

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26

@LearnAndRecord 的同名微博,每天都会更新一些英语习语翻译词汇中国特色话语翻译词条故事听力,以及视频听写等等内容供大家学习&记录,帮助大家把刷微博的零碎时间充分利用起来,欢迎各种打卡~


斩获三项大奖 snatch up three trophies;

传记电影biographical film;

周冬雨凭借校园霸凌题材电影《少年的你》捧得最佳女主角奖杯。Zhou Dongyu walked away with the best actress title for her role as a victim of school bullying in "Better Days."

金鸡奖每年举办一次,厦门成为固定举办地。The Golden Roosters will be held annually, with Xiamen becoming its permanent location.

【满洲里2病例是由境外输入引起: 各地加强冷链食品管理】

通过对满洲里市确诊的两例病例进行基因测序,显示其与俄罗斯流行株高度同源. The genetic sequencing on the first two confirmed cases reported in the city showed that their type of the novel coronavirus was highly similar to the strain that spread in Russia.

疫情暴发后,满洲里采取了严格措施来控制疫情蔓延。After the outbreak, Manzhouli has adopted strict measures to control the spread.

其他城市也加强了常规管理,特别是冷链食品的管理,冷链食品被认为是近期天津疫情的病毒源头。Other cities have tightened regular management especially regarding cold-chain food, which has been considered the virus source of the recent outbreak in Tianjin.

北京新发地批发市场已经清理了其所有冷链食品,包括海鲜和冷冻肉。Beijing Xinfadi wholesale market has disposed of all of its cold-chain food including seafood and frozen meat.


忠实粉丝a great fan;

诺贝尔奖获得者迈克尔莱•维特Nobel Laureate Michael Levitt;

各国科学家为抗击疫情作出了重大贡献。Scientists from around the world have made great contributions to the fight against the COVID-19.

实施更加开放包容、互惠共享的国际科技合作战略implement a more open, inclusive and mutually beneficial strategy of international scientific and technological cooperation;

同全球顶尖科学家、国际科技组织合作推进科学事业发展work with top scientists and organizations in promoting scientific development;

在基础科学与应用科学领域in the fields of basic sciences and applied technologies;

前沿科学领域frontline scientific areas;


量子力学quantum physics


核酸检测 nucleic acid testing;

各货运站及货运区域所有人员连夜参与。All personnel working at the airport's cargo terminals and cargo areas underwent nucleic acid tests from Sunday evening to Monday morning.

专业检测人员设置了临时检测区域,现场对人员进行采样。Quarantine workers set up a temporary testing area in an airport parking lot to carry out on-site swab sample collection and testing.

【中国7亿多人摆脱贫困 对世界减贫贡献率超过70%】

11月23日,贵州宣布9个县退出贫困县序列。The last nine impoverished counties, all in southwest China's Guizhou Province, have eliminated absolute poverty, the provincial government announced on November 23.

这意味着全国832个国家级贫困县全部摘帽。This means that all 832 registered poor counties in China have shaken off poverty.

改革开放40多年以来,中国有7亿多人摆脱贫困,我国减贫对世界减贫贡献率超过70%。Over the past 40-plus years of reform and opening up, more than 700 million people in China have been lifted out of poverty, contributing more than 70 percent of the global poverty reduction.

【好消息!国家集中带量采购 心脏支架从1.3万降至700元】

心脏支架coronary stent;

冠心病coronary heart disease;

国家集采降价price cut due to centralized purchasing;

高值医用耗材high-value medical commodities;

与去年相比,相同企业的相同产品平均降价93%. The average price for the same products from the same enterprises has decreased by 93 percent from 2019.

国内产品平均降价92%,进口产品平均降价95%。 The average price reduction for domestically made products is 92 percent, and it is 95 percent for imported products.

深化医疗集中采购改革deepen medical centralized procurement reform;;

医药行业高质量发展high-quality development of pharmaceutical sectors;

基本养老basic elderly care;

基本医疗basic health care;

深化医疗、医保、医药联动改革。Coordinated medical service, medical insurance, and pharmaceutical reforms continued.

分级诊疗 tiered diagnosis and treatment model


马首铜像 Horse-head bronze statue;

十二生肖水钟 a zodiac water clock;

这是第一件流失海外后又回归圆明园的重要文物。 It is the first time that a lost important cultural relic from the Old Summer Palace, or “Yuanmingyuan,” has been returned to its original location after being repatriated from overseas.

由意大利艺术家郎世宁设计,融合了东西方艺术理念。 Designed by Italian artist Giuseppe Castiglione, it is an artistic blend of East and West.

归还流失文物成为国际共识 an international consensus on returning lost cultural relics to their original homes


长征五号遥五运载火箭Long March-5 Y5 carrier rocket;

嫦娥五号月球探测器 lunar probe Chang’e-5;

实现月面自动采样返回bringing lunar samples back to Earth;

“绕、落、回”三步走目标 three-step objectives for lunar exploration, namely “orbiting, landing and sample returning”;

月球背面the far side of the moon;

中继通信relay communication;

载人飞船manned spaceship;

核心舱core module

【一代球王马拉多纳去世 享年60岁 阿根廷全国哀悼三天】

突发心脏骤停去世died of a heart attack;

他曾在1986年率领阿根廷队夺得世界杯。He captained Argentina’s 1986 World Cup-winning team.

可以说,他职业生涯中的高光时刻,是当年在阿根廷队与英格兰队的四分之一决赛中,他用左手将球送进了英格兰队的球门,被称作“上帝之手”。Arguably the most iconic moment of his career—the infamous “Hand of God” goal—came during Argentina’s quarterfinal against England, when he intentionally used his left hand to punch the ball into the net.

阿根廷总统府发布公告,举国哀悼3天。Argentine government declared three days of mourning.


爆红phenomenal popularity;


网友加入狂欢,掀起一场丁真手持“家在四川”的P图大赛。Net users joined the carnival by turning the picture of Tamdrin holding the poster declaring his Sichuan origin an internet meme.

丁真走红背后是地方政府积极推动旅游发展,以助当地人脱贫致富的努力。It sheds light on the efforts that local government and rural officials have made to boost local tourism and fight against poverty.


新冠病毒或自2019年9月已在意大利传播The novel coronavirus may have been circulating in Italy since September 2019;

新冠病毒抗体novel coronavirus antibodies;

假阴性 false negative;

加强病毒溯源和传播机理研究 to strengthen research on the traceability and transmission mechanism of the virus;

分享病毒基因序列to share the genetic sequence of the virus













