

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26

近日,微博vlog博主@曹导 发布视频称,其在进行外卖骑手职业体验时,因身着外卖工作服去北京SKP商场取外卖,被歧视无法进入商场差点取不到单,引发热议。



Developing the fine art of retail engagement

China Daily

SKP Beijing, a luxury shopping center, is embracing a mix of technology, art and fashion to take on online rivals and attract younger customers.

In a digital age when many tech savvy Chinese consumers only shop online, SKP Beijing, the brick-and-mortar shopping center located outside the city's third ring road, sold goods worth 1.01 billion yuan ($145 million) in a single day in November last year. The record-breaking revenue was generated from more than 70,000 consumers.

In 2018, Beijing SKP's sales revenue climbed to 13.5 billion yuan, second globally only to Harrods in London. In China, Deji Plaza ranked second with revenue of 10 billion yuan.

Harrods in London, SKP in Beijing, Le Bon Marché in Paris, Selfridges and Liberty in London remain the top five most productive stores in the world in terms of estimated sales per feet, according to the Sybarite Report 2019-the Future of Luxury Retail. The report was conducted by Sybarite and GlobalData.

According to Joseph Robinson, GlobalData retail consulting director, "the highest ranked retailers are all benefiting from their pro-activity in investing in their stores, helping them to offer differentiation and unique shopping experiences.

"This is particularly important against the backdrop of the relentless rise of online penetration, and the increasing focus among luxury brands on going alone with standalone stores."

SKP Beijing ranked second globally, with annual retail sales per square foot hitting $1,997 in 2018, according to the report. Founded in 2007, SKP Beijing was previously known as Shin Kong Shopping Center with 50 percent stakes each held by Beijing Hualian Group and Shin Kong Mitsukushi group, with the latter in charge of management. In 2015, Beijing Hualian Group acquired the majority of the shares from Shin Kong and started to manage the store itself.

Ji Xiao'an, chairman of Beijing Hualian Group, said during an industry group research trip to Beijing SKP, that SKP's focus on retail, high-end products and services has cultivated a loyal group of consumers. SKP has accurately targeted its consumer group and designed a package of services based on their needs.

The shopping center has been able to ensure its consumers return through gifting and coupons rather than discounts or promotions.

Beijing SKP sells about 827 luxury brands including Hermes, Chanel, Louis Vuitton, Dior and Gucci, and has collaborated with 200 leading emerging designers.

The shopping mall has collaborated with leading global luxury houses to develop products only sold in SKP. About 38 percent of top global luxury brands have chosen SKP as their launch site.

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Developing the fine art of retail engagement

China Daily

SKP Beijing, a luxury shopping center, is embracing a mix of technology, art and fashion to take on online rivals and attract younger customers.

take on

表示“同…较量(或争斗)”,英文解释为“to compete against or fight someone”举个🌰:

They were reluctant to take on a person whose popularity ratings were historically high.


📺美剧《侠胆雄狮》(Beauty and the Beast)第2季中的台词提到:Didn't you two just take on Muirfield together? 你们最近不是还联手对付缪尔菲德吗?

In a digital age when many tech savvy Chinese consumers only shop online, SKP Beijing, the brick-and-mortar shopping center located outside the city's third ring road, sold goods worth 1.01 billion yuan ($145 million) in a single day in November last year. The record-breaking revenue was generated from more than 70,000 consumers.

savvy /ˈsævɪ/

savvy表示“有见识的;懂实际知识的;通情达理的”,英文解释为“having practical knowledge and understanding of sth; having common sense”,tech-savvy指的就是懂技术,精通技术/科技的(knowing a lot about modern technology, especially computers),此处tech savvy consumers指的就是现在网购普及,擅长用手机/电脑在网上进行购物消费的消费者们。

🎬电影《爱情、婚礼和婚姻》(Love, Wedding, Marriage)中的台词提到:if you're gonna be gone for six months, you need to be internet email savvy. 如果你要离开半年 你得精通互联网电子邮件。


字面意思是“砖瓦加水泥”,the brick-and-mortar shopping center指的就是实体店,砖瓦加水泥通常用来比喻传统企业(existing as a physical building, especially a shop, rather than doing business only on the internet)。

🎬电影《追随你脚步》(Finding Your Feet)中的台词提到:Everybody advised me to, you know, stay on the property ladder, keep my money in bricks and mortar. 大家都劝我要住在房子里 把钱存在银行里。

📍今年政府工作报告中在提到:“商场”时就用的brick and mortar shopping,原句为:支持餐饮、商场、文化、旅游、家政等生活服务业恢复发展, We will support the recovery and development of food and beverage, brick and mortar shopping, culture, tourism, domestic services, and other consumer services,

类似的还有一个说法,砖块加鼠标(Bricks and clicks)指的就是传统商业模式与互联网商业模式的联合,a jargon term for a business model by which a company integrates both offline (bricks) and online (clicks) presences.

(cr: Bravo Business Media)

ring road 环路,环城路
record-breaking 破纪录

In 2018, Beijing SKP's sales revenue climbed to 13.5 billion yuan, second globally only to Harrods in London. In China, Deji Plaza ranked second with revenue of 10 billion yuan.


原意“爬,攀登”,可表示“上升;增值;升值”,英文解释为“to increase in value or amount”举个🌰:

The dollar has been climbing all week.


second only to sth

表示“仅次于”,英文解释为“If you say that something is second only to something else, you mean that only that thing is better or greater than it. Only less important than (something or someone)”举个🌰:

As a major health risk hepatitis is second only to tobacco.


📺英剧《唐顿庄园》(Downton Abbey)第1季中的台词提到:He thinks it's second only to St Thomas'. 他认为那里仅次于圣托马斯医院。


📍Deji Plaza,德基广场,位于南京市玄武区中山路18号,坐落在“中华第一商圈”新街口东北角,是一个定位于高端商业的综合购物中心。(百度百科)

plaza /ˈplɑːzə/

1)表示“(城市建筑群中的)购物区,购物中心”,英文解释为“a group of buildings including shops, designed as a single development within a town”;

2)表示“(西班牙语国家城镇中的)露天广场”,英文解释为“an open area or square in a town, especially in Spanish-speaking countries”。

Harrods in London, SKP in Beijing, Le Bon Marché in Paris, Selfridges and Liberty in London remain the top five most productive stores in the world in terms of estimated sales per feet, according to the Sybarite Report 2019-the Future of Luxury Retail. The report was conducted by Sybarite and GlobalData.

According to Joseph Robinson, GlobalData retail consulting director, "the highest ranked retailers are all benefiting from their pro-activity in investing in their stores, helping them to offer differentiation and unique shopping experiences.

"This is particularly important against the backdrop of the relentless rise of online penetration, and the increasing focus among luxury brands on going alone with standalone stores."


1)表示“(舞台的)背景幕布”,英文解释为“a painted piece of cloth that is hung behind the stage in a theatre as part of the scenery”。

2)表示“事件的背景”,英文解释为“The backdrop to an event is the general situation in which it happens.”

SKP Beijing ranked second globally, with annual retail sales per square foot hitting $1,997 in 2018, according to the report. Founded in 2007, SKP Beijing was previously known as Shin Kong Shopping Center with 50 percent stakes each held by Beijing Hualian Group and Shin Kong Mitsukushi group, with the latter in charge of management. In 2015, Beijing Hualian Group acquired the majority of the shares from Shin Kong and started to manage the store itself.


表示“获得;购得”,英文解释为“If you acquire something, you buy or obtain it for yourself, or someone gives it to you.举个🌰:

General Motors acquired a 50% stake in Saab for about $400m.


Ji Xiao'an, chairman of Beijing Hualian Group, said during an industry group research trip to Beijing SKP, that SKP's focus on retail, high-end products and services has cultivated a loyal group of consumers. SKP has accurately targeted its consumer group and designed a package of services based on their needs.

The shopping center has been able to ensure its consumers return through gifting and coupons rather than discounts or promotions.

Beijing SKP sells about 827 luxury brands including Hermes, Chanel, Louis Vuitton, Dior and Gucci, and has collaborated with 200 leading emerging designers.

The shopping mall has collaborated with leading global luxury houses to develop products only sold in SKP. About 38 percent of top global luxury brands have chosen SKP as their launch site.


熟词僻义,用于某些类型的公司名称(图书或设计服装的)中,表示“公司,机构,商行”,英文解释为“a company that is involved in a particular area of business”如:a publishing house 出版社,a fashion house 时装公司。



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