

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26


这魔性的舞姿,被称之为“Trump Dance(特朗普舞)”,人们纷纷模仿他的动作,拍摄相关视频,在抖音国际版TikTok上火了。


Donald Trump’s dance moves to ‘Y.M.C.A.’ at rallies spark a hilarious TikTok trend

Miami Herald

The man who loves to work a crowd into a frenzy has started a TikTok trend that’s creating its own buzz on social media.

The Associated Press has called it his “dad dance” but as of late, President Donald Trump has been swinging happily along to the Village People’s “Y.M.C.A.” as the finale at his re-election rallies.

A trend of dancers copying Trump’s dance moves — where he either pumps his fists back and forth “as though he’s on an elliptical trainer,” or jerks his body from side to side, AP says — has taken over the internet.

This new, presidential-sealed trend was inspired by a previous TikTok trend called the “Viva La Vida Swing”, which saw users dancing to a mash-up between Coldplay’s “Viva La Vida” and Savage’s “Swing,” Newsweek reported.

Now, users are posting themselves dancing to to the same song — but they’re doing “the Donald.”

It was TikTok user Julia Keith who started the new trend after posting a video of herself copying Trump’s moves to the Trump dancing video posted by user @crisnate0’s (which subbed out “Y.M.C.A.” with “Viva La Swing”).

A social media trend was born.

Social media users are split on whether the trend’s popularity shows support for Trump or is simply having fun with his dance moves.

Newsweek reported that Ivanka Trump retweeted one of the TikTok videos on Twitter.

The original video of Trump dancing to “Y.M.C.A.” — which was first popular in the late 1970s — was taken at a Pennsylvania rally on Oct. 13, Newsweek reported. Victor Willis, founder of the disco group Village People, asked the president to cease using the tune, as well as “Macho Man” at his rallies.

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Donald Trump’s dance moves to ‘Y.M.C.A.’ at rallies spark a hilarious TikTok trend

Miami Herald

The man who loves to work a crowd into a frenzy has started a TikTok trend that's creating its own buzz on social media.



表示“疯狂,狂热,狂暴”,英文解释为“(an example of) uncontrolled and excited behaviour or emotion that is sometimes violent”,举个🌰:

The audience worked/whipped themselves into a frenzy as they waited for her to come on stage.


📍work yourself into a frenzy / panic / state etc,表示“使自己变得疯狂/恐慌/紧张等”(to make yourself become very nervous, angry etc)举个🌰:

He seemed to be working himself into a rage.



文中频繁出现的一个词。trend作动词,表示“(某一时刻在社交媒体或网站上)被提及最多的词语(主题或名字)”,英文解释为“to be one of the words, subjects, or names that is being mentioned most often on a social media website or a news website at a particular time”,举个🌰:

Within minutes of the incident her name was trending on Weibo.


trend本身也可以直接作名词,原意有“趋势;趋向;倾向;动态;动向;热点”(a general direction in which a situation is changing or developing)。

📍trending hashtags或者说a trending topic,可以指微博上的“#热门话题#”;类似的,Youtube首页上的Trending对应的中文就处理为“时下流行”。


buzz的本义是指“嗡嗡声,蜂鸣声”(a continuous noise like the sound of a bee),还有“闹哄哄;喧闹”(a lot of activity, noise, and excitement)、“兴奋之感,喜悦心情”(a strong feeling of excitement, pleasure, or success, or a similar feeling from drinking alcohol or taking drugs)的含义。

此处buzz,韦氏词典(Merriam-Webster)给出的英文解释为:“speculative or excited talk or attention relating especially to a new or forthcoming product or event”或者是“an instance of such talk or attention”,(引起)关注/热议等,如:their first song created a huge buzz 他们的第一首引起热烈反响。

📍此外,比较常见的一个词buzzword,表示“流行语,热词,时髦用语,流行术语”(a word or phrase from one special area of knowledge that people suddenly think is very important)

The Associated Press has called it his “dad dance” but as of late, President Donald Trump has been swinging happily along to the Village People's “Y.M.C.A.” as the finale at his re-election rallies.

美联社(Associated Press)称这是他的“老爸舞姿”,但最近,唐纳德·特朗普总统在他的竞选集会上,作为压轴节目,一直开心地跟着乡下人乐队(Village People)的歌曲《Y.M.C.A.》摇摆。

dad dance

字面意思就是“老爸舞姿”,一种笨拙、过时或放纵的舞蹈形式,有流行音乐伴奏,通常是中老年男子跳的舞(The making of embarrassing flamboyant dance moves to pop music by middle-aged men.)

as of late


You seem to be quite busy as of late.



作动词,表示“摆动,摇摆,摇晃”,英文解释为“to move easily and without interruption backwards and forwards or from one side to the other, especially from a fixed point, or to cause something or someone to do this”举个🌰:

He walked briskly along swinging his rolled-up umbrella.



表示“(演出的)终场;(音乐的)终曲;(电影的)终章”,英文解释为“The finale of a show, piece of music, or series of shows is the last part of it or the last one of them, especially when this is exciting or impressive.”如:the finale of Shostakovich's Fifth Symphony 肖斯塔克维奇第五交响曲的终曲。


【序曲】 prelude
【票房】the box office
【前情提要】Previously on...

A trend of dancers copying Trump's dance moves — where he either pumps his fists back and forth “as though he's on an elliptical trainer,” or jerks his body from side to side, AP says — has taken over the internet.

美联社说,舞者们模仿特朗普舞蹈动作--他要么来回抽动拳头,“就像在椭圆机(elliptical trainer)上运动一样”,要么左右抽动身体--已经在互联网上掀起了一股风潮。


1)表示“抽送;用泵(或泵样器官等)输送”,英文解释为“To pump a liquid or gas in a particular direction means to force it to flow in that direction using a pump.”举个🌰:

The money raised will be used to dig bore holes to pump water into the dried-up lake.


2)表示“洗胃”,英文解释为“If someone has their stomach pumped, doctors remove the contents of their stomach, for example, because they have swallowed poison or drugs.”举个🌰:

One woman was rushed to the emergency room to have her stomach pumped.


3)表示“上下(或内外)快速摇动;急速摇晃”,英文解释为“to move sth quickly up and down or in and out”举个🌰:

I pumped the handle like crazy.


▲elliptical trainer


表示“(使)猝然一动;猛推;急拉”,英文解释为“to make a short sudden movement, or to cause someone or something to do this”举个🌰:

"What's wrong?" she asked, jerking her head up.


This new, presidential-sealed trend was inspired by a previous TikTok trend called the “Viva La Vida Swing”, which saw users dancing to a mash-up between Coldplay’s “Viva La Vida” and Savage’s “Swing,” Newsweek reported.

据《新闻周刊》(Newsweek)报道,这股总统“冠名”的新潮流是受之前TikTok的一个名为“Viva La Vida Swing”的潮流的启发,用户在酷玩乐队(Coldplay)的《Viva La Vida》和歌手Savage的《Swing》歌曲之间的混搭中跳舞。


表示“(音乐的或视频的)混搭”,英文解释为“a type of recorded music or video that consists of parts of different songs or images that have been combined”。

Now, users are posting themselves dancing to the same song — but they're doing “the Donald.”


It was TikTok user Julia Keith who started the new trend after posting a video of herself copying Trump's moves to the Trump dancing video posted by user @crisnate0's (which subbed out “Y.M.C.A.” with “Viva La Swing”).

此前TikTok用户@crisnate0发布了特朗普跳舞的视频,Julia Keith在发布了自己模仿特朗普动作的视频后,便掀起了这股新风潮。

A social media trend was born.


Social media users are split on whether the trend's popularity shows support for Trump or is simply having fun with his dance moves.


Newsweek reported that Ivanka Trump retweeted one of the TikTok videos on Twitter.

据《新闻周刊》报道,伊万卡·特朗普(Ivanka Trump)在推特上转发了其中一个TikTok视频。


tweet作名词,表示“发布在推特上的信息”,其实指的就是“推文”,英文解释为“a short remark or piece of information published on Twitter”;也可以作动词,指的就是“发推文,发推特”(to publish a short remark or piece of information on Twitter)举个🌰:

He tweeted that he was just about to meet the president.



The original video of Trump dancing to “Y.M.C.A.” — which was first popular in the late 1970s — was taken at a Pennsylvania rally on Oct. 13, Newsweek reported. Victor Willis, founder of the disco group Village People, asked the president to cease using the tune, as well as “Macho Man” at his rallies.

据《新闻周刊》报道,特朗普跳《Y.M.C.A.》(最早流行于上世纪70年代末)的原始视频,是在10月13日宾夕法尼亚州的一次集会上拍摄的。迪斯科组合乡下人(Village People)的创始人维克多·威利斯(Victor Willis)要求总统停止在集会上使用《Y.M.C.A.》以及《Macho Man》两首曲子。


表示“停止,中止”,英文解释为“to stop something”举个🌰:

The company has decided to cease all UK operations after this year.







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