

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26



Viral article puts the brakes on China's food delivery frenzy


For China’s food delivery workers, life can feel like a constant battle with algorithms, traffic police, and disgruntled customers.

An essay detailing the hazardous work conditions of China’s food delivery drivers went viral on the internet on Tuesday, causing a moment of national reckonings on algorithmic harms to people.

In China’s populated urban hubs, one won’t miss the army of express couriers speeding and honking on their scooters. Their reckless driving, according to the investigative report from China’s People magazine, is largely a result of stringent algorithms that penalize late delivery; what’s more, the machines fail to fully factor in real-life variables like weather and traffic and often put drivers’ lives at risk. Within hours, the story had gained over 100,000 views and was shared widely and discussed on the WeChat messenger.

While food delivery platforms boast increasingly fast delivery thanks to state-of-the-art machine learning, the lofty goals the algorithms set for drivers are often attainable only by breaking traffic rules and working extended hours. Sitting indoors, customers tap on streamlined apps, detached from the dangerous delivery journey. To avoid bad reviews and wage cuts, drivers dash and honk pedestrians out of their way to be on time.

Within the first six months of 2019, Shanghai recorded 325 injuries and deaths involving food and parcel delivery drivers alone, with Alibaba’s Ele.me and Tencent-backed Meituan, the food delivery leaders, accounting for nearly 70% of the accidents.

“Most people won’t care if their order arrives two minutes sooner or 10 minutes late. Platforms can actually be more forgiving of delivery drivers. We are more patient than expected,” said a reader comment with 33,000 likes.

On the flip side it is an enormous market opportunity. The food ordering industry in China is estimated to reach 665 billion yuan ($97 billion) by 2020. A total of 398 million or nearly 45% of China’s internet users ordered food online as of March. In contrast, online delivery penetration in the U.S. will reach about 9% by 2020.

Millions of drivers are powering China’s food delivery economy, with nearly 4 million on Meituan by 2019 and 3 million on Ele.me at last count.

This isn’t the first time that China has come to grips with safety for food delivery drivers. Following a series of road accidents in 2017, Chinese police ordered on-demand platforms to improve safety standards for drivers. A commentary from China's newspaper at the time called for “more humane” management for take-out couriers.

Alibaba has taken notice of the latest critique. About 12 hours after the article published, Ele.me announced it will add a feature that allows customers to voluntarily extend wait time by five or 10 minutes. It also promised that the platform won’t penalize couriers with good credit and service history even when they are occasionally late. Meituan, Ele.me’s main rival, has yet to respond to the issues brought up by the widely circulated article.

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Lens: What is it like for food delivery drivers in China? (From: TechNode)



Viral article puts the brakes on China’s food delivery frenzy


For China's food delivery workers, life can feel like a constant battle with algorithms, traffic police, and disgruntled customers.



algorithm /ˈælɡəˌrɪðəm/ 表示“算法;计算程序”,英文解释为“a set of rules that must be followed when solving a particular problem”。


disgruntled /dɪsˈɡrʌntəld/ 表示“生气的;不满的”,英文解释为“If you are disgruntled, you are angry and dissatisfied because things have not happened the way that you wanted them to happen.”举个🌰:

Disgruntled employees recently called for his resignation.


🎬电影《假结婚》(The Proposal)中的台词提到:Bob is nothing but a disgruntled former employee. 他只是一名泄愤的前雇员

An essay detailing the hazardous work conditions of China's food delivery drivers went viral on the internet on Tuesday, causing a moment of national reckonings on algorithmic harms to people.



表示“危险的,有害的”,英文解释为“dangerous”,如:a hazardous journey/occupation 危险的旅行/职业。

go viral

go viral的出镜率是很高的,之前也出现过很多次。viral除了表示“病毒性的”,还可以表示“(尤指在网上)传播迅速的;很快变得受欢迎的”。go viral字面意思就是“像病毒一样传播、扩散”,引申为表示“走红,十分流行,疯狂传播”,比如朋友圈xxx刷屏了,也可以说go viral,英文解释为“to become very popular very quickly”。


1)表示“估计;估算;计算”,英文解释为“the act of calculating sth, especially in a way that is not very exact”举个🌰:

By my reckoning you still owe me ¥100.


2)表示“最后审判日;算总账”,英文解释为“a time when sb's actions will be judged to be right or wrong and they may be punished”举个🌰:In the final reckoning truth is rewarded.


In China's populated urban hubs, one won't miss the army of express couriers speeding and honking on their scooters. Their reckless driving, according to the investigative report from China's People magazine, is largely a result of stringent algorithms that penalize late delivery; what's more, the machines fail to fully factor in real-life variables like weather and traffic and often put drivers' lives at risk. Within hours, the story had gained over 100,000 views and was shared widely and discussed on the WeChat messenger.


honk /hɒŋk/

表示“(使汽车喇叭)鸣响”,英文解释为“if a car horn honks or you honk or honk the horn , the horn makes a loud noise SYN hoot”举个🌰:

Why did he honk at me?


📺美剧《绝命毒师》(Breaking Bad)中的台词提到:Honk once. I'll meet you in the parking lot. 按一声喇叭 在停车场等我。


可以指“小型摩托车”英文解释为“A scooter is a small light motorcycle which has a low seat.”也可以指“踏板车,滑板车”(A scooter is a type of child's bicycle which has two wheels joined by a wooden board and a handle on a long pole attached to the front wheel. The child stands on the board with one foot, and uses the other foot to move forward.)




reckless表示“轻率的;鲁莽的;不顾后果的”,英文解释为“not caring or worrying about the possible bad or dangerous results of your actions”,举个🌰:

He was accused of causing death by reckless driving.



stringent /ˈstrɪndʒənt/ 表示“严格的;严厉的”,英文解释为“very strict and that must be obeyed”,如:stringent air quality regulations 严格的空气质量管理条例。

factor in/into

表示“将…因素包括进来”,英文解释为“to include a particular fact or situation when you are thinking about or planning sth”举个🌰:

Remember to factor in staffing costs when you are planning the project.



表示“可变情况;变量;可变因素”,英文解释为“a situation, number or quantity that can vary or be varied”举个🌰:

With so many variables, it is difficult to calculate the cost.



熟词僻义,可以表示“新闻报道”,英文解释为“a report in a newspaper, magazine or news broadcast”如:a front-page story 头版报道。

While food delivery platforms boast increasingly fast delivery thanks to state-of-the-art machine learning, the lofty goals the algorithms set for drivers are often attainable only by breaking traffic rules and working extended hours. Sitting indoors, customers tap on streamlined apps, detached from the dangerous delivery journey. To avoid bad reviews and wage cuts, drivers dash and honk pedestrians out of their way to be on time.



表示“拥有(值得自豪的东西)”,英文解释为“to have or own something to be proud of举个🌰:

Hangzhou boasts beautiful lakes, great restaurants, and friendly locals.



1)表示“高傲的,自大的”,英文解释为“If you have a lofty way of behaving or talking, etc., you act as if you think you are better than other people.”如:a lofty attitude/air/tone 高傲的态度/神情/语气。

2)表示“崇高的,高尚的”,英文解释为“Lofty ideas, etc. are of a high moral standard.”如:lofty sentiments/ideals 崇高的情操/理想。


1)表示“轻敲;轻拍;轻叩”(to hit sb/sth quickly and lightly举个🌰:

He tapped at the door.


2)表示“轻触(手机或平板电脑等给予指令)”(to touch the screen of a phone, tablet computer, etc. in order to give an instruction for something to happen)举个🌰:

You can manage the repeat and shuffle options by tapping the screen once and swiping to the left.


3)表示“ 在(电话或电报线)上装窃听器;窃听”(to use a small device attached to a phone in order to listen secretly to what people are saying)举个🌰:

He suspected that his phone had been tapped.


4)表示“利用,开发,发掘(已有的资源、知识等)”(to make use of a source of energy, knowledge, etc. that already exists)举个🌰:

We need to tap the expertise of the people we already have.


🎬电影《头号玩家》(Ready Player One)中的台词提到:This isn't real, you're tapping my feed. 这不是真的 你们拦截了我的信号。

🎬电影《银河护卫队2》(Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2)中的台词提到:She wouldn't even tap her foot. Wouldn't move a muscle. 她也毫不动容 连脚趾头也不动一下。


detached作形容词,表示“不带感情的;超然的;冷漠的”,英文解释为“showing a lack of feeling”举个🌰:

He tries to remain emotionally detached from the prisoners, but fails.


She seemed a bit detached, as if her mind were on other things.


🎬电影《愤怒的小鸟》(Angry Birds)中的台词提到:And I don't need any calm, detached, happy birds. 我不需要那些与世无争 神闲气静的鸟。


表示“猛冲,急奔,跑”,英文解释为“to go somewhere quickly”举个🌰:

The dog ran off, and she dashed after him.


Within the first six months of 2019, Shanghai recorded 325 injuries and deaths involving food and parcel delivery drivers alone, with Alibaba's Ele.me and Tencent-backed Meituan, the food delivery leaders, accounting for nearly 70% of the accidents.


“Most people won't care if their order arrives two minutes sooner or 10 minutes late. Platforms can actually be more forgiving of delivery drivers. We are more patient than expected,” said a reader comment with 33,000 likes.


On the flip side it is an enormous market opportunity. The food ordering industry in China is estimated to reach 665 billion yuan ($97 billion) by 2020. A total of 398 million or nearly 45% of China's internet users ordered food online as of March. In contrast, online delivery penetration in the U.S. will reach about 9% by 2020.


on the flip side

on the flip side “反过来说;另一方面”,flip side表示“(想法、论点或行动的)另一面,反面,负面”英文解释为“different and less welcome aspects of an idea, argument or action”。


表示“穿透;渗透;进入”,英文解释为“the act or process of making a way into or through sth”,如:the company's successful penetration of overseas markets 公司对海外市场的顺利开拓,举个🌰:

The floor is sealed to prevent water penetration.


Millions of drivers are powering China's food delivery economy, with nearly 4 million on Meituan by 2019 and 3 million on Ele.me at last count.


This isn't the first time that China has come to grips with safety for food delivery drivers. Following a series of road accidents in 2017, Chinese police ordered on-demand platforms to improve safety standards for drivers. A commentary from China's newspaper at the time called for “more humane” management for take-out couriers.


come to grips with

表示“开始理解并着手处理;了解并应付(问题或局面)”,英文解释为“to make an effort to understand and deal with a problem or situation”举个🌰:

I can't seem to get to grips with this problem.


He has failed to come to grips with the two most important issues of our time.


🎬电影《几近成名》(Almost Famous)中的台词提到:trying to come to grips with success... 挤破头想成功


表示“应顾客要求即可提供的,随选的”,英文解释为“available when a customer wants or asks for something”举个🌰:

They will sell a voice recognition product as an add-on, on-demand service for their users.


此处的on-demand platforms结合全文语境,用户请求式,按需随选的平台,可以理解为“点餐平台”。

Alibaba has taken notice of the latest critique. About 12 hours after the article published, Ele.me announced it will add a feature that allows customers to voluntarily extend wait time by five or 10 minutes. It also promised that the platform won't penalize couriers with good credit and service history even when they are occasionally late. Meituan, Ele.me's main rival, has yet to respond to the issues brought up by the widely circulated article.


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