

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26



据了解,让这个词成功出圈的是网红博主@蒙淇淇77 的一系列微博内容



Chinese netizens coined the term “Versailles literature” to describe those who post on social media to complain about the tiny imperfection of their apparently wealthy and perfect life, meant to show off. It's possible that these posts are fake and the life of those who posted them is far from perfect.


coin作动词,熟词僻义,表示“创造(新词语)”,英文解释为“to invent a new word or phrase that other people then begin to use”举个🌰:

He coined the term "Learn and Record".

他创造了Learn and Record这一说法。

Versailles, from Louis XIII to the French Revolution



Palace and Park of Versailles - Brief description

UNESCO World Heritage Centre

The Palace of Versailles was the principal residence of the French kings from the time of Louis XIV to Louis XVI. Embellished by several generations of architects, sculptors, decorators and landscape architects, it provided Europe with a model of the ideal royal residence for over a century.

Located in the Île-de-France region, south-west of Paris, privileged place both of residence and the exercise of power of the French monarchy from Louis XIV to Louis XVI, the Palace and Park of Versailles, built and embellished by several generations of architects, sculptors, painters, ornamentalists and landscape artists, represented for Europe for more than a century, the perfect model of a royal residence. The architectural planning and the majestic composition of the landscape form a close symbiosis, serving as a setting for the magnificence of the interior decorations of the apartments.

It includes the zone enclosing the prestigious ensemble of the Palace, the Trianon châteaux and their gardens, as well as a narrow band of land offering the perspective from the extremity of the Grand Canal. It is the result of a century and a half of work commanded by the kings of France and entrusted to its greatest artists.

The strongest imprint has been left by Louis XIV, who started by enlarging the small brick and stone château built by his father, Louis XIII, in 1624. A first addition occurred after 1661 under the direction of Le Vau, in a still strongly italianite style. After 1678, Versailles was once again considerably enlarged and radically modified by Jules Hardouin-Mansart, who successfully introduced a sober, colossal, homogenous and majestic architecture, now inseparable from the memory of the Sun King. The famous Galerie des Glaces, between the Salon de la Guerre and that of the Paix, is the masterpiece of the Neo-classical and typically French style, called Louis XIV. The Orangerie and the Grand Trianon are also the work of Mansart, who was assisted by Robert de Cotte in the construction of the Royal Chapel.

The gardens that complete the Palace, developed during the construction process of the ensemble, were designed by Le Nôtre, creator of the typology of the French-style garden, an open system of axial pathways extending as far as the eye can see and punctuated with flowers and low hedges, flower beds, small streams, large lakes and fountains.

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Palace and Park of Versailles - Brief description

UNESCO World Heritage Centre

The Palace of Versailles was the principal residence of the French kings from the time of Louis XIV to Louis XVI. Embellished by several generations of architects, sculptors, decorators and landscape architects, it provided Europe with a model of the ideal royal residence for over a century.

凡尔赛宫是路易十四(Louis XIV)至路易十六(Louis XVI)时期法国国王的居所。经过数代建筑师、雕刻家、装饰家、园林建筑师的不断改造润色,一个多世纪以来,凡尔赛宫一直是欧洲王室官邸的典范。


表示“装饰,修饰;给…添枝加叶,渲染”,英文解释为“to make something more beautiful or interesting by adding something to it”举个🌰:

The ceiling was embellished with flowers and leaves.


Located in the Île-de-France region, south-west of Paris, privileged place both of residence and the exercise of power of the French monarchy from Louis XIV to Louis XVI, the Palace and Park of Versailles, built and embellished by several generations of architects, sculptors, painters, ornamentalists and landscape artists, represented for Europe for more than a century, the perfect model of a royal residence. The architectural planning and the majestic composition of the landscape form a close symbiosis, serving as a setting for the magnificence of the interior decorations of the apartments.



表示“享有特权的;特许的;受特别优待的”,英文解释为“having a privilege”举个🌰:

She enjoys a very privileged status.


monarchy /ˈmɒnəkɪ/

表示“君主政体,君主制,君主国”,也可以指“王室”,英文解释为“The monarchy is used to refer to the monarch and his or her family.”

majestic /məˈdʒɛstɪk/

表示“雄伟的;壮丽的;威严的”,英文解释为“beautiful, powerful, or causing great admiration and respect”举个🌰:

The majestic scenery will leave you breathless.



symbiosis /ˌsɪmbɪˈəʊsɪs, -baɪ-/ 表示“共生;共生关系”,英文解释为“Symbiosis is a close relationship between two organisms of different kinds which benefits both organisms.”也可以指“(人或机构间的)相互依赖的关系,互依关系”。

It includes the zone enclosing the prestigious ensemble of the Palace, the Trianon châteaux and their gardens, as well as a narrow band of land offering the perspective from the extremity of the Grand Canal. It is the result of a century and a half of work commanded by the kings of France and entrusted to its greatest artists.

它包括著名的皇宫、特里亚农宫城堡(Trianon châteaux)及其园林,以及一片狭长的地带,从大运河的尽头一览无余。这是一个半世纪以来,法国国王要求并委托最伟大的艺术家进行的创作的结果。


表示“把…围起来;围住,包住”,英文解释为“to surround something”举个🌰:

The park that encloses the monument has recently been enlarged.



prestigious /prɛˈstɪdʒəs/表示“有威望的,有声望的,有威信的”,英文解释为“A prestigious institution, job, or activity is respected and admired by people.”举个🌰:

It's one of the best equipped and most prestigious schools in the country.



表示“全体,整体;剧团”,英文解释为“a group of things or people acting or taken together as a whole, especially a group of musicians who regularly play together”。


表示“末端,尽头;(尤指)离中心最远之处”,英文解释为“the furthest point, especially from the centre”举个🌰:

The wood lies on the southern extremity of the estate.



表示“委托,交托,托付”,英文解释为“If you entrust something important to someone or entrust them with it, you make them responsible for looking after it or dealing with it.”举个🌰:

They can be entrusted to solve major national problems.


The strongest imprint has been left by Louis XIV, who started by enlarging the small brick and stone château built by his father, Louis XIII, in 1624. A first addition occurred after 1661 under the direction of Le Vau, in a still strongly italianite style. After 1678, Versailles was once again considerably enlarged and radically modified by Jules Hardouin-Mansart, who successfully introduced a sober, colossal, homogenous and majestic architecture, now inseparable from the memory of the Sun King.

路易十四留下了最深刻的影响,他首先扩大了他父亲路易十三于1624年建造的砖石小城堡。1661年,在建筑师勒沃(Le Vau)的指导下,凡尔赛宫进行了第一次扩建,其风格仍然是浓厚的意大利风格。1678年之后,凡尔赛宫再次由建筑师儒勒·哈杜安·孟萨尔(Jules Hardouin Mansart)对其进行了大规模的扩建和改造,他成功地引入了一种淡素、庞大、同构和雄伟的建筑风格,如今已经与太阳王的记忆密不可分。


原意表示“印记;痕迹”,可以引申为“深刻印象;持久影响”,英文解释为“an occasion when an event or experience becomes fixed in someone's memory or leaves its mark in some way on their appearance”举个🌰:

War has left its imprint on the strained faces of these people.



表示“根本上;彻底地”,英文解释为“completely or extremely”。


colossal /kəˈlɒsəl/ 表示“巨大的,庞大的”,英文解释为“If you describe something as colossal, you are emphasizing that it is very large.”举个🌰:

This whole holiday was a colossal waste of money.



等同于homogeneous,表示“由同类事物(或人)组成的;同类的;相似的”,英文解释为“consisting of parts or people that are similar to each other or are of the same type”如:a homogeneous group/society 由同种族人组成的群体/社会。


📍heterogeneous表示“各种各样的;混杂的”(consisting of parts or things that are very different from each other)。

The famous Galerie des Glaces, between the Salon de la Guerre and that of the Paix, is the masterpiece of the Neo-classical and typically French style, called Louis XIV. The Orangerie and the Grand Trianon are also the work of Mansart, who was assisted by Robert de Cotte in the construction of the Royal Chapel.

著名的镜厅(Galerie des Glaces)在战争厅(Salon de la guerre)和和平厅(Salon de la paix)之间,是新古典主义和典型法国风格的杰作,被称为路易十四(Louis XIV)。橘园(Orangerie)和大特里亚农宫(Grand Trianon)也是孟萨尔的作品,他在建筑师赫伯·德·科特(Robert de Cotte)的帮助下建造了皇家礼拜堂(Royal Chapel)。

The gardens that complete the Palace, developed during the construction process of the ensemble, were designed by Le Nôtre, creator of the typology of the French-style garden, an open system of axial pathways extending as far as the eye can see and punctuated with flowers and low hedges, flower beds, small streams, large lakes and fountains.

法式园林风格的创造者勒诺特(Le Nôtre)设计了完善凡尔赛宫建筑的园林,该园林是在整体建筑过程中开发的,这是一个开放的轴线通道体系,一直延伸到眼睛能看到的地方,点缀着鲜花和低矮的树篱、花坛、小溪、大湖和喷泉。


表示“(不时)被打断”,英文解释为“to be interrupted by something, especially when this is repeated”,此处引申为“装点;点缀”(occur at intervals throughout a place)举个🌰:

The silence was occasionally punctuated by laughter.









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