

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26



所以,体能测试(Physical-Fitness Test)测什么?BMI、坐位体前屈、30 m 冲刺、垂直纵跳、引体向上、3000 m 等等。


Top Chinese swimmer fails mandatory fitness test and may not get into final round of CNSC


Controversy Erupting Over Chinese Swimming's New Physical-Fitness Testing Which Determines Finalists

Swimming World Magazine

Apparently, producing a world-class time is not enough for officials of Chinese Swimming. Through the first few days of the Chinese National Championships, several athletes have posted quick performances in the preliminary heats, but then were absent from the final for which they qualified. Why? Officials have implemented a system that calls for athletes to excel in physical-fitness testing, and if athletes do not meet specific levels, they are denied their spot in the final.

According to a report in the Sixth Tone, athletes took part in testing in 10 events prior to the start of the National Champs, with the results of those tests determining whether swimmers would advance beyond the preliminary heats if their times warranted qualification. Among the tests were pullups, bench press, squats and a 30-meter sprint. Already at Nationals, Wang Jianjiahe and Yu Hexin were denied spots in their finals. All Wang did was set an Asian record in the 1500 freestyle (15:45.59), while Yu set a Chinese record in the 50 freestyle (21.79).

Not surprising, the new rules are not sitting well with the athletes.

“It’s not like we’re overlooking the importance of physical strength,” Wang told media at Nationals. “I think deciding the top eight based on physical tests is somewhat deficient.”

The physical-fitness testing will be used at future competitions, and has also been adopted in other sports, such as track and field.

In preliminary action on Monday, Yan Zibei and Liu Xiang put together impressive efforts to lead their respective events. Yan delivered a time of 58.73 to top qualifying in the men’s 100 breaststroke while Liu clocked a mark of 24.20 to pave the way in the women's 50 freestyle. Ye Shiwen did not advance to the final of the 400 individual medley, an event she won at the 2012 Olympic Games in London.

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Controversy Erupting Over Chinese Swimming’s New Physical-Fitness Testing Which Determines Finalists

Swimming World Magazine

Apparently, producing a world-class time is not enough for officials of Chinese Swimming. Through the first few days of the Chinese National Championships, several athletes have posted quick performances in the preliminary heats, but then were absent from the final for which they qualified. Why? Officials have implemented a system that calls for athletes to excel in physical-fitness testing, and if athletes do not meet specific levels, they are denied their spot in the final.



乍一看,这里的producing a world-class time,“时间”很突兀,说不通。实际上,指的是比赛的用时,(完成赛跑或竞赛项目的)所用时间,英文解释为“how long sb takes to run a race or complete an event”,解释为“成绩”可能更明了,举个🌰:

Her time for the marathon was just under three hours.



熟词僻义,表示“(运动员,参赛队)取得(成绩),创造(记录)”,英文解释为“(of a player or team) achieve or record (a particular score or result)”举个🌰:

Smith and Lamb posted a century partnership.


preliminary heats

preliminary heats 表示“预赛”;

📍preliminary表示“预备性的;初步的;开始的”,英文解释为“happening before a more important action or event”如:preliminary results/findings/enquiries 初步结果/发现/调查。

📍heat又是熟词僻义,表示“预赛;分组赛”;preliminary 英文解释为“one of a series of races or competitions, the winners of which then compete against each other in the next part of the competition”如:a qualifying heat 资格赛,举个🌰:

She won her heat.



1)表示“(使)具有资格,(使)合格”,英文解释为“to successfully finish a training course so that you are able to do a job; to have or achieve the necessary skills, etc.”举个🌰:

She hopes to qualify (as a teacher) at the end of the year.


🎬电影《合伙人》(The Company Men)中的台词提到:只靠我的薪水我们不可能再成功申请房贷 We're not going to be able to qualify for another house on just my salary.

2)表示“达标;获得参赛资格”,英文解释为“to be of a high enough standard to enter a competition; to defeat another person or team in order to enter or continue in a competition”举个🌰:
He failed to qualify.


表示“擅长;善于;突出”,英文解释为“to be very good at doing sth”举个🌰:

She has always excelled in foreign languages.


📍2019年政府工作报告中就提到:体育健儿在国际大赛上再创佳绩。Chinese athletes excelled themselves in international competitions.

🎬电影《热血警探》(Blue Fury)中的台词提到:Academically excelled in theoretical course work and final year examinations. 在校期间理论课成绩和年终测评均为优,


表示“排名位置”,英文解释为“a position in a competition or an event”,如:two teams battling for top spot 争夺冠军地位的两个队。

According to a report in the Sixth Tone, athletes took part in testing in 10 events prior to the start of the National Champs, with the results of those tests determining whether swimmers would advance beyond the preliminary heats if their times warranted qualification. Among the tests were pullups, bench press, squats and a 30-meter sprint. Already at Nationals, Wang Jianjiahe and Yu Hexin were denied spots in their finals. All Wang did was set an Asian record in the 1500 freestyle (15:45.59), while Yu set a Chinese record in the 50 freestyle (21.79).

根据第六音(Sixth Tone)的报道,运动员在全国冠军赛开始前参加了10项测试,这些测试的结果将决定,如果他们的游泳成绩合格,是否能够在预赛后晋级。其中,测试项目包括引体向上(pullups),卧推(bench press),深蹲(squats)和30米短跑(sprint)。王简嘉禾和余贺新已无缘决赛。王简嘉禾在1500米自由泳预赛中打破了亚洲纪录(15:45.59),而余贺新则在50米自由泳预赛中打破了全国纪录(21.79秒)。

warrant /ˈwɒrənt/

1)表示“使有必要;使…显得必要; 使…显得适当”,英文解释为“to make a particular activity necessary”举个🌰:

It's a relatively simple task that really doesn't warrant a great deal of time being spent on it.


2)表示“担保,保证;许诺”,英文解释为“used to say that you are certain about something”举个🌰:

He's to blame, I'll warrant (you).


🎬电影《美丽心灵》(A Beautiful Mind)中的台词提到:Your record doesn't warrant any placement at all. 你的履历压根不足以保证你能胜任任何职位。


sprint /sprɪnt/表示“短跑比赛;短距离速度竞赛”,英文解释为“a race in which the people taking part run, swim, etc. very fast over a short distance”


📍sprite /spraɪt/表示“(传说中的)小仙子,小精灵,小妖精”(a small creature with magic powers, especially one that likes playing tricks)

bench press

表示“仰卧推举,卧推”,英文解释为“an exercise in which you lie on a bench and lift a heavy weight with both your arms”。

Not surprising, the new rules are not sitting well with the athletes.


sit right/well (with sb)

表示“(某人)可接受;受(某人)欢迎”,英文解释为“to be something that you agree or are pleased with”举个🌰:

Their decision/answer didn't sit well with the Board of Directors.


🎬电影《性本恶》(Inherent Vice)中的台词提到:that don't sit well with me. 我不能接受这样,

“It's not like we're overlooking the importance of physical strength,” Wang told media at Nationals. “I think deciding the top eight based on physical tests is somewhat deficient.”

“体能我们也不是不重视,” 王简嘉禾在赛后接受采访时表示,“这次以体能来定义前八名,还是稍微欠缺一点吧。”


1)表示“缺乏的;缺少的;不足的”,英文解释为“not having enough of sth, especially sth that is essential”如:a diet that is deficient in vitamin A 缺乏维生素A的饮食。

2)表示“有缺点的;有缺陷的”,英文解释为“not good enough”举个🌰:

Deaf people are sometimes treated as being mentally deficient.


📺美剧《越狱》(Prison Break)中的台词提到:I checked my balance on line. It's looking deficient. 看看我银行的帐户 看起来好象不足啊

The physical-fitness testing will be used at future competitions, and has also been adopted in other sports, such as track and field.

体能测试将在今后的比赛中使用,田径(track and field)等其他运动项目也采用了这种方式。

In preliminary action on Monday, Yan Zibei and Liu Xiang put together impressive efforts to lead their respective events. Yan delivered a time of 58.73 to top qualifying in the men's 100 breaststroke while Liu clocked a mark of 24.20 to pave the way in the women's 50 freestyle. Ye Shiwen did not advance to the final of the 400 individual medley, an event she won at the 2012 Olympic Games in London.



clock作动词,表示“用时;达到(某一时间)”,英文解释为“to take a particular time exactly to do or complete something”举个🌰:

He clocked ten seconds in the 100 metres (= he ran it in ten seconds).


medley /ˈmɛdlɪ/

表示“混合泳”,英文解释为“In sports, a medley is a swimming race in which the four main strokes are used one after the other.”









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