

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26

近日,必胜客(Pizza Hut)和重力毯公司(Gravity Blanket)合作推出了一款印有披萨图案的限量款圆形重力毯。据了解,该重力毯大小为72英寸,重达15磅(约6.8kg),售价150美元(约985元)。不过目前已经被抢购一空。

Pizza Hut offers pizza blanket


Pizza Hut's new weighted blanket gives a new meaning to 'comfort food'


If cozying up on the couch and noshing on delicious pizza are two of your favorite hobbies, Pizza Hut has the perfect gift for you this holiday season.

The chain restaurant just released a limited-edition weighted blanket that resembles one of its bestselling menu items, the Original Pan Pizza, and it's pretty epic.

Pizza Hut partnered with Gravity Blanket to create the circular Original Pan Weighted Blanket and spared no detail while designing the tantalizing throw.

One side looks exactly like the bottom of a pizza, complete with lifelike oven marks and grooves in the "dough." The other looks so much like the cheesy pepperoni pizza Pizza Hut customers have enjoyed for over 40 years that it should probably come with a warning label since it's likely to induce major cravings.

The pizza chain, who recently announced that they were closing up to 300 locations, posted a photo of the blanket to Twitter on Wednesday and shared the following caption: "Introducing a pizza that comforts you long after the leftovers are gone."

The lifelike blanket sure does look tempting, but it's definitely Pizza Hut's most expensive pizza yet at a whopping $150. And some social media users weren't ready to drop so much dough on it.

One customer even suggested that the pizza chain have a Black Friday sale on the blanket.

Another witty fan said they'd prefer a stuffed crust blanket instead.

Still, many Pizza Hut customers were excited to hear about the blanket, which weighs 15 pounds and measures 72 inches in diameter.

Others couldn't wait to order the limited edition product, which begins shipping in late December.

According to Gravity Blanket, the Original Pan Weighted Blanket is actually a steal compared to some of its other blankets and is being sold at a 25% discount. And Pizza Hut Chief Marketing Officer George Felix said the partnership between the two brands seemed like a natural fit.

"There's no better way to close out 2020 than eating a Pizza Hut Original Pan Pizza while wrapped in the warmth and comfort of the Original Pan Weighted Blanket," he said. "This partnership with Gravity Blanket was the perfect solution to bring one of our legendary pizzas to life while bringing our fans a little TLC at the same time."

The blankets are constructed with a soft micro-fleece duvet cover that can be tossed in the washing machine. And when you think about it, a $150 price tag is a lot easier to swallow than the $7,100 Neiman Marcus recently charged for a hot dog shaped couch.

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Pizza Hut's new weighted blanket gives a new meaning to 'comfort food'



If cozying up on the couch and noshing on delicious pizza are two of your favorite hobbies, Pizza Hut has the perfect gift for you this holiday season.


cozy up

cozy美式拼写;cosy英式拼写,cozy up 表示“靠近;亲近某人;讨好某人”,英文解释为“to move close to someone for warmth or love;to seek to become intimate or to ingratiate oneself (with someone)”,一般会加to sb. 举个🌰:

I left the room when my sister and her boyfriend started cozying up on the sofa.


nosh /nɒʃ/

表示“吃;进食”,英文解释为“If you nosh, you eat.”举个🌰:

They take in a film or nosh at a restaurant.


The chain restaurant just released a limited-edition weighted blanket that resembles one of its bestselling menu items, the Original Pan Pizza, and it's pretty epic.

这家连锁餐厅刚刚发布了一款限量版的重力毯,它类似于其最畅销的菜单之一--Original Pan披萨,非常棒。


表示“看起来像;显得像;像”,英文解释为“to look like or be similar to another person or thing”举个🌰:

So many hotels resemble each other.



1)表示“具有史诗性质的;史诗般的”,英文解释为“having the features of an epic”,如:an epic film about the Roman Empire 古罗马帝国题材的史诗电影。

2)表示“漫长而艰难的;艰苦卓绝的”,英文解释为“taking place over a long period of time and involving a lot of difficulties”如:an epic journey/struggle 漫长艰难的旅途/艰苦卓绝的斗争。

3)表示“宏大的;壮丽的;给人深刻印象的”,英文解释为“very great and impressive”如:a tragedy of epic proportions 巨大的不幸。

Pizza Hut partnered with Gravity Blanket to create the circular Original Pan Weighted Blanket and spared no detail while designing the tantalizing throw.

必胜客与重力毯公司(Gravity Blanket)合作打造了圆形的Original Pan重力毯,在设计这款诱人的薄毯时,不放过任何细节。

spare no detail

spare表示“不吝惜(时间、金钱)”,英文解释为“to do everything possible to achieve sth or to do sth well without trying to limit the time or money involved”,类似的spare no effort 不遗余力,spare no expense 不惜工本,所以spare no detail可以理解为不放过、不错过任何细节,非常注重细节,🌰:

We will spare no effort to find out who did this.


tantalize /ˈtæntəˌlaɪz/

1)tantalize作动词,表示“(以可望而不可及之物)逗引,招惹,使干着急”,英文解释为“If someone or something tantalizes you, they make you feel hopeful and excited about getting what you want, usually before disappointing you by not letting you have what they appeared to offer.”如:the dreams that have so tantalized them让他们可望而不可及的梦想。

2)tantalizing作形容词,表示“逗引性的;挑逗性的”(Something that is tantalizing causes desire and excitement in you, but is unlikely to provide a way of satisfying that desire.)举个🌰:

A tantalizing aroma of roast beef fills the air.




熟词僻义,表示“(用于沙发等上的)薄毯;(沙发等的)套,罩”,英文解释为“a loose cloth cover that can be thrown over a sofa , etc.”

One side looks exactly like the bottom of a pizza, complete with lifelike oven marks and grooves in the "dough." The other looks so much like the cheesy pepperoni pizza Pizza Hut customers have enjoyed for over 40 years that it should probably come with a warning label since it's likely to induce major cravings.


complete with

相当于including,表示“包括,含有(额外部分或特征)”,英文解释为“including sth as an extra part or feature”举个🌰:

The furniture comes complete with tools and instructions for assembly.


The book, complete with CD, costs ¥24.


🎬电影《飞屋环游记》(Up)中的台词提到:Complete with doggy bath and mechanical canine walker. 装备了狗狗洗澡机和跑步机。


表示“逼真的,惟妙惟肖的”,英文解释为“used to describe something that appears real or very similar to what is real”举个🌰:

A lifelike portrait of his two daughters hung on the wall.



表示“凹槽;沟;槽;辙;纹”,英文解释为“a long, narrow, hollow space cut into a surface”举个🌰:

The window slides along a deep metal groove to open and close.


dough /dəʊ/

1)表示“面团”,英文解释为“Dough is a fairly firm mixture of flour, water, and sometimes also fat and sugar. It can be cooked to make bread or pastry.”举个🌰:

Roll out the dough into one large circle.


2)不可数名词,表示“钱”,一种过时的用法,英文解释为“You can refer to money as dough.”举个🌰:

He worked hard for his dough.




pepperoni /ˌpɛpəˈrəʊnɪ/ 表示“意大利辣香肠”,英文解释为“Pepperoni is a kind of spicy sausage that is often sliced and put on pizzas.”


作动词,此处表示“ 诱发(某种身体反应);引起,导致”,英文解释为“to cause a particular physical condition”,如:a drug-induced coma 药物引起的昏迷,举个🌰:

Patients with eating disorders may use drugs to induce vomiting.



表示“强烈的愿望;渴望;热望”,英文解释为“a strong desire for sth”,如:a craving for chocolate 非常想吃巧克力,举个🌰:

She had a craving for some chocolate.



📍longing:表示“渴望,盼望”,英文解释为“a strong feeling of wanting something or someone”举个🌰:

She felt a longing to throw herself into his arms.


The pizza chain, who recently announced that they were closing up to 300 locations, posted a photo of the blanket to Twitter on Wednesday and shared the following caption: "Introducing a pizza that comforts you long after the leftovers are gone."



表示“剩饭,剩菜 ”,英文解释为“food remaining after a meal”举个🌰:

This recipe can serve four easily, and the leftovers are just as good eaten cold.


The lifelike blanket sure does look tempting, but it's definitely Pizza Hut's most expensive pizza yet at a whopping $150. And some social media users weren't ready to drop so much dough on it.



表示“诱人的”,英文解释为“If something is tempting, it makes you want to do it or have it.举个🌰:

In the end, I turned down her tempting offer of the trip.



whopping /ˈwɒpɪŋ/ 表示“庞大的,巨大的”,英文解释为“If you describe an amount as whopping, you are emphasizing that it is large.”如:a whopping fee 一笔巨额费用,举个🌰:

She won a whopping 91.2 percent yes vote.


One customer even suggested that the pizza chain have a Black Friday sale on the blanket.


Another witty fan said they'd prefer a stuffed crust blanket instead.



作名词,表示“(说话的)幽默风趣”,英文解释为“the ability to use words in a clever and humorous way”,也可以指人,“说话风趣的人;才思敏捷说话诙谐的人;机智幽默的人”(a person who is skilled at using words in a clever and humorous way)

📍witty是其形容词形式,表示“说话风趣的;妙趣横生的”,英文解释为“using words in a clever and amusing way.”,如:witty remarks 妙语,举个🌰:

His plays were very good, very witty.


stuffed crust pizza

芝心披萨 Stuffed crust pizza is pizza with cheese and possibly other toppings added into the crust. The stuffed crust pizza was popularized by Pizza Hut, which debuted this style of pizza in 1995.

Still, many Pizza Hut customers were excited to hear about the blanket, which weighs 15 pounds and measures 72 inches in diameter.



表示“直径”,英文解释为“(the length of) a straight line that reaches from one point on the edge of a round shape or object, through its centre, to a point on the opposite edge”举个🌰:

The diameter measures twice the radius.


Others couldn't wait to order the limited edition product, which begins shipping in late December.


According to Gravity Blanket, the Original Pan Weighted Blanket is actually a steal compared to some of its other blankets and is being sold at a 25% discount. And Pizza Hut Chief Marketing Officer George Felix said the partnership between the two brands seemed like a natural fit.

据重力毯公司(Gravity Blanket)介绍,与其他一些毯子相比,Original Pan重毯其实是很便宜的,而且以25%的折扣出售。而必胜客首席营销官乔治·费利克斯(George Felix)表示,两个品牌之间的合作似乎是天作之合。


熟词僻义,表示“极廉价的物品;低价”,英文解释为“a product that has a very low price, or a price that is much lower than the original cost”举个🌰:

I picked up a new iron in the sale - it was a steal.


"There's no better way to close out 2020 than eating a Pizza Hut Original Pan Pizza while wrapped in the warmth and comfort of the Original Pan Weighted Blanket," he said. "This partnership with Gravity Blanket was the perfect solution to bring one of our legendary pizzas to life while bringing our fans a little TLC at the same time."

“没有什么比一边吃着必胜客Original Pan披萨,一边裹着Original Pan重力毯的温暖和舒适更适合作为2020年的收尾。”他说。“与重力毯公司(Gravity Blanket)的合作是一个完美的解决方案,让我们的传奇比萨之一变得鲜活起来,同时也为我们的粉丝带来一点温暖的爱护和关怀。”


表示“用…包裹;用…覆盖”,英文解释为“to cover someone with a piece of material in order to protect them”举个🌰:

She wrapped the baby in a blanket.



legendary /ˈlɛdʒəndərɪ/ 表示“非常著名的;享有盛名的;传奇的;传说的”,英文解释为“very famous and talked about a lot by people, especially in a way that shows admiration;mentioned in stories from ancient times”,如:a legendary figure 大名鼎鼎/名扬四海的人物。


Tender loving care 的缩写,表示“温暖的爱护和关怀”,英文解释为“tender loving care: kindness, love, and attention”举个🌰:

He'll need a lot of TLC when he gets out of hospital.


The hot dog couch retails for $7,100 at Neiman Marcus.

The blankets are constructed with a soft micro-fleece duvet cover that can be tossed in the washing machine. And when you think about it, a $150 price tag is a lot easier to swallow than the $7,100 Neiman Marcus recently charged for a hot dog shaped couch.

该毯子采用柔软的微绒羽绒被套,可以扔进洗衣机。仔细想想,150美元的价格比尼曼(Neiman Marcus)最近为一个热狗形状的沙发收取的7100美元要容易接受得多。


表示“羊毛状织物;绒头织物短上衣;绒头织物运动衫”,英文解释为“a type of soft warm cloth that feels like sheep's wool; a jacket or sweatshirt that is made from this cloth”。


duvet /ˈduːveɪ/ 表示“羽绒被;蓬松棉被”,英文解释为“a large, soft, flat bag filled with feathers or artificial material used as a covering on a bed”。


表示“扔,掷,抛”,英文解释为“to throw something, especially something light, with a quick gentle movement of your hand”举个🌰:

She crumpled the letter and tossed it into the fire.



原意表示“吞咽,吞下,咽下”,此处意思是“相信;信以为真;轻信;全盘接受”,英文解释为“to accept that sth is true; to believe sth”举个🌰:

I found her excuse very hard to swallow.









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