
iOS 14的翻译太懂了

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26

9月17日凌晨,苹果向所有用户推送了 iOS14 正式版。iOS 14的一大亮点,就是苹果推出了自带的翻译(Translate)应用。那么,这个自带的翻译应用效果怎么样呢?我们来看一看。


iOS 14: Apple's Built-In Translate App That Works With 11 Languages


Apple in iOS 14 added a new Translate app, which, as the name suggests, is designed to offer translations from one language to another. The Translate app has some useful features that are handy both when learning a new language and when attempting to talk to someone who speaks a different language.

This guide walks through all of the features in the Translate app and how to use them.


The Translate app has a simple, easy to use interface that allows you to select languages to translate to and from at the top, and options to either type (or paste) text to be translated or speak it aloud after tapping the microphone option.

Translations are shown in large text, with the original phrase in black and the translation shown in blue. The iPhone can speak translations out loud when the play button is tapped so you can get the proper pronunciation or play the translation to someone who speaks a different language.


The Translate app can translate to and from Arabic, mainland Chinese, English (US and UK), French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Russian, and Spanish.

Voice Translations

With voice translation, you can tap the microphone in the Translate app and speak a phrase out loud to have it translated into the target language. For example, if you have English and Spanish selected as chosen languages and ask "Where's the bathroom?" the app will provide the proper response: "Dónde está el baño?"

You can speak in any of the supported languages and have the spoken language translated into any of the other languages. The Translate app works with simple phrases or long sentences and speeches.

Text Translations

Text translations can be typed into the Translate app, which is useful if you need to paste something from a website or document for a translation. To enter text, just tap on the "Enter text" wording in the app and it opens up into an interface where you can type something or paste it in with a tap.

You can type in a single sentence or paste in long paragraphs of text, with the Translate app able to translate everything in its entirety complete with a spoken translation that can be played so you can hear the pronunciation.


Any recent translation can be saved as a favorite through the "Favorites" tab so you can save and repeat your most used translated phrases when needed. The Favorites tab also shows your recent translations.


If you tap on any word in any language in the Translate app, the dictionary feature will provide a definition and usage examples, a feature that's helpful if you don't know what a word means in another language.

On-Device Translations

Translations by default are not done on device but if you download a language pack in the Translate app, translations to and from that language can be done on the ‌iPhone‌ for more privacy.

Translations that use offline languages are on-device and private, with Apple having no access to the content that was translated. Offline languages can be downloaded by tapping on one of the language boxes at the top of the Translate app, scrolling down to "Available Offline Languages" and tapping the download button next to the language you want to download.

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iOS 14 Quick Tip! Translate app! (from: Ians Tech)



iOS 14: Apple's Built-In Translate App That Works With 11 Languages


Apple in iOS 14 added a new Translate app, which, as the name suggests, is designed to offer translations from one language to another. The Translate app has some useful features that are handy both when learning a new language and when attempting to talk to someone who speaks a different language.

苹果在 iOS 14 中新增了一个翻译(Translate)应用,顾名思义,该应用旨在提供从一种语言到另一种语言的翻译。翻译(Translate)应用有一些实用的功能,无论是在学习新语言时还是在试图与讲不同语言的人交谈时都很方便。


1)作名词,原意表示“特色;特征;特点”,英文解释为“something important, interesting or typical of a place or thing”,此前在iOS 14来了!文中就出现了多次的feature,介绍iOS 14各种新功能,新特点,举个🌰:

Which features do you look for when choosing a car?


2)feature作动词,表示“以…为特色;由…主演;以…为主要组成”,英文解释为“to include a particular person or thing as a special feature”,作动词往往可以理解为“有...”(功能/特色),举个🌰:

Many of the hotels featured in the brochure offer special deals for weekend breaks.


The film features Cary Grant as a professor.



表示“有用的;方便的,便利的”,英文解释为“useful or convenient”,如:a handy container/tool 实用的容器/工具。

This guide walks through all of the features in the Translate app and how to use them.


walk through

walk through原意“走过;穿过”,还有“排练,彩排”的意思,英文解释为“to practise something, for example a performance, without an audience being present”举个🌰:

Let's just walk through the scene one more time.


和此处比较类似的一个说法walk sb. through sth.表示“耐心地给(某人)示范…;详细地教授(某人)…”,英文解释为“to slowly and carefully explain something to someone or show someone how to do something”举个🌰:

She walked me through the document.


He'll walk you through the procedure.




The Translate app has a simple, easy to use interface that allows you to select languages to translate to and from at the top, and options to either type (or paste) text to be translated or speak it aloud after tapping the microphone option.



表示“接口;界面”,英文解释为“a connection between two pieces of electronic equipment, or between a person and a computer”举个🌰:

The new version of the program comes with a much better user interface (= way of showing information to a user) than the original.


我们常听说的UI,UI设计...此处的UI指的就是User Interface的缩写。


复制、粘贴、剪切英语怎么说?Copy, Paste, and Cut.

paste /peɪst/ 表示“粘贴;贴入;插入”,英文解释为“to copy or move text into a document from another place or another document”。


1)表示“轻敲;轻拍;轻叩”(to hit sb/sth quickly and lightly举个🌰:

He tapped at the door.


2)表示“轻触(手机或平板电脑等给予指令)”(to touch the screen of a phone, tablet computer, etc. in order to give an instruction for something to happen)举个🌰:

You can manage the repeat and shuffle options by tapping the screen once and swiping to the left.


3)表示“ 在(电话或电报线)上装窃听器;窃听”(to use a small device attached to a phone in order to listen secretly to what people are saying)举个🌰:

He suspected that his phone had been tapped.


4)表示“利用,开发,发掘(已有的资源、知识等)”(to make use of a source of energy, knowledge, etc. that already exists)举个🌰:

We need to tap the expertise of the people we already have.


🎬电影《头号玩家》(Ready Player One)中的台词提到:This isn't real, you're tapping my feed. 这不是真的 你们拦截了我的信号。

🎬电影《银河护卫队2》(Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2)中的台词提到:She wouldn't even tap her foot. Wouldn't move a muscle. 她也毫不动容 连脚趾头也不动一下。

Translations are shown in large text, with the original phrase in black and the translation shown in blue. The iPhone can speak translations out loud when the play button is tapped so you can get the proper pronunciation or play the translation to someone who speaks a different language.

译文以大字显示,原文为黑色,译文以蓝色显示。当点击播放按钮时,iPhone 会大声读出译文,这样您就可以得到正确的发音,或者将译文播放给说不同语言的人听。



The Translate app can translate to and from Arabic, mainland Chinese, English (US and UK), French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Russian, and Spanish.


◉Voice Translations


With voice translation, you can tap the microphone in the Translate app and speak a phrase out loud to have it translated into the target language. For example, if you have English and Spanish selected as chosen languages and ask "Where's the bathroom?" the app will provide the proper response: "Dónde está el baño?"

通过语音翻译,您可以在翻译(Translate)应用中轻点麦克风,大声说出一个短语,使其翻译成目标语言。例如,如果您选择英语和西班牙语作为所选语言,并问“Where's the bathroom?”该应用将会译为:“Dónde está el baño?”

You can speak in any of the supported languages and have the spoken language translated into any of the other languages. The Translate app works with simple phrases or long sentences and speeches.


◉Text Translations


Text translations can be typed into the Translate app, which is useful if you need to paste something from a website or document for a translation. To enter text, just tap on the "Enter text" wording in the app and it opens up into an interface where you can type something or paste it in with a tap.


You can type in a single sentence or paste in long paragraphs of text, with the Translate app able to translate everything in its entirety complete with a spoken translation that can be played so you can hear the pronunciation.


in its entirety

表示“作为整体;整个地;全面地”,英文解释为“as a whole, rather than in parts”举个🌰:

The poem is too long to quote in its entirety.




Any recent translation can be saved as a favorite through the "Favorites" tab so you can save and repeat your most used translated phrases when needed. The Favorites tab also shows your recent translations.




If you tap on any word in any language in the Translate app, the dictionary feature will provide a definition and usage examples, a feature that's helpful if you don't know what a word means in another language.


◉On-Device Translations


Translations by default are not done on device but if you download a language pack in the Translate app, translations to and from that language can be done on the ‌iPhone‌ for more privacy.

默认情况下,翻译不会在设备上完成,但如果您在翻译(Translate)应用中下载了相应的语言包,则可以在 iPhone 上进行该语言的翻译,从而保护隐私。


1)作名词,在计算机中,表示“默认;系统设定值;预置值”,英文解释为“what happens or appears if you do not make any other choice or change”举个🌰:

The default option is to save your work every five minutes.


2)可以作动词也可以作名词,表示“违约(尤指未偿付债务)”(failure to do sth that must be done by law, especially paying a debt )举个🌰:

The company is in default on the loan.


People who default on their mortgage repayments may have their home repossessed.


3)在网球领域还有一个更专业的术语,叫Default. 可以理解为(被)取消资格;此前,德约科维奇误伤裁判被直接判负一文中,美网公开赛的官网声明以及相关新闻报道标题就用的:Three-time champion Novak Djokovic is defaulted in Round of 16 at 2020 US Open.

📍Default: Disqualification of a player in a match by the chair umpire after the player has received four code violation warnings, generally for his/her conduct on court. A double default occurs when both players are disqualified. Defaults also occur when a player misses a match with no valid excuse. Defaults are considered losses.

Translations that use offline languages are on-device and private, with Apple having no access to the content that was translated. Offline languages can be downloaded by tapping on one of the language boxes at the top of the Translate app, scrolling down to "Available Offline Languages" and tapping the download button next to the language you want to download.


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