

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26




借(cèng)此(gè)机(rè)会(diǎn),我们来学习一下纽约时报(The New York Times)6年前的一篇关于表情符号的文章:为什么Emoji符号这么红?

History of the Emoji (from: Apple Explained)


The Emoji Have Won the Battle of Words

The New York Times

It started about six months ago, with a smiley face here and there, a sequence of pictograph red hearts when friends would send baby pictures or a string of blown kisses to say good night. I especially liked the face with a toothy, uncomfortable-looking grimace: “Yikes,” it seemed to say. Perfect for “I’m sorry I’m late!” or “Eek, it’s 1 p.m. and I just woke up.”

Eventually I was replacing words with characters, adding a series of flexing biceps to the encouraging “you can do it!” text. Then one day I spent a full 10 minutes obsessing over the perfect way to say “I’m a writer. I don’t do math” in a message to my accountant: [Girl symbol] (meaning me) + [Pen and paper] (writer) + [calculator] (math) = “?!?!?” Right, it doesn’t sound so complicated. But by finding said emoji, putting them in sequence and spacing them out, I could have typed the statement 17 times. Mid-composition, I got a phone call from a source I had been waiting to talk to. I pressed ignore.

This was emoji chaos; it had to stop.

The roots of smiley faces and emoticons go back to the 1880s, but the story of the emoji, those little pictorial icons on your cellphone, began in Japan in the mid-1990s when it was added as a special feature to a brand of pagers popular with teenagers. It wasn’t until 2008 that a uniform emoji alphabet was created (the idea was to minimize inconsistency across platforms), and Apple adopted it in 2011, adding it to its iOS5 operating system.

But what was once the domain of tech geeks and Honshu tweens has infected the masses. Emoji was crowned as this year’s top-trending word by the Global Language Monitor, and it was added to the Oxford English Dictionary (funny, because it’s a word that describes the concept of not actually using words). There is now a blog, Emojanalysis, that purports to psychoanalyze users’ most frequently used emoji (take a screenshot and send); a beta site, Emoj.li, for the first emoji-only social network (yes, as in only emoji); and the Unicode Consortium, the nonprofit devoted to emoji standardization across platforms, recently said it would add 250 emoji to Apple, Microsoft and Google products. I seriously considered adding an emoji sequence to my résumé this week.

“A guy just asked me out in emoji [wineglass] + [boy-girl faces] + [?],” a friend told me, when I asked if she thought we had reached an emoji tipping point. “We carried on an emoji-only conversation for about 45 minutes.”

According to the website Emojitracker, which uses Twitter to calculate emoji usage, people are averaging 250 to 350 emoji tweets a second. Smiley faces and hearts abound, but there are more complicated sequences, too. There’s emoji as punctuation [excited face], as emphasis [sob], as a replacement for words (“Can’t wait for [palm trees] [sun] [swim]!”) or to replace words altogether. (The accompanying emoji graphic, recently sent by a friend, describes a weekend date that started out well, including a trip to the vineyards of Sonoma County, but then ended with her realization that the relationship would go no further. Hence: a frustrated face symbol.)

There is emoji for when you don’t really know what to say, but don’t want to be rude by not responding [Thumbs up], and for when you just don’t really want to respond at all. “I love emoji because I don’t like to make small talk,” one woman said. There are emoji sequences to express real-life concepts, too. “In the wake of the Hobby Lobby ruling,” said Caroline McCarthy, a start-up consultant, “I created an emoji sequence for ‘vasectomy.’ ” It was: [scissors], [eggplant], [screaming face].

In their short life, emoji managed to find an exceptional cultural range: One Internet wit put out an emoji translation of Beyoncé’s “Drunk in Love,” and an emoji-only version of “Moby Dick,” called “Emoji Dick,” was recently accepted into the Library of Congress. Legal experts have even discussed whether an emoji death threat [gun and face] could be admissible in court. “I’m not sure you can really speak of it as a full-fledged language yet,” said Ben Zimmer, a linguist, “but it does seem to have fascinating combinatorial possibilities. Any sort of symbolic system, when it’s used for communication, is going to develop dialects.”

As with any new medium, there are growing pains. “Even with my glasses on, I can’t see those little things very well,” said Ruth Ann Harnisch, 64, a writer and philanthropist. Emoji also tend to mistranslate when sent between platforms, or they get jumbled if you don’t have the right font. So while a heart may be a heart on your phone, it may end up as a series of glitch squares on Facebook or if you read your email in Chrome. (Conducting interviews about emoji, over multiple platforms, was a comedy of misinterpretations.)

The current emoji package has been criticized as too limited: not enough emoji diversity, and in the height of the summer vacation season, not even a lobster icon (no crabs, either). There’s also a certain subjective quality to the sequences. Depending on whether you think the little face with the teardrop on his forehead is sweating or crying, your friend may have either just been dumped or been to SoulCycle. “I think it’s clear that a rough grammar exists for emoji, or is at least emerging,” said Colin Rothfels, a developer who maintains a Twitter feed, @anagramatron, that collects tweets (and thus emoji) that are anagrams.

The Unicode Consortium, the agency that governs this sort of thing, is in the process of rolling out its new emoji icons — including a hot pepper (hot or spicy) and a man in a business suit levitating (jump). And yet, more options may only exacerbate a problem well known to those fluent in emoji-speak (or at least this person fluent in it): With no standardized keyboard, how are we supposed to sort through all of those options?

It’s enough to make anyone want to [scream face].

- ◆ -



The Emoji Have Won the Battle of Words


The New York Times


It started about six months ago, with a smiley face here and there, a sequence of pictograph red hearts when friends would send baby pictures or a string of blown kisses to say good night. I especially liked the face with a toothy, uncomfortable-looking grimace: “Yikes,” it seemed to say. Perfect for “I'm sorry I'm late!” or “Eek, it's 1 p.m. and I just woke up.”



pictograph /ˈpɪktəˌɡrɑːf/ =pictogram表示“象形图画;象形文字”,英文解释为“A pictogram is a simple drawing that represents something. Pictograms were used as the earliest form of writing.”


grimace /ɡrɪˈmeɪs/ 作动词,表示“ (因疼痛或厌恶而)做鬼脸,做怪相”,英文解释为“to make an expression of pain, strong dislike, etc. in which the face twists in an ugly way”,名词即为“怪相”的含义,举个🌰:

He tried to stand and grimaced with pain.


yikes /ˈjaiks/

表示“(表示惊讶、担忧等)呀”,英文解释为“used to show that you are worried, surprised, or shocked”举个🌰:

I start my new job tomorrow. Yikes!


Eventually I was replacing words with characters, adding a series of flexing biceps to the encouraging “you can do it!” text. Then one day I spent a full 10 minutes obsessing over the perfect way to say “I'm a writer. I don't do math” in a message to my accountant: [Girl symbol] (meaning me) + [Pen and paper] (writer) + [calculator] (math) = “?!?!?” Right, it doesn't sound so complicated. But by finding said emoji, putting them in sequence and spacing them out, I could have typed the statement 17 times. Mid-composition, I got a phone cdall from a source I had been waiting to talk to. I pressed ignore.



flex作动词,表示“屈伸,活动(四肢或肌肉,尤指为准备体力活动)”,英文解释为“to bend, move or stretch an arm or a leg, or contract a muscle, especially in order to prepare for a physical activity”如:to flex your fingers/feet/legs 活动手指/双脚/双腿。

biceps /ˈbaɪsɛps/

表示“耾二头肌”,英文解释为“Your biceps are the large muscles at the front of the upper part of your arms.”


表示“(使)着迷;(使)困扰;(使)牵挂;(使)萦回于心”,英文解释为“If something or someone obsesses you, or if you obsess about something or someone, you think about it, him, or her all the time.”举个🌰:

She used to obsess about her weight.



熟词僻义,表示“上述的,前面提到的”,英文解释为“used before the name of a person or thing you have already mentioned”举个🌰:

The said Tom was seen outside the house on the night of 15 January.


This was emoji chaos; it had to stop.


The roots of smiley faces and emoticons go back to the 1880s, but the story of the emoji, those little pictorial icons on your cellphone, began in Japan in the mid-1990s when it was added as a special feature to a brand of pagers popular with teenagers. It wasn't until 2008 that a uniform emoji alphabet was created (the idea was to minimize inconsistency across platforms), and Apple adopted it in 2011, adding it to its iOS 5 operating system.

这些笑脸与表情符号的根源可以追溯到19世纪80年代,但是你手机里这些emoji符号则发源于20世纪90年代中期的日本,由一个在青少年中非常流行的寻呼机品牌首先用来给自己增加点特色。到2008年才有了统一的emoji“字母表”(用意在于减少各种平台中的不一致),2011年,苹果公司使用了它们,把它们加入到iOS 5操作系统中去。


表示“表情符(短信、电子邮件等中用键盘上的符号组成的图形,用来表示某种情绪)”,英文解释为“an image made up of symbols such as punctuation marks, used in text messages, emails, etc. to express a particular emotion”,指的是emoji之前,更原始的一种表情符号,比如右边这是个张大嘴巴的笑脸:D


现在的00后小伙伴们应该都不知道这是个什么东西了,pager表示“(寻)呼机”,英文解释为“a small device that you carry or wear that moves or makes a noise to tell you that someone wants you to contact them”。

But what was once the domain of tech geeks and Honshu tweens has infected the masses. Emoji was crowned as this year's top-trending word by the Global Language Monitor, and it was added to the Oxford English Dictionary (funny, because it's a word that describes the concept of not actually using words).


There is now a blog, Emojanalysis, that purports to psychoanalyze users' most frequently used emoji (take a screenshot and send); a beta site, Emoj.li, for the first emoji-only social network (yes, as in only emoji); and the Unicode Consortium, the nonprofit devoted to emoji standardization across platforms, recently said it would add 250 emoji to Apple, Microsoft and Google products. I seriously considered adding an emoji sequence to my résumé this week.



purport /pəˈpɔːt/ 表示“自称;标榜;声称”,英文解释为“to claim to be sth or to have done sth, when this may not be true”,如:a book that purports to tell the whole truth 一本声称讲出全部真相的书,举个🌰:

They purport to represent the wishes of the majority of parents at the school.


“A guy just asked me out in emoji [wineglass] + [boy-girl faces] + [?],” a friend told me, when I asked if she thought we had reached an emoji tipping point. “We carried on an emoji-only conversation for about 45 minutes.”


tipping point

表示“临界点,引爆点,爆发点”,英文解释为“the time at which a change or an effect cannot be stopped”举个🌰:

The earth has already passed the tipping point in terms of global warming.


According to the website Emojitracker, which uses Twitter to calculate emoji usage, people are averaging 250 to 350 emoji tweets a second. Smiley faces and hearts abound, but there are more complicated sequences, too. There's emoji as punctuation [excited face], as emphasis [sob], as a replacement for words (“Can't wait for [palm trees][sun][swim]!”) or to replace words altogether. (The accompanying emoji graphic, recently sent by a friend, describes a weekend date that started out well, including a trip to the vineyards of Sonoma County, but then ended with her realization that the relationship would go no further. Hence: a frustrated face symbol.)

Emojitracker网站统计了Twitter上的emoji使用情况,发现在Twitter上,人们平均每秒使用250到350个emoji符号。笑脸和心形符号用得很多,但也有一些更为复杂的序列。人们用emoji作为标点[兴奋的脸],作为强调[哭泣的脸],代替文字(“等不及去[棕榈树]🌴[太阳]🌞[游泳]🏊‍♀️!”)或者用来代替许多文字(文中附上的emoji表情图是一个朋友最近发来的,用来描述周末的约会进展顺利,去了索诺玛郡(Sonoma County)的葡萄园旅行,但后来她发现两人的关系不可能再进一步。于是出现了一张沮丧的脸)。


表示“大量存在;有许多”,英文解释为“to exist in great numbers or quantities”举个🌰:

Stories about his travels abound.



表示“标点符号;标点符号用法”,英文解释为“(the use of) special symbols that you add to writing to separate phrases and sentences to show that something is a question, etc.”

There is emoji for when you don't really know what to say, but don't want to be rude by not responding [Thumbs up], and for when you just don't really want to respond at all. “I love emoji because I don't like to make small talk,” one woman said. There are emoji sequences to express real-life concepts, too. “In the wake of the Hobby Lobby ruling,” said Caroline McCarthy, a start-up consultant, “I created an emoji sequence for ‘vasectomy.’ ” It was: [scissors], [eggplant], [screaming face].

在你不知道该说什么好,但是不做回答又显得太粗鲁的时候,也可以使用emoji符号[大拇指朝上]👍,还有的符号适合你根本不想回答对方的时候。“我喜欢emoji是因为我不喜欢闲聊,”一个女人说。一串emoji符号也可以用来表达真实生活中的概念。“在关于霍比·罗比连锁店(Hobby Lobby)的判决出来之后,”创业顾问卡洛琳·麦卡锡(Caroline McCarthy)说,“我用emoji组成了一个短语,代表‘输精管切除术’。是[剪刀]✂️,[茄子]🍆,[尖叫]😱。”

small talk

表示“闲聊,寒暄”,英文解释为“conversation about things that are not important, often between people who do not know each other well”举个🌰:

I don't enjoy parties where I have to make small talk with complete strangers.



vasectomy /væˈsɛktəmɪ/ 表示“输精管切除术”,英文解释为“A vasectomy is a surgical operation in which the tube that carries sperm to a man's penis is cut, usually as a means of contraception.”

In their short life, emoji managed to find an exceptional cultural range: One Internet wit put out an emoji translation of Beyoncé's “Drunk in Love,” and an emoji-only version of “Moby Dick,” called “Emoji Dick,” was recently accepted into the Library of Congress. Legal experts have even discussed whether an emoji death threat [gun and face] could be admissible in court. “I'm not sure you can really speak of it as a full-fledged language yet,” said Ben Zimmer, a linguist, “but it does seem to have fascinating combinatorial possibilities. Any sort of symbolic system, when it's used for communication, is going to develop dialects.”

在它诞生后的短短时间里,emoji构成了一个独特的文化圈子:一个互联网达人用emoji表情翻译了碧昂斯(Beyoncé)的《醉在爱里》(Drunk in Love),还有emoji版的《白鲸》(Moby Dick)被称为“Emoji Dick”,最近被国会图书馆收藏。法律专家甚至讨论用emoji符号表达的死亡威胁[枪支与脸]😧🔫在法庭上是否可以作为证据。“我不能确定目前是否能将它作为一种成熟的语言,”语言学家本·齐默(Ben Zimmer)说,“但是它的确具有极为迷人的组合能力。任何符号系统被用于交流的时候,都会发展为一种特色语言。”


作名词,表示“(说话的)幽默风趣”,英文解释为“the ability to use words in a clever and humorous way”,也可以指人,“说话风趣的人;才思敏捷说话诙谐的人;机智幽默的人”(a person who is skilled at using words in a clever and humorous way)

📍witty是其形容词形式,表示“说话风趣的;妙趣横生的”,英文解释为“using words in a clever and amusing way.”,如:witty remarks 妙语,举个🌰:

His plays were very good, very witty.



表示“(法庭)容许提出的;可采纳的;可接受的”,英文解释为“considered satisfactory and acceptable in a law court”举个🌰:

The judge ruled that new evidence was admissible.



表示“发展完全的;完全训练过的”,英文解释为“completely developed or trained”举个🌰:

Within months the student had become a full-fledged instructor.


As with any new medium, there are growing pains. “Even with my glasses on, I can't see those little things very well,” said Ruth Ann Harnisch, 64, a writer and philanthropist. Emoji also tend to mistranslate when sent between platforms, or they get jumbled if you don't have the right font. So while a heart may be a heart on your phone, it may end up as a series of glitch squares on Facebook or if you read your email in Chrome. (Conducting interviews about emoji, over multiple platforms, was a comedy of misinterpretations.)

正如任何新媒介一样,emoji也经历着成长的烦恼。“就算戴上眼镜,我也看不清这些小东西,”64岁的作家、慈善家罗斯·安·哈尼斯奇(Ruth Ann Harnisch)说。Emoji在不同平台上可能会导致错误转换,字体不对也有可能导致乱码。在你的手机上可能显示的是一颗心,在Facebook上或者用Chrome浏览器读邮件时,可能就成了一个错误的小方块(我为emoji做采访时,要使用各种平台,简直是一场误读的喜剧)。


表示“使乱堆;使混乱;使杂乱”,英文解释为“to mix things together in a confused or untidy way”举个🌰:

Books, shoes and clothes were jumbled together on the floor.



表示“故障;小毛病;小差错;小故障”,一般是作名词,英文解释为“(of a machine or system) to suffer a sudden fault and fail to work correctly”举个🌰:

The screen glitched.


📍此前,萝莉音主播直播出bug秒变大妈脸?一文中提到乔碧萝直播bug时也用的glitch一词:Fans of a popular Chinese video blogger who called herself "Your Highness Qiao Biluo" have been left stunned after a technical glitch during one of her live-streams revealed her to be a middle-aged woman and not the young glamorous girl they thought her to be.

The current emoji package has been criticized as too limited: not enough emoji diversity, and in the height of the summer vacation season, not even a lobster icon (no crabs, either). There's also a certain subjective quality to the sequences. Depending on whether you think the little face with the teardrop on his forehead is sweating or crying, your friend may have either just been dumped or been to SoulCycle*. “I think it's clear that a rough grammar exists for emoji, or is at least emerging,” said Colin Rothfels, a developer who maintains a Twitter feed, @anagramatron, that collects tweets (and thus emoji) that are anagrams.

人们批评目前emoji的表情包太有限:不够多样化,在暑假的时候,连龙虾和螃蟹的符号都没有。符号的使用也有主观性。你觉得那张脸上带水珠的小脸是代表流汗还是流泪呢?不知道给你发这个表情符的朋友是被人甩了,还是去健身房了。“我想emoji表情符中显然存在一种粗糙的语法,至少这种语法正在形成,”开发者柯林·罗斯菲尔斯(Colin Rothfels)说,他的Twitter账号是@anagramatron,专门收集各种由颠倒字母(也包括emoji表情)顺序而构成的Twitter句子。

*注:SoulCycle is a New York City-based fitness company owned by Equinox Group which offers indoor cycling workout classes.


表示“顶点;高潮;巅峰;(…的)极致(或极端)”,英文解释为“When an activity, situation, or organization is at its height, it is at its most successful, powerful, or intense.”如:the height of fashion 最新潮,时尚的极致,举个🌰:

August is the height of the tourist season.


She was at the height of her career when he first met her.



此处表示“抛弃;甩掉(某人)”的含义,通常是恋人,英文解释为“If you dump someone, you end your relationship with them.”举个🌰:

If he's so awful, why don't you just dump him?



表示“变位词”,由变换某个词或短语的字母顺序而构成的新的词或短语。英文解释为“An anagram is a word or phrase formed by changing the order of the letters in another word or phrase. For example, "triangle" is an anagram of "integral."”举个🌰:"triangle"是"integral"的变位词。

The Unicode Consortium, the agency that governs this sort of thing, is in the process of rolling out its new emoji icons — including a hot pepper (hot or spicy) and a man in a business suit levitating (jump). And yet, more options may only exacerbate a problem well known to those fluent in emoji-speak (or at least this person fluent in it): With no standardized keyboard, how are we supposed to sort through all of those options?



consortium /kənˈsɔːtɪəm/ 表示“(数家公司或银行联合组成的)联营企业;财团,银团”,英文解释为“an organization of several businesses or banks joining together as a group for a shared purpose”。


表示“飘向空中;飘浮”,英文解释为“If someone or something levitates, they appear to rise and float in the air without any support from other people or objects.”举个🌰:

He has claimed he can levitate.



表示“使恶化;使加重”,英文解释为“to make a bad situation worse”举个🌰:

She didn't want to exacerbate the situation.


It's enough to make anyone want to [scream face].









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