

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26


When will we know the winner of the presidential election? from: ABC7 News Bay Area


US Election 2020: When will we get a result?


After polls close in the US presidential election, it could take days or even weeks to find out if Donald Trump or Joe Biden has won.

In this election, millions more Americans have been voting by post because of coronavirus, meaning a delay in counting all the votes is highly likely.

◉ When do we usually get a US election result?

The result is usually called on the night of election day, which this year is Tuesday 3 November.

Different states stop voting at different times. The first polls close on the East Coast at 19:00 local time (00:00 GMT).

This is followed by a running total of votes as they are reported in each state.

The full count is never completed on election night - but enough votes are usually in to confirm a winner.

A state is "called" by major US media outlets when they believe one candidate has an unbeatable lead.

But at this stage, when most but not all of the votes will have been counted, this is a projection, not the final result.

US presidents are not decided by the national vote, but by winning enough states.

The winner in each state takes a certain number of "electoral votes" based roughly on the size of its population.

To win the White House, 270 electoral votes are needed.

In 2016, the election was called for Donald Trump at about 02:30 EST (07:30 GMT), after victory in Wisconsin put him over the 270.

◉ Why is this year different?

The coronavirus pandemic means more people than ever are voting early, either by post or in person.

Postal votes typically take longer to count as they have to go through more steps to be verified, such as a signature and address check.

Some states, such as Florida and Ohio, allow this process to start weeks before election day, so the votes are ready to be counted.

In these states, it may be possible to call a winner on election night, depending on how close the races are.

But other states, such as Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, don't allow early votes to be processed until polling day.

These states could be crucial - and election officials have said counts could take days.

The way certain states process votes is also likely to skew early counts:

· In states that wait until election day to process postal votes, initial numbers are likely to favour President Trump as more Republicans are expected to vote in person on polling day and these votes will be quicker to count

· In states that process early votes before election day, the initial numbers are expected to favour Mr Biden as more registered Democrats than Republicans have voted early

This is why election officials have warned the early results may not provide the full picture.

There have been delays in other polls this year - the 23 states that had held election contests after mid-March had taken an average of four days to report nearly complete results, a Washington Post analysis found.

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US Election 2020: When will we get a result?


After polls close in the US presidential election, it could take days or even weeks to find out if Donald Trump or Joe Biden has won.

美国总统大选投票结束后,可能需要几天甚至几周的时间才能知道唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)或乔·拜登(Joe Biden)是否已经获胜。


1)作名词,表示“民意测验;民意调查”,英文解释为“A poll is a survey in which people are asked their opinions about something, usually in order to find out how popular something is or what people intend to do in the future.”复数形式polls可以特指“选举投票;计票”(the process of voting at an election; the process of counting the votes),举个🌰:

Polls show that the European treaty has gained support in Denmark. 


2)作动词,表示“对…进行民意调查”,英文解释为“If you are polled on something, you are asked what you think about it as part of a survey.”举个🌰:

More than 2,000 people were polled.


3)作动词,表示“获得…选票”,英文解释为“If a political party or a candidate polls a particular number or percentage of votes, they get that number or percentage of votes in an election.”举个🌰:

The result showed he had polled enough votes to force a second ballot.


In this election, millions more Americans have been voting by post because of coronavirus, meaning a delay in counting all the votes is highly likely.


◉ When do we usually get a US election result? 美国大选结果一般什么时候出?

The result is usually called on the night of election day, which this year is Tuesday 3 November.


Different states stop voting at different times. The first polls close on the East Coast at 19:00 local time (00:00 GMT).


This is followed by a running total of votes as they are reported in each state.


running total

表示“流水式总计;流水账总数;累积总计;总流量;流量总额”,英文解释为“the total number or amount of a list of things that changes as you add or subtract things from the list”。

The full count is never completed on election night - but enough votes are usually in to confirm a winner.


A state is "called" by major US media outlets when they believe one candidate has an unbeatable lead.



outlet/outlets一词经常出现,media outlet / news outlets 都可以表示媒体/新闻机构;

outlet本身表示“商店,商行;销售公司;专卖店;直销店”,英文解释为“An outlet is a shop or organization which sells the goods made by a particular manufacturer or at a discount price, often direct from the manufacturer.”如:a fast-food outlet 快餐店 a retail outlet 零售店,举个🌰:

At the factory outlet you'll find discounted items at up to 75% off regular prices. 



But at this stage, when most but not all of the votes will have been counted, this is a projection, not the final result.



表示“预测;推断;设想”,英文解释为“an estimate or a statement of what figures, amounts, or events will be in the future, or what they were in the past, based on what is happening now”举个🌰:

Sales have exceeded our projections.


US presidents are not decided by the national vote, but by winning enough states.


The winner in each state takes a certain number of "electoral votes" based roughly on the size of its population.

每个州的胜出者都会根据其人口数量大致抽取一定数量的“选举人票”(electoral votes)。

To win the White House, 270 electoral votes are needed.


In 2016, the election was called for Donald Trump at about 02:30 EST (07:30 GMT), after victory in Wisconsin put him over the 270.


◉ Why is this year different? 为什么今年不一样?

The coronavirus pandemic means more people than ever are voting early, either by post or in person.


Postal votes typically take longer to count as they have to go through more steps to be verified, such as a signature and address check.



表示“核实;查对;核准;证明;证实”,英文解释为“to check that sth is true or accurate;to show or say that sth is true or accurate”举个🌰:

We have no way of verifying his story.


Her version of events was verified by neighbours.



常见意思是“签名,署名”,也有“明显特征;鲜明特色;识别标志”的含义,英文解释为“a particular quality that makes sth different from other similar things and makes it easy to recognize”举个🌰:

Bright colours are his signature.




1)表示“(名人的)亲笔签名”,英文解释为“a famous person's signature, especially when sb asks them to write it”举个🌰:

Could I have your autograph?


2)作动词,表示“(在…上)签名”(to sign your name on sth for sb to keep),如:autograph a football 在足球上签名。

Some states, such as Florida and Ohio, allow this process to start weeks before election day, so the votes are ready to be counted.


In these states, it may be possible to call a winner on election night, depending on how close the races are.


But other states, such as Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, don't allow early votes to be processed until polling day.


These states could be crucial - and election officials have said counts could take days.


The way certain states process votes is also likely to skew early counts:



表示“歪曲;曲解;使不公允;影响…的准确性”,英文解释为“to change or influence sth with the result that it is not accurate, fair, normal, etc.”如:to skew the statistics 影响统计数字的准确性。

These last-minute changes have skewed the company's results.


· In states that wait until election day to process postal votes, initial numbers are likely to favour President Trump as more Republicans are expected to vote in person on polling day and these votes will be quicker to count

- 在那些等到选举日才处理邮寄选票的州,初始数字很可能有利于特朗普总统,因为预计更多的共和党人将在投票日亲自投票,而这些选票将更快地被计算出来。

· In states that process early votes before election day, the initial numbers are expected to favour Mr Biden as more registered Democrats than Republicans have voted early

- 在选举日之前处理提前投票的各州,初步数字预计将有利于拜登先生,因为登记的民主党人比共和党人提前投票的人数更多。

This is why election officials have warned the early results may not provide the full picture.


There have been delays in other polls this year - the 23 states that had held election contests after mid-March had taken an average of four days to report nearly complete results, a Washington Post analysis found.

《华盛顿邮报》(Washington Post)分析发现,今年其他民调也出现了延迟--3月中旬以后举行选举角逐的23个州平均需要4天时间才能报告接近完整的结果。







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