离”,英文解释为“If people or animals are quarantined, they are stopped from having contact with other people or animals. If a place is quarantined, people and animals are prevented from entering or leaving it.”举个🌰:

Dogs have to be quarantined for six months before they'll let them in. 


confirmed cases


The coronavirus has an incubation period of up to 14 days before people show outward signs of sickness, while some of those infected never get sick. While China doesn’t count those who are infected but without any symptoms of Covid-19 as confirmed cases, they are categorized as asymptomatic infections and quarantined.


incubation /ˌɪŋkjuˈbeɪʃn/ 表示“(传染病的)潜伏期”,英文解释为“the time between sb being infected with a disease and the appearance of the first symptoms”。


1)表示“把…计算在内”,英文解释为“If you count something when you are making a calculation, you include it in that calculation. ”举个🌰:

It's under 10 percent because statistics don't count the people who aren't qualified to be in the work force.


2)表示“有价值;有重要意义”,英文解释为“If something or someone counts for something or counts, they are important or valuable.”举个🌰:

Surely it doesn't matter where charities get their money from: what counts is what they do with it.


3)表示“看作”,英文解释为“If something counts or is counted as a particular thing, it is regarded as being that thing, especially in particular circumstances or under particular rules.”举个🌰:

No one agrees on what counts as a desert.



asymptomatic /æˌsɪmptəˈmætɪk/ 表示“无症状的”,英文解释为“If someone with a disease is asymptomatic, it means that they do not show any symptoms of the disease.”举个🌰:

Evidence suggests that many Ebola infections are asymptomatic.


The northern Chinese province of Liaoning also reported two new asymptomatic cases Saturday. The two people were found to have had close contact with confirmed cases in Beijing. The nation reported six new confirmed local cases for Friday, all from Beijing, and another five new imported cases, according to the National Health Commission statement on Saturday.

local cases


imported cases


Beijing authorities said over 10,000 people in Xinfadi market will take a nucleic acid test, CGTN reported.

nucleic acid

表示“核酸”,英文解释为“Nucleic acids are complex chemical substances, such as DNA, which are found in living cells.”


the nucleic acid test

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